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Polar Bears Starving, Turning to Cannibalism

By Marsha WaltonCNN(CNN) -- Summer is over in the northern hemisphere, but it's been another chilling season for researchers who study Arctic sea ice.Disappearance of Arctic ice cover may affect storm systems, storm tracks and crops, according to researchers.1 of 2 "It's definitely a bad report. We did pick up little bit from last year, but this is over 30 percent below what used to be normal," said Walt Meier, a research scientist with the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado.This past summer, the Arctic sea ice dwindled to its second lowest level. Arctic sea ice is usually 1 to 3 meters, or as much as 9 feet thick. It grows during autumn and winter and shrinks in the spring and summer.Scientists have monitored sea ice conditions for about 50 years with the help of satellites. Changes in the past decade have been alarming to climate researchers and oceanographers."It is the second lowest on record. ... If anything, it is reinforcing the long-term trend. We are still losing the ice cover at a rate of 10 percent per decade now, and that is quite an increase from five years ago," Meier said. "We are still heading toward an ice cover that is going to melt completely in the summertime in the Arctic."Arctic ice helps regulate and temper the climate in many other parts of the world. The less ice there is, the more dramatic the impact. Huge sheets of ice reflect solar radiation, keeping our planet cool. When that ice melts, huge expanses of darker, open ocean water absorb the heat instead, warming things up.Although few humans live in the Arctic, the disappearance of this ice cover can have effects far beyond the few residents and the wildlife of this harsh region. Ice cover loss can influence winds and precipitation on other continents, possibly leading to less rain in the western United States and creating more in Europe.So, just how much ice is disappearing?Less than 30 years ago, there would still be 7 million square kilometers or 2.5 million square miles of ice left at the end of an Arctic summer. That's now dropped by almost 40 percent. See how much Arctic sea ice has disappeared »"Seven million square kilometers roughly corresponds to an area of the lower 48 United States. So back in the early 1980s, the lower 48 states would be covered in sea ice in the summer," Meier said. "Now we've essentially lost sea ice east of the Mississippi River and even beyond. So that's a significant amount of area."The best known consequence of disappearing sea ice in the Arctic is the loss of the polar bear habitat."The Arctic sea ice melt is a disaster for the polar bears," according to Kassie Siegel, staff attorney for the Center for Biological Diversity. "They are dependent on the Arctic sea ice for all of their essential behaviors, and as the ice melts and global warming transforms the Arctic, polar bears are starving, drowning, even resorting to cannibalism because they don't have access to their usual food sources."Scientists have noticed increasing reports of starving Arctic polar bears attacking and feeding on one another in recent years. In one documented 2004 incident in northern Alaska, a male bear broke into a female's den and killed her.In May, the U.S. Department of Interior listed the polar bear as a "threatened" species under the Endangered Species Act. In a news release, U.S. Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne stated, "loss of sea ice threatens and will likely continue to threaten polar bear habitat. This loss of habitat puts polar bears at risk of becoming endangered in the foreseeable future, the standard established by the ESA for designating a threatened species."What is the future for Arctic sea ice? Some scientists believe that in just five years, the Arctic may be ice-free during the summer."The Arctic is kind of the early warning system of the climate," Meier said. "It is the canary in the coal mine, and the canary is definitely in trouble."
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This lady makes me fuckin' twitch!! - ...and my friend Iliade sent me this: article - so I'm sharing it...And here's another ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT piece.... article2THIS IS YOUR NATION ON WHITE PRIVILEGESeptember 13, 2008By Tim WiseFor those who still can’t grasp the concept of white privilege, or who are constantly looking for some easy-to-understand examples of it, perhaps this list will help.White privilege is when you can get pregnant at seventeen like Bristol Palin and everyone is quick to insist that your life and that of your family is a personal matter, and that no one has a right to judge you or your parents, because “every family has challenges,” even as black and Latino families with similar “challenges” are regularly typified as irresponsible, pathological and arbiters of social decay.White privilege is when you can call yourself a “fuckin’ redneck,” like Bristol Palin’s boyfriend does, and talk about how if anyone messes with you, you'll “kick their fuckin' ass,” and talk about how you like to “shoot shit” for fun, and still be viewed as a responsible, all-American boy (and a great son-in-law to be) rather than a thug.White privilege is when you can attend four different colleges in six years like Sarah Palin did (one of which you basically failed out of, then returned to after making up some coursework at a community college), and no one questions your intelligence or commitment to achievement, whereas a person of color who did this would be viewed as unfit for college, and probably someone who only got in in the first place because of affirmative action.........--> Continue on"WHEN ATHEISTS ATTCK" by Sam HarrisLet me confess that I was genuinely unnerved by Sarah Palin's performance at the Republican convention. Given her audience and the needs of the moment, I believe Governor Palin's speech was the most effective political communication I have ever witnessed. Here, finally, was a performer who—being maternal, wounded, righteous and sexy—could stride past the frontal cortex of every American and plant a three-inch heel directly on that limbic circuit that ceaselessly intones "God and country." If anyone could make Christian theocracy smell like apple pie, Sarah Palin could. continue reading
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talk to me

so.. i'm a bit tired of everything. my surroundings is completely happy, and i don't seem to be a person who believe they are sinciere. shame on me.i'm just so-so tired of them. i still try to find people i'd be comforted with, but somehow (!!) they all fall in love with me and..boys and girls and boys again.. in love in 3 days of communication with me. how is that possible?that iritated me first and for some time, yeah.. then i just got used, and then i got tired, when it happened try after try..though all i wanted was just to sit with smbd and talk and drink tea and listen to music and talk again or be silenced. simply. that's all. not being in love with that smbd. somehow another people get it wrong, so i was to stop my searchings. it still seems to me unbelievebly hard how others get to know they've found their soulmates? it's not that i haven't felt it, yeah, i have.. it's about time or.. or patience or persistence or .. how do they know ..oh.. nevermind. i just need to talk. so.. let it be here.all weekend i spent in bed. i was not doing well, i guess it was a food poisoning or smth. lot's of tea and internet and reading.on monday i have classes at the music school. i need to study two songs. they are lovely))i'm happy to study music, to study how to breath, how to sing, i'm dissolving in it comletely.) i guess noone really knows how it is important to me. sometimes i catch myself - i could study it entirely if only there where people who could tell me everything they know about it. i'm a grateful listener.)well, it's all about time or patience or laptop is telling me he is going to go to sleep in 32 min. okay.gnightx
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It's Wright's Dissonant Piano Tones that add the hallmark atmosphere to 'Echoes'. I saw this performed live.Plus fact: In 'Us & Them' from Dark Side, "For want of the price of Tea and a Slice the old man died", refers to the death of Roger Water's Father on a WWII battlefield in a firefight after he ran out of bullets, which cost that much to produce.Also this insight into Wright's personal role within the Pink Floyd over their lifetime. REAL PLAYER 1-Hour.Remember A Day... Richard Wright in His Own Words (Click Here)Saturday 11 October.Homepage:
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Too much fastfood today

Eaten too much fastfood today and now im having a stomach ache.Was ramdomly checking out on the net earlier today. There was someone asking "how to get the tickets of radiohead's tour in japan?" (for those of us living in hk). This again reminded me how badly i want to see their live performance.Sooooo hopeing that one day radiohead would have their tour in hk.
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Ya pasó el APW

Y aunque no quiera..... eso ya pasò... ojalá el tiempo solamente se hubiera hecho eterno por 2 horas y poquito....El viernes llegó y amanecí contenta... luego un pequeño paseo a la universidad y despuéeeees... de camino al festival concierto APW... que cosa, el camion fué largo porque además de que no estabamos totalmente seguros de cómo llegar, tuvimos que hacer algunas pausas para esperar que el path llegara y saliera, y que el light train llegara y saliera.... pero no importa! todo valió la pena...Salimos del tren ligero y a caminar... venga! concierto para allá ---> vamos caminando, un largo tramo con un gran sol, y luego cortando el camino por el pasto... se escucha la música... que emoción...unos metros más, un boleto y ahí estoy, oficialmente en APW.... que la música entre a mis oidos, que Radiohead se acerque cada vez más....una carpa con souvenirs... cosas que no me gustan y otras que sí.. varias playeras negras con distintas frases... hay que escoger la que más nos guste, el tamñano que mejor nos quede y por supuesto, el termo que nos ayudará a no usar más botes de plástico...Ahora comenzamos a caminar.. se siente la vibra y en especial nuestra propia vibra, 5 personas dispuestas a pasarla bien... y claro, en un principio éramos 4, pero pronto el destino permitiò que siguieramos 5....Minutos después era hora de comprobar nuestra mayoría de Edad, y mi hermano que no lo deseaba decidió ir a explorar.. los otros 4 nos fuimos a festejar con una rica chela... aún cuando era Budwaiser... y en un lugar cercado...Salimos y queremos comer... comer comer... qué será lo que queremos comer??? un cheesy philly steak esogimos y no se diga, esta muy rico, pero es muy pobre par alos 8 dòlares que pagamos... pero no importa! estamos contentas de estar ahí y queeremos pasarla bien.... unas pocas gotas comienzan a caer...Luego de comer vamos al stage principal... ahi nos espera mi hermano.... y comienza la lluvia, pero preferimos ignorarla... què nos puede hace una simple lluvia si eso es algo tan natural??? asì que resistimos un poco y esta nos pasa... el sol vuelve a salir....Un descanso con música relativamente breve y decidimos que era momento de una cerveza más.... vamos de nuevo........ un buen rato volvemos a pasar.Es hora de regresar al escenario y pronto llegarà el momento en que nos acerquemos para escuchar a Underworld.... que buen rato nos esperaba.....Unos minutos de espera sentados en el pasto... un rato de plática con un vecino.... el momento de pararse llega....Hay que moverse! que buen ritmo.... bailemos... una foto?, venga la foto.... que buena foto salió de eso... graaaacias mateo...Hemos terminado de bailar con underworld y el momento que estaba esperano llegaría.... hay que hacer una estrategia... la que me ayude a acercarme... cuál será?-.. pensaba yo....Unos cuantos minutos y un muchacho, un tanto grande, pasò por mi lado diciendo... "excuse me"... o bien! aplicarìa laaaa sigur ros... yo me voy detrás de él... y sí... un excuse me.. y otro excuse me... cuál es la diferencia?.....Llegué al centro del escenario a unos 4 o 5 metros más adelante que mi puesto anterior... ahí hay que esperar un poco más... el cielo debe cambiar a la noche... el escenario debe estar perfecto.... de mientras... unas fotos, y una foto personal... gracias mujer que me ayudaste con la cámara... esas fotos resultarían lo bastante buenas como para recordar....Entonces comienza... unos 15 pasos comienzan a sonar, unas 5 personas aparecen... no lo puedo creer... lo que por años había deseado... lo que por años había soñado... lo que por años había anhelado..... lo que por años había imaginado.... por fin llegaba a mí.... será que realmente estos pensamientos lo habían hecho llegar a mi???, esto que sentí por tanto tiempo generó ese fruto?.... más feliz no pude estar yo... un sentimiento inmenso apareció... y mis sentimientos no pudieron contenerse.... ahí estaba yo, y ahí estaban ellos.... presentandome lo que tanto había escuchado.... mi ser se manifestó en forma líquida.... no lo `pude contener....Una tras otra... diferentes recuerdos, diferentes sentimiento... diferentes sensaciones... cada uná algo diferente representaba en mí.... que bien me sentía.... ´ y al estar ahí... las canciones pasaban y el tiempo también... no quería que esto terminara y no quería saber cuánto llevabamos... mejor esperar lo mejor..... y sí, así sucedió... fue perfecto.... y con un simple saludo al final.. everything is in the right place.... agitar las manos.... gracias!!.... junto las manos.... unas lágrimas... y todo comienza a desvanecerse....Que buen momento.... algo debe de cambiar, algo debe de indicarme... ahora debo de hacer....Es momento de juntarme con los demás... todos estan satisfechos, estan contentos... hay que descansar un poco.... sigamos el rumbo a nuestro descanso...No fue inmediato, no fue sin chiste.... un paseo extraño por algunas calles de NJ nos acompañó... pero al final... un regreso común escogimos... un regreso que me permitiò seguir saboreando lo que hacía poco acababa de suceder.... que voz, que música....Al día siguiente.... ees sabado....este día mi hermano quiere aprovechar la primer parte del dìa de distinta manera... no lo culpo... el no igual a nosotros, y no tiene el mismo tiempo que nosotros....estamos listos y comenzamos la partida.... vamos a comer antes de cruzar... un buen panini hace compañia a nuestra panza....Llegamos y queremos eesperar.. esperar a encontrar al amigo nacho... quién es?, eso no importa, hay que esperar.... qué sol hace!!, no importa... la sombrilla nos protege....Ahora comenzamos a caminar y él se encuentra ahí.... vamos a beber cerveza... hay que identificarse otra vez... un brazalete nuevo y ahora no solo una diagonal, ahora 2... una cruz morada....Tomamos cerveza, platicamos, y todos estamos relajados.... regresemos al escenario... nos sentamos y escuchas algunos proyectos... son buenos generalmente... pero no los apreciamos lo suficiente tal vez...El amigo nacho tiene una muestra... un regalo para todos... vamos un poco hacia atras.. que es hora de relajarnos.... mujer! si no quieres no... mejor no.... pero claro que sí... una tranquilidad y sensación interesante.... pasó el rato y decidimos comer.... un poco de sombra... sobra junto a la pirámida bicolor... azul y reflejo bicolor... que buen momento, pero yo solo quiero de un raspado de fresa disfrutar....luego de esto ya hay que regresar a la multitud... el momento de kings of leo llega y por lo pronto de Radiohead también... David!! ahí está él... nos ha encontrado.... gracias, ahora estoy tranquila....vamos a buscar un buen lugar!, después de una platamorma hay un espacio... creemos que ese espacio estarìa solo y por lo pronto nos acomodamos.....GRAN error, ese espacio se volverìa a ocupar por los VIpS.... que molestia!, no nos gusta nada... no podemos a ver a nadie.. y mejor, justo al comienzo decidimos cambiar... primero los Vera... y luego los Sanchez.... excuse me, excuse me... no me da gusto pero era necesario...este día, en mi mente daba vueltas... la vuelta de lo que hace 1 año había pasado... no sè por qué con fecha equivocada... pero mi abuela ahí estaba... lo siento pensaba yo... un poco triste....Durante el momento de cambio... no estaba feliz... y canciones sonaban, pero luego a un pequeño lugar llegamos... los 2 estábamos ahí... él veía mejor, pero yo no tanto... así que mejor, entre cada canción, un poco más me movía..... que música señor.... era genial´.... aún cuando ya no estaba bajo el mismo hechizo del día anterior.... no puedo estar mejor...Cada minuto un lugar mejor conseguía, hasta que por fin... un lugar donde sí podía ver a los 5.... gracias... que un buen lugar... a comparación del principio sí conseguí....pasó el tiempo y seguía feliz.. ahí estaban ellos,... pero de pronto.... un silencio.. unos acordes... y exit music estaba ahí... no lo podía acabar de sentir.... algunas lágrimas más salieron de mí.... esa canción,... esa melodía... un alfiler se podía escuchar.... que emociónes flotaban en el aire....unas canciones más.. y la gente seguía feliz.... yo estaba contenta... y algunas sorpresas llegaron... como un planeta telex... que gusto... en fin, como todo lo bueno,.... y como todo lo que tiene un inicio... aún cuando hubiera sido desde un día anterior.... llegó a su fin.... gracias... quisiera haber estado más cerca... pero no lo cambio... que gran experiencia....Todos querían ir hacia atras... pero yo deseaba avanzar... qué podría observar u obtener del escenario?... es hora de acercarme.... un asistente no necesitan? ojalá que sí.... vamos... por fin un set list le lanzan a uno... wow, ojalá fuera mío pero.... al menos una foto conseguí.... alejandro tendría la del día anterior...ahora sí-... me acerco a los demás... creo que un abrazo a david le dí... ojalá a todos le hubiera dado dado uno... en especial a él.... ya esperando irnos... una foto con el escenario... quién la toma?.... gracias... ahora la tenemos en la cámara de él....Caminar y caminar... ahora pasemos al área de postes brillantes y sonoros... estos suenan con tus palmas.... gatos afilando sus garras en un palo... eso me dijo un visitante. Caminar... llegamos a la fiesta.. la pequeña fiesta vip que hay en la entrada.... unas palmeras moradas... algo amarillas.. música que te mueve.... no tenemos mucho tiempo... el camino es largo....Caminamos y tanta gente.... mejor esperamos en la banca... un momento para relajar... veamos a las personas.. veamos a manhatan a lo lejos..... Caminar! vamos a esperar otra vez... un momento de estar sentados en la banqueta... la gente sigue llegando... sigue esperando... un tren, dos trenes... cuándo es nuestro turno?.... ya ha llegado... vámonos....somos felices, vamos a casa.... que a celebrar?, creo que con una buena cena y una buena cerveza será suficiente... vamos al lugar de enfrente... mexicanos americanos.... pizza pizza.... corona corona...estamos cansados... david ya se va... un ride contratado vendrá por él... pero antes... el poste que antes habíamos encontrado... in rainbows... lo encontraba de nuevo en ese lugar... mexicanos... gracias! sin problema lo conseguí.... ahora esperemos fuera de casa... o lo que en ese momento la casa era.... David no te vayas... david muchas grqacias.... llegó el momento del adios....Ahora a dormir, a soñar... que a lo que veníamos ya lo habíamos hecho, y ahora solo era cuestión de terminar...Que festival, que situación.... o más bien... que concierto... un concierto de Radiohead... el que tanto quería...
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Grizzly Bears on the Rebound

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The majestic grizzly bear, once king of the Western wilderness but threatened with extinction for a third of a century, has roared back in Montana.The finding, from a $4.8 million, five-year study of grizzly bear DNA criticized by Republican presidential candidate John McCain as pork barrel spending, could help ease restrictions on oil and gas drilling, logging and other development.Researchers with the U.S. Geological Survey announced Tuesday that there are approximately 765 bears in northwestern Montana. That's the largest population of grizzly bears documented there in more than 30 years, and a sign that the species could be at long last rebounding.The first-ever scientific census shattered earlier estimates that said there were at least 250-350 bears roaming the area. More recent data placed the minimum population at around 563 bears."There has never been any baseline information on population size," said Katherine Kendall, the lead researcher, who said the results speak for themselves. "There has been huge investments of time and money to recover (the grizzly bear) but they don't know whether their actions have been successful."McCain, in stump speeches and in an advertisement earlier this year, erroneously said the study cost $3 million, adding "I don't know if it was a paternity issue or criminal, but it was a waste of money."The study was backed by Montana ranchers, farmers and Republican leaders as a step toward taking the species off the endangered species list. Since 1975, the bear has been threatened in the lower 48 states, a status that bars hunting and restricts any kind of development that could diminish the bear's population."If it is going to remove it from the list, it is money well spent," said former Montana Gov. Judy Martz, a Republican, McCain supporter, and backer of the research. When asked about McCain's stance, Martz said "unless you live among these issues it is pretty hard to understand what is going on."Former Sen. Conrad Burns, the chairman of McCain's campaign in Montana, helped secure the funding. It was paid in part through add-ons to the U.S. Geological Survey budget, and a $1.1 million earmark for the Forest Service in 2004.The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which is in charge of regulating endangered species, is currently reviewing the bears' status in Montana as part of a five-year review required by the Endangered Species Act. The study's results will help biologists determine whether the bear still needs federal protection, a conclusion due out early next year.Chris Servheen, the Grizzly Bear Recovery Coordinator for the service said the study "was an investment in the recovery of an icon of the American West, which is the grizzly bear.""All the things people have been doing are making a difference," he said of the findings. "This gives us some feedback that the bears are doing really well."The second paragraph concerns me. I find it astounding that after all the years of work to restore the bears and ensure their well-being, we'll rush right out and set about destroying their habitat all over again. It is both very sad and extremely ludicrous.
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My pages on the net

Hi to all the radiohead fans on wastecentral...!!!If anyone wants to know me better, I am also here...on : here...on anobii :
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Les enceintes grésillent sur Four Tet - Unspoken, un son suave, pour s'éveiller.Le nez dans le café fumant, le regard perdu dans les profondeurs des vibrations du café, je rêve à un tas de choses.Je rêve, je respire, je rêve, je meurs.Un coeur bien trop fragile, quelques morceaux dispersés, un gros bout de coeur dans la tête, en danger. Le coeur de paille. Une chaleur étouffante, des rayons nocifs, et puis, une chaleur réconfortante parfois. Le soleil de plomb.Pas vraiment besoin de faire un dessin.La fumée de cigarette s'évapore de ma bouche, et je crois me débarasser naïvement d'un flux important d'émotion.Envolée de tabac, effacer toutes ces petites voix. Après tout, pourquoi pas ?Le bonheur éphémère laisse alors place à la mélancolie, la douloureuse, celle qui fait couler les larmes bien trop vite et si facilement.
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my mind works at a slow pace

I realize how slow and how abstract my thoughts are. But that doesn't mean that they are unimportant or less worthy than well-reasoned intellect. Just because I have these vague thoughts, that everything in my eyes is just a different shade of color, I am not less creative. Because this is what defines me, the ambiguous, the floating air. I am this empty, sure, but I am filled with emptiness. Do you understand?Let me explain. I am my living emotions, and my background is white. I think in colors and have a limited fourth grade vocabulary. I don't believe in this physical reality. Life is happening to me and I'm not letting it, thus indirectly defending the opposing side of apathetic death. But there are more gaps to this opposition, more sides to see. I am air.
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mismatched woods

There exists an incomplete owl,making a nest,living in my fucked up consciousness,And its telling me:stop playing cat and mouse.this is not life or how its supposed to be."but I'm that fragile,simply an old soul out to dry," I sigh.but it keeps telling me:stop picking bones, stop pissing stones,start erasing the messes you're drowning in"I have a purpose down here. Though.""Something is pulling my pinky. Though.""There has to be beauty in the deep."but the owl keeps repeating:stop playing cat and mouse.start erasing the messes you're covered in"But there has to be beauty in the deep.""Though. Though. Though. Though.""I can see the edge of the universe, here in the deep.""And sure enough, a force will take me,like that of wind, like that of ocean waves,like that of sand and stone, green blue and grey.""It's drawing me in, like a tornado, and I'm dust.With it, I can shrivel into irregular rust.""This is though. This is though.""There is a life down here, in the deep.Its hidden beneath all this darkness,so let me sleep, let me sleep."and the owl starts to disappear,whispering into my ear:you've gone off the edge of sanityyou've erased yourself're suffering for your suffering.But I close my eyes and get back to my dream,lost between the sounds and sights of the deep, of the deep.
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after years of waiting

finally, the days arrived :)3 days of radiohead!the first HWB date, i listened the soundcheck pretty good, at time and comfy under the shadow of the trees, i meet 2 nicest people on the USA, Raul and Carmen, we had this plascent chat about music, life and of course the band, 5:30 and we got in to the bowl, i got my sit just after the box section, nice view, and after crying of happiness, and enjoy those 25 songs and be amazed with the lights show, i got the chance to be at the after party, almost at the end of it i got this horrible lomography with Phil, yet with my face full of joy ; on the second night i was at the POOL SECTION! *_* there are no words to described it, so near! pff! AMAZING! i didn't care about my friend talking shit with her boyfriend, gosh if you go to a concert please do not talk! as if you were in a bar or something like that! i try to block that part and really enjoy the band playing my favourite songs :) Faust Arp with the Tell me why after was so pretty! and PLANET TELEX! THE BENDS! i still have those tunes on my head, at the end i was like full ot emotions that i didnt talk that much with my friend, i try to get in again to the after but there were no chance, too hard this time and actually they change the venue. so i went to my cousin's house to get some happy sleep.for the Sta. Barbara show, well, it wasn't as good as my first two time at the bowl, i enjoyed of course, but i was too far, the sound at that high it wasn't good, but well i was with one of my best friends :)so 3 it was totally worth it, travel to the United States, now lets hope that Mexico appears on the tour list soon! and hear all those new songs that the banda are talking about! :)
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