YOUR (2)



The plaid experience of a cat’s ninth life,
concluding nothing: the purple crayon box

was either a blue or red facsimile of my 
uncle’s barn past the dyke, the pond,

the field of dumb flowers, maples 
and crows pecking at the floodgates

above a yellow ditch of limestone
that keeps itself nearly parallel

to the two-headed fence of cattle wire,
which stretches out for this parable;

meanwhile, facing the plaid stain 
of myself among Hieronymus’s

foolish yolk of vox-mouthed louts 
and yodelers; feeling as bogus,

knotted brown and heavy as a stilt-legged dug-

out or dumbbell beneath the matador’s hood.

Oh how is that not sensitive? 
Oh that crooked yellow stump

again (?) I wonder who tripped over the gumball first, 
blazing through the helium warmth–among the catch

weeds and goosegrass. Like a little mustard 
seed or red engine red that couldn’t stop

toking past the pink mouth of the mound that Watt 
stepped off towards his own glassy skull of Gol-

gotha. It happens all the time, whistling for 
an attic’s length of rope; the trigger’s acquittal

of a banjo snaking through its revolving door 
of strychnine: then the kind glass of milk, ending

a cat’s ninth life; that while, towards the crowded sunset, 
you’re still thumbing your nose, on one of god’s donkeys.

 eh_thursday, March 16. y'17

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KAVA is a psychedelic band that formed in Chicago in 2011. We are now split all over the country (California, Colorado and Chicago) but still constantly release new material and tour a handful of times a year.

We decided that we would all meet in Seattle for the Radiohead show and are now looking to perform somewhere. Our music is weird. Over the past few years we have moved away from playing bars and have played communes in SF, art exhibits, live film scores, private parties, etc.

We are looking for nothing other than good people to share our strangeness with.  While we have some psych rock recordings:

when we play these types of events we tend to do more stuff like this:

If you are interested in hosting us for either a pre-Radiohead show or a late night thing after, we would love to join you and provide a live soundtrack and possibly visuals for your party.  Please contact me if interested:

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