grammar (1)

So you're probably all familiar with the infamous vagabond Thom Yorke, and I'm sure many of you look up to him as a brilliant songwriter and musician.

Now most people would think this is a trivial matter, and I should really be devoting my time to more useful things like finding a cure for cancer, getting involved in charity work or improving my life in any shape or form.

However, as I was casually browsing deadairspace, as you do, I came across this.

'its about time you showed up for work'

This of course was written by Mr Yorke himself. There isn't an apostrophe in sight! Never mind the fact that the full stop seems to be missing. Isn't the 'I' in 'its' supposed to be capitalised?

His singing voice, his song-writing genius... It all counts for nothing. How can we trust the word of a man who can't even use the correct punctuation.

My solution?

Let's all watch reruns of X Factor instead.

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