LIFE (78)

Just A Ride

It's yet another day. After work, bored, tired and just plainly uninterested in anything. You're there, in your home, just passing time, waiting for the night to arrive, when you lower your wary head into the soft pillow to repeat the routine the next day. Most things seem pointless, even your hobbies are becoming distant to you, subsequently your life is becoming indistinguishable from the mess it has become. On the outside, you seem to live a normal life, on the inside the pressure cooker is about to explode at any minute.

What's at fault here? When you look at it rationally, you quickly discover that nothing is actually wrong. You have a job, you might still go to school, you have a home, you have a partner...but what's with this nagging feeling of unfulfillment which begins slowly, but grows like cancer and invades your thoughts and emotions? 

You're a human being and I know at least we have that in common. And I'm pretty sure that we share another thing, which is passion. It's the fundamental human drive, which pushes us into particular directions and makes us forget about everything else going on around us. That passion differs from person to person; for some it's fishing, or stamp collecting, computer engineering, solving puzzles, dancing, playing an instrument, music, making art, drawing, painting, sculpting, writing, decorating, advising, teaching, photography, promoting, reading, selling, buying, creating, innovating etc etc etc. The list is as long as there are people on this planet, and it's probably even beyond that.

What that passion is for you, only you can tell. Only you can figure that out for yourself... There is no person on this planet Earth who can tell you what makes you tick, what ignites that spark within you, there's no one who can or should tell you what your passion is. It's yours to find, yours to mold, yours to evolve...

So I'm sure by now you are already thinking about that passion in your life, that thing which makes you feel the happiest and fulfilled. So what's the problem, why don't you pursue it fully and completely, why don't you dedicate your life to it?

Many factors; first, for most of these passions, financial stability is not assured. Most of these interests don't bring food on the table or pay the bills. Second, a very common experience, is fear. Fear of not being good enough, of being average, fear of not living up to anything, fear of letting yourself down. Third, the feeling of not having anything new to offer in your particular interest, the feeling of not having anything new to contribute, just being a number even within the field you love most. And last would be the fear that the passion would disappear if it became work, if it became common or everyday.

Fear, fear, fear, fear, fear. You get lost within all the ways it could go wrong. You forget the passion, leave it behind, because there's too many ways for it to go completely sideways and become tragic. You forget it and live with a small hope, that somehow, someday it might happen or that in a parallel universe you're living out your true life. You trade the dream for plastic gadgets, cheap technology, comfortable furniture and a "stable" life. 

But, in reality, what are you doing? What are we doing? All the people we admire, we cherish and look up too the most, are the people who said NO to the fear, and lived out what they felt most strongly for. The truth is that the laziness we feel day to day is not only contributed by our everyday lives, but also from the overwhelming feeling of being pushed down by the monotonous routine we accepted because the route was safer. It was predictable and therefor easier to follow.

But it's the surest ticket to hell. No burning flames, lakes of lava or demons, just the internal hell of living a boring, unfulfilling, monotonous existence which slowly kills you. The life where you are not living, just killing time. And is it worth it? If we lived for a thousand or ten thousand years, then maybe I'd say yes, it's a long time and the stability is worth it, taking it easier and safer is better...maybe I'd say that. But we'll live for another 50 years if we're lucky! And that's a big if. Personally I don't want to wake up one day, with a huge sense of regret because I didn't follow my emotions, my passions and drives, because I saw the stable existence as more beneficial. Maybe that's the third thing we share as humans,...I sure hope we do.

In the end, no matter what you do, you share that passion, no matter what it is. There is nothing sexier on any human being than seeing that person fully entrenched in what they're doing, fully engulfed by the thing they love, seeing them with the sparkle in the eye when they talk about it, discuss it, share it. What world are we leaving for our children if we throw away our dreams? No mother or father wants to see their child unhappy, and the children always follow by example. So if we want to see the change in the world, we have to be the change in the world. The risks are worth it, the uncertainty of it is worth it, the unpredictability of it is worth it. Otherwise we're just pretending. Not even acting, just pretending, trying to fool ourselves. And we can't, not for long...

"If you end up with a boring, miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest, or some guy on television telling you how to do your shit, then you deserve it." - Frank Zappa

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Finally, Tech Blogging Tips That Are Simple,.

The Internet has made big changes as to the ways people can communicate with others. The Internet allows websites and blogs that display content showing peoples' opinions on various topics, letting them build an online following of others. If blogging appeals to you, then read on for some user-friendly tips to creating your own successful online blog.

Do not make too much use of keywords, ads, images or plug-ins on your blog. These things cause search engines to lower your ranking, making your site useless. Write naturally, and make sure that your blog posts are easy to read.

Search engine optimization is just as critical for a blog as it is any web site. The more you understand SEO, the higher your rank in searches, and the more you can increase traffic to your blog. Get the most readers by using the most important keywords as part of your title and all through each article on your website.

Don't stuff your blog posts with keywords and don't overload your blog with Adsense ads, plug-ins or large images. Overusing your tools will cause search engines to mark your website as spam, which will put you behind. Your writing tone should be natural, and the words should flow smoothly.

Include navigation buttons on your blog, so that your readers can reach you through social media. Using LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and other popular social networks will make you much more visible in the blogosphere, as well as improve your profits. These portals give you multiple options to reach out and communicate with your readers and draw more followers in.

Allow your readers to post comments, and respond to them. This will help you to bond with your readers. This is usually one of the most popular and active features of any blog. If you respond to your readers often, they are more likely to make a return visit. People like to feel engaged.

Patience is one of the most important parts of growing your list of readers. It takes everyone some time to develop a loyal readership. Also, there just won't be that much content for readers to look at until your blog has been established for awhile. The bigger and more established your blog gets, the better you can expect your traffic to be.

Learn to utilize bullet lists, and italicized text featuring your keywords. This helps the search engines access your content and highlight the important aspects of your blog which will bring in more readers over time. This piece of advice is quite powerful and can help you in a number of ways.

Use the power of social media to build readership for your blog. The newest trend on the internet is social media. If you don't know what it offers, you're losing out on a lot of potential traffic. In order for your blog to be successful, it is wise to place the content of your blog on Twitter and Facebook.

Break up long blog posts with subheadings to ensure your reader doesn't tire out. Your posts will be more comprehensible and will attract more readers. This simple step can help you elevate your blogging to the next level.

Decide what your goals are before you begin to blog. Are you interested in showing how knowledgeable you are about a particular subject? Maybe you are wanting to make money. Maybe you want to accomplish all of these things. If you cherished this write-up and you would like to get much more data about webcam chat sexy's internet sex chat, kindly pay a visit to It is important to understand those goals and structure your blog accordingly.

Social media sites will help your site attract more visitors. Social media represents the latest online trend, and not availing yourself of its benefits can be costly in terms of potential blog visitors. Placing blog materials on Twitter and Facebook can be extremely helpful.

Follow bloggers that are also in your niche so that you are able to offer a better experience. Other bloggers, in once sense at least, are your competition. This means you need to stay abreast of what they are doing on their sites. Be mindful of the fact that they'll be investigating your blog for mutual reasons.

Advertisements are frequently a big part of blogging, because that is what helps bloggers earn money. Too much advertising should be avoided, though, so as not to drive readers away. They will see the sea of ads and look for sites with a better signal-to-noise ratio.

This information should have you ready to go and get started with your own blog so you can express yourself to the entire world. Remember, there are countless ways to blog. Things change, so make sure you are always looking for new information to use in your blog and you will always succeed.
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it ain't no use to sit and wonder why
it don't matter, anyhow
and it ain't no use to sit and wonder why
if you don't know by now
when your rooster crows at the breaks of dawn
look out your window and I'll be gone
you're the reason I'm traveling on
if i’m not there now physically
i’m always before you
come what may

it ain't no use in turning on your light
that light I never knowed
and it ain't no use in turning on your light
i'm on the dark side of the road
but I wish there was somethin' you would do or say
to try and make me change my mind and stay
just give me more time I hope and pray
i mistake all you say
the seeds of the dandelion you blow away

it ain't no use in calling out my name
like you never done before
it ain't no use in calling out my name
i can't hear you any more
i'm a-thinking and a-wond'rin' walking down the road
i once loved a woman, a child I'm told
i give her my heart but she wanted my soul
you got me into this mess so
you get me out

so long honey 
where I'm bound, I can't tell
goodbye's too good a word 
so I'll just say fare thee well
i ain't saying you treated me unkind
you could have done better but I don't mind
who else do you kiss
with those lips, with those lips
gone with a touch of your hand
If i knew now
what i knew then
these are the rules, these are the rules
and they are cruel





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"Seen from the back of a train

I rode away from your station

They drifted in the air

Like memoirs of old conversations

Spring from a leather case

You opened in the wind

To watch the papers chase each other

Into oblivion" 


yeah, that's right

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she sends me out to the garden to get parsley.  how much i ask.  she takes my hands in hers and forms a little cup with them until they’re just so. this much she replies. she tops the pasta with the little leaves.

i shell a handful of pistachios at her request.  is this enough?  no, more.  after reaching enough, i crush them in a little bag.  she tops the salad with the little shards.

we sit on the deck eating our meal.  drinking the white i’ve purchased.  i don’t know whites so i query her about it.  i’m not discriminating about wine, she tells me. well, except that I don’t drink red.

there are candles. it is a cool summer’s evening.

i fix us a bowl of ice cream for dessert. mint chip. do you like mint chip she asks. i do i reply.

but not as much as Her. it’s Her favorite after all.

And then She’s gone.

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doesn't paper

it doesn't matter

it doesn't matter

here it comes

creeping in 

hovering about

touching down

rising up

do i feel it

not at all

not at all

only outcome

lose both

wanted it on my arm

'say her name'

it doesn't matter 

it doesn't matter

never expectation only hope

they ask

where is the couch

where is the cabinet

i can't tell them

they can't understand

at all

at all

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some days it guts me to know i won't be a father.

some days it guts me that i'll never write another hard rain's gonna fall.

some days it guts me to wonder if.

some days i want to make cocktails for everyone.

some days i wanna do wrong.

some days i don't wanna care.

some days being politic is dreadful.

some days being lonely feels good.

some days being loved hurts.

back to lulu. back to i want another life.

it wears me out.

FIFTY-SIX knows...

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missing in action

missing inaction

what to do what to do

she's a swimmer

diving in

dripping wet

toweling off

she dives in again




she dives in again




the water's cold

are those sharks?

dry land

safe distance

boring boring

play politics

keep quiet

slowly crumble

just missing now

vacant staring

are those sharks?

real or imaginary

doesn't matter


make it matter.


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Philip Selway - A Simple Life

En el dia del cumpleaños del dolape hay q volver a escuchar este disco y desearle un glorioso B-day.

Wis_H you a gLorious day

Philip Selway - A Simple Life

Por encima del tráfico y las peleas,
¿me escuchas?
Estoy justo a un lado de ti.

Mientras las multitudes se desbordan
en una fría, fría noche,
existe un lugar adonde podemos ir,
donde ambos podemos escondernos.

Y peramaneceremos en quietos
sin hacer ningún ruido.
Apagaremos las luces.
Apagaremos las luces.

Y luego nos iremos
y desapareceremos en la noche.
Apagaremos las luces.
Sólo queremos una vida sencilla.
Apagaremos las luces,
por favor, apaga las luces.

Sobre el camino por el que vamos solos,
¿me puedes ver?
Me asusta que te esté perdiendo.

Mientras las multitudes siguen en lo suyo
en la fría, fría noche,
existe un lugar adonde podemos ir,
donde ambos podemos escondernos.

Y peramaneceremos en quietos
sin hacer ningún ruido.
Apagaremos las luces.
Apagaremos las luces.

Y luego nos iremos
y desapareceremos en la noche.
Apagaremos las luces.
Sólo queremos una vida sencilla.
Apagaremos las luces,
por favor, apaga las luces.

Todos los votos que nos hicimos
los volvería a hacer.
Yo te dí mi promesa
y la vida que tenemos es sagrada.

Jamás te mentiría,
no podría mentirte.
Esta noche dejamos todo el ruido atrás.

Apaga las luces,
por favor, apaga las luces.

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