cinema (1)

Fête du cinéma

That's the new thing these days : every once in a while, so-called journalists claim on television that the Internet is killing the music / film industry && / || all kinds of values & counterfeits and such idiocies. Especially when the government wants to give the police's rights to sniff the network to private companies. It's getting fucked up in France (country's infrastructures getting old, corruption, control of media, reinforcement of police, nationalism, racism, personnality cult for the head of state...) but IT businness is really on the top of the pile. Maybe because i'm interested. Hum.Well, obviously, the Internet didn't chain me to my chair and stop me from going to a few theatres these past days. For those who don't know, the Fête du cinéma lasts three days (four this year in Lille) and allows you to watch movies for 2€ once you've bought a ticket with a regular price. So the more movies, the cheaper the average price. I managed to watch movies for 3€50 each, which is an honest price I think.I did not watch that many movies - still got work to go to, but hopefully I'm only 97 days from my first holidays since mid March 2007 - but that's more than I did since the beginning of the year. Not because I download, but because the movies I have heard about don't seem to be worth my time.Anyway, let's try and review what I watched :- In Bruges : didn't want to watch this one, beacuse I'm not really fond of the movies Farell plays in. But, hey, it was cheap, so I went. And got a pleasent surprise, the movie is actually good ! Good story, humorous moments, alcôves...And it's about Brugges ! I went there a few times when I was younger ; indeed there's not much to do...a Flamish thing ? Oh, and, yeah, had been a long time since I had last heard an Irish accent... Lovely.- Waltz with Bachir : I went to see this one knowing that I didn't know enough (does that make sense ?). It's about Lebanon and I know next to nothing about the country (except very very few anecdotes about the destruction of this or that village a few summers ago where people I knew at uni had been living). I had heard about the Sabra and Shatila massacre, especially in that IAM song (J'aurais pu croire), but nothing really precise. I was determined though. Ouch. Ignorance hurts. Beautiful moment. Impressive animation work, good choice of colours as well. Seems that animation movies are better and better, and more diversified as well (not that I complain about Miyazaki, I love his movies, but since not that long ago he was the only one who had his movies in French theatres). And, yeah, the narration is great. So I'm gonna look for information about Lebanese wars, and massacres... hmmm, interesting stuff.- 21 : Well.... Don't pay for this one. Don't watch it if you have better stuff to do. Not really good. Didn't match my maths standards. Hardly worth the price I paid. They don't really talk about the theories ! I was interested !! I wanted to feel back at uni, when teachers were talking about all these big stuff with Greek letters I still don't know how to pronounce and cost of functions and ...All that O n² 2^n stuff. So...Pfff. Disappointed. I'll stick to π.- Diary of the Dead : Good laugh on that one. Quite the opposite feeling that I got with Waltz with Bachir, because, this time, I got all the touchstones ! All these links to other movies, to videogames (especially the first Resident Evil with the manor)... But the movie itself was a bit disappointing. We are all blazé of horror movies, aren't we ? There was some cool stuff, sure, but a bit predictable.But maybe that was Romero's point ? We all know horror movies, all has been done already, so, by doing predictable things he might want us to see how indifferent to others' suffering we've become ? Maybe the theatre wasn't the best place to watch the movie, but on a laptop ? And then again, we get the Youtube-like format to access "information" - for the movie is supposed to be reflecting the truth and informing people - to fit in what he condemns in the movie. If so, this is great. But, anyway, made me laugh, so that's good (I needed it).So, the fête du Cinéma was a good vintage as I say... Apart from going out to watch movies instead of watching the Euro football crap with my flatmate, I had a nice time socialising (doesn't happen often). Spoke Spanish with tourists, struggled to find a bar that wasn't closed at 1.00 AM, had a very, very, very nice & refreshing draft Tripel Karmeliet (my favourite beer these days, yum ! ), all of this in pleasant company and under a wonderful summer sky that is gone today. A shame. Tonight will be dedicated to sleep, then.
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