To the FCC: internet has offered creative artists around the world a platform to share new work and ideas with other like-minded individuals. Artists are typically loners with few examples of community. The internet has changed that for me and many other artists. The internet offers community, collaboration and education for people who may not feel comfortable in a group setting. I have learned and shared a lot of good work in the last five years, this would not have happened if the internet was limited to large companies serving their own agenda.I have been blessed to show my work in places that may not have found small-town me if not for a free and open internet. Here's the giant beach... I'm the grain of sand they found. I have found many gifted visuals from around the world with a laptop and a connection. This gave a shy artist from a small town - Community, that would be unable to contain the many creatives who populate my favorite works. To say the internet has changed my life as a creative would be an understatement. Neutrality celebrates the creative potential of the independent individual... nothing more "American" than that.
This blog entry will be a running series of limited character random word salads. I will update the title number when there is a new entry. I hope to fuel future artistic projects with the proceeds of this experiment in verbalization.03/07/09#01Daylight shavings cut lunatic silhouettes & long shadows from drywall.Bent knee on Russian deconstructivist angles rotate stares at a precipice.3/10#2Wincing at distant giant fingertips, crushing my skull betwixt filthy digits. Freight train shakes blues, broken tracks through grey mist, no matter Pete... pierced ears dog whistle frequency repeat. Adolescent giggles revisited by sighing pedestrian terrapin porn.poor shoe show3/13#3Natl. Pi Day - as in ratio-of-a-circle's-circumference-to-diameter - is tomorrow... because there's always room for pi & circumnavigating triscadekaphobics.3/16#4Contemplating the tender, ephemeral perfection that is Charlie Kaufman's Synecdoche, NY. We should ALL be so ordinarily beautiful, and in this film, we are.
Happy birthday to you, my two favorite fish, your love was always my greatest wish.3/17#5Agrees w/ Jon Stewart when he says to populist-symbolists - "I don't think 'tea-bags for the WH' is really saying what you think it means...3/20#6My stepmother Barbara just passed away of liver failure. In memory, check that box on your driver's license for post-mortem organ donation, and thank you.3/25#7Snowflakes mock restless cherry blossoms and shivering bumblebees.4/1#8I'm considering the lost marketing potential for red-hot cinnamon-flavored chicken lips kissing potion. Poultry pouts partial to sizzling spices. MWAH! April fuels!4/16#9Pink gutter petals, Spring snow sakura drift concrete, Tires smell distance.4/17#10Rotting winter/spring, Aching sweats, frozen air tears. Heavy clouds sigh "Enough"4/24#11wield golden lassoforcing liars to come cleanWonder Woman wins4/28#12Grey matter migraine is the flattened head-cheese meat in a symbol-crash sandwich.
9/28#13lonely is a distance measured in infinite proportions,desperate black hole gravitating the worst possibilities,hope whispers a siren song from the abyss,with tempting empty lover's kiss.
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Posted by pechevino on November 27, 2008 at 3:00pm
Today and everyday I am grateful for good health, family, friends, home, a beautiful day, vision to see it and creativity to interpret what is fleeting for us all. I choose to remember the sound of love and peace that measures the weight of all beings on the silence of the ether. Love deserves a name... today I will call it the sound a tree makes when a knot hole reminder is collected from the pause of a forest trail path and placed in a hiker's pocket. Before the journey continues on, after the evening light curves round the shadowed footprints.
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