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Please don't go

A schizophrenic patient will not allow anyone to touch them; not because they would do them some harm, but because they might electrocute them.

It is inevitable to get electrocuted when you say you want a burger.

Still, you'll never run away from the Coke that's served along with it.

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【complete】video: 2012/04/18 Mexico City

YouTube Playlist

01. Bloom

02. 15 Step

03. Morning Mr. Magpie

04. Staircase

05. The Gloaming

06. I Might Be Wrong

07. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi

08. Pyramid Song

09. Nude

10. Skirting on The Surface

11. Kid A

12. Lotus Flower

13. There There

14. Karma Police

15. Feral

16. Idioteque

17. House Of Cards

18. Separator

19. Reckoner

20. Everything In Its Right Place(Intro: True Love Waits)

21. Give Up the Ghost

22. Exit Music(For A Film)

23. Paranoid Android

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2012/04/18 Mexico City

01. Bloom

02. 15 Step
03. Morning Mr. Magpie
04. Staircase
05. The Gloaming

06. I Might Be Wrong
07. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
08. Pyramid Song

09. Nude
10. Skirting on The Surface
11. Kid A
12. Lotus Flower

13. There There
14. Karma Police
15. Feral
16. Idioteque

17. House Of Cards
18. Separator

19. Reckoner
20. Everything In Its Right Place(Intro: True Love Waits)

21. Give Up the Ghost
22. Exit Music(For A Film)
23. Paranoid Android


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might sounded

Reflections of art, intellectuality and creativity are symbolized in a form of tone order, Music. Would it be the article of arrogance or idealism in the pursuit of harmony or even a brunt from musical stagnancy?

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close your eyes
describe all
existing shadow
introspective soul

see all
black shadow self
be lost
with dark

will not hurt
realize all
stain finish

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I was so pleased with the response I got from this post, when another RH question popped up today, I thought I'd try again...................

My brother came across a video once where Thom introduces Paranoid Android in a "cute, silly, monotone, high-pitched, robotic like voice".  He has been looking for it to show me for a long time.  Anyone have any idea about what he is talking about?  He thinks it comes after Stop Whispering.

(My brother is the person that put this video together, so he researched Stop Whispering quite a bit for a time)

Thanks in advance to anyone reading this, you guys are THE BEST!



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【complete】video: 2012/04/17 Mexico City

YouTube Playlist

01. Bloom

02. 15 Step

03. Airbag

04. Staircase

05. The Gloaming

06. Morning Mr. Magpie

07. Supercollider

08. I Might Be Wrong

09. Nude

10. Reckoner

11. Identikit

12. Little by Little

13. Lotus Flower

14. There There

15. Feral

16. Idioteque

17. You And Whose Army?

18. Kid A

19. Exit Music(For A Film)

20. Paranoid Android

21. Give Up the Ghost

22. Planet Telex

23. Street Spirit[Fade Out]

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Intense volcanic activity in Mexico. Must be due to Radioheads awesomeness.
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2012/04/17 Mexico City

Find more photos like this on w.a.s.t.e. central

(i'm adding new pics all the time)

01. Bloom 

02. 15 Step
03. Airbag
04. Staircase

05. The Gloaming
06. Morning Mr. Magpie
07. Supercollider

08. I Might Be Wrong
09. Nude
10. Reckoner

11. Identikit
12. Little by Little
13. Lotus Flower

14. There There
15. Feral
16. Idioteque

17. You And Whose Army?
18. Kid A

19. Exit Music(For A Film)
20. Paranoid Android

21. Give Up the Ghost
22. Planet Telex
23. Street Spirit[Fade Out]








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I have an old mp3 of Radiohead covering Carly Simon's "Nobody Does it Better", and Thom intros the song by saying, "This is the sexiest song that was ever written"  after playing a GREAT rendition of the song, Thom says, "this is the second sexiest song ever written" and then it cuts off.

It has driven me crazy for years wondering what song he is referring to.  I have no idea of the date of the concert that song was recorded or any details besides the ones I gave.  Does anyone out there know what song comes next??

Just trying to ease my curiosity by appealing to the greatest network of fans anywhere..........



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An oldie but a goodie-slam poetry

Welcome to the popularity contest of the 21st Century!

Written on May 26th, 2005


Welcome to the popularity contest of the 21st Century!


Where she’s a poet, he’s a poet, but he’s a businessman

And they all wear black ties to the grand ball carrying uninterested women in fake plastic glass slippers on their arms.


Ah! Plastics make it all possible!


From the incubator to the day when the thug from the 3rd, over 4th down street breaks into your home for your fake leather wallet and your inflated cash prizes to realize jealousy and to use plastic wrap to cover your always gaping mouth from gasping any further air.


Yes! Welcome to the popularity contest of the 21st Century!


A new millennium of déjà vu and alcoholics, where he’s depressive, she’s on Prozac but I am dating Mary Jane.

All to justify fake sufferings and pity, all to stumble upon blindly, a smelly age-old shuttle bus, where the seated man behind you is the seated woman in front of you because


Plastics make it all possible!


Welcome to the century of crazed weight-loss where weight is spelled w-a-i-t and loss is time lost spent glazing your eyes over magazines such as People or Stars or the Enquirer, with the enquired person pregnant three days by an ET producer whose father came from Mars and whose nephew is half cat.


An age of Viagra, of old geezers getting it on with women who can’t afford birth control but are covered under biased insurance policies for abortion.

An age of make-up magicians who are paid by the pound to accentuate features by smattering thickly every inch in goo those same unhideable features, to form a new, renewed, you.

An age of plaster-faced women without wrinkles or spots, strutting around in 11 inch heels on the backs of eager future wannabe’s who aspire to their height but can only wear 5 inch imposter stilettos which were purchased for $40 at the Payless near you,

Which where made by starving children in China or Indonesia at 2 cents an hour, melting down chemicals to mold into shoes, why?


Because Plastics make it all possible!


Welcome to the popularity contest of the 21st century!


A timeless moment, where his child only knows MasterCard, hers is starved for vegetables, and the adorable doe-eyed girl from down the block is diluted on Riddilin.  In sequence with all of her friends in Kindergarten.

Whose teacher helps distribute pills while taking one of her own, to calm her nerves, to avoid the truth that she can’t handle this job.

She’d rather be in the Bahamas where she’d wear imitation 5 inch heels and cat-walk down the runway for flashing photographers and eager artists whose clothes hang on her like last seasons’ ripped shards.

While puckering her lips which are fuller from the ass-fat pumped into them and pouting at the ceiling for the world, eager to flaunt what they have created, a monster in the closet, a subtle reminder of who we all terrifyingly might become.


Welcome to the popularity contest of the 21st Century!


And she knows this, as she prances off stage to shoot up on heroine to achieve that wonderful, doe-eyed, red-rimmed look in her eye, because

She can’t handle this job.

The job of being a dream, an aspiration, a lofty goal, the opportune picture craved for by men and killed for by women.  The job the makes doctors into artistic miracle-workers, a job dependent on the very same plastics that have made so many other lives possible.  Plastics that finance the world, from the cheap shoes to the $2000 hipbone replacement that allowed your great aunt to walk again, Why?


Because Plastics make it ALL possible!


These same plastics that financed the hip to the shoes have financed the rich suit he wore when he sued McDonald’s for his obesity, the enlarged suit for him made from a knock-off of Donald Trump’s collection in the purest silks and kerchiefs paid for in cash,

That could have been spent on a decent hairpiece. 

Suits of diamond cuff links, so eloquent! 

So fancy! 

So original! 

A sea of slightly darker navy blues in selected grey cuts, distinguished against the slightly lighter navy blues in selected softer grey cuts. 

With a briefcase at his side filled with charts upon charts of the next stock explosion, the next Black Tuesday, the next Martha Stewart scandal!

All to fantasize about get-rich quick schemes so that you can afford more then he or she ever had in the rat race of the century, the rat race of our lives.  To chase after that Benjamin Franklin shaped cheese so that we can all look like each other, so that we may one day win

This unending,


Popularity contest of the 21st Century!


                                                                                                As a result of Rhael Laramy

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Hi guys! 

I bought my concert ticket for the Toronto show back when they first went on sale...but still haven't received my tickets in the mail yet.. Should I be worried? 

Hope someone has the answer! 

Thanks :)

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The Fly.

There is a fly that beats its wings against the window pane,

trying to escape,

trying to escape

into the night.

O be it right.

I can’t sleep anymore,

I can’t fight this sore


to another world.

Beyond this porch,

beyond the flicker of the candle flame.

I try to escape,

I try to escape

in name

but it’s the same

state I remain

waiting for the phone to ring.


There is a fly that beats its wings against the window pane,

Trying to escape,

Trying to escape

I pray

Upon him.

O find the door dear

Its open I swear

just to your back


the window’s a lie

don’t be frightened and cry

out in the night

o be it right.

Outside the window pane

Outside the window pane

There is another world

For us.

For us.

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