past (24)


i must admit things do seem to becoming into focus. or be coming. or in to.
yet. there's seems a death of something too. sure: it's been back there. lurking. ducking round the corner when i look.
something. past.
and that's just what it is. past.
it's hard to say goodbye. hard to see a you drift away.
but there's a new you a-coming.
and maybe. just maybe it's the you you're supposed to be.
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trying not to be a cliche.
trying not to be hypocrite.
trying to be honest.
what is all this?how did this all happen?
what now?
waves of time past crushing my head.
trying not to panic.
trying not to flee.
trying to stay me.

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transversely Kismet

DARK CAVES ARE THE STRUCTURES OF FORESIGHT, hollow and blank. your voice is a beacon in the blackness..... it is all that I can do ..... to follow the form, as i will b-line it to you on the path that I see, from the bellows in my mindI hope it is you that I find, ...... I hope that it is you that I find.but with MY INTENTIONS there are -- painful ghosts of thoughts that VISIT , FROM THE PAST--They've got me going in slow motion IN CAVERNS--that are rock solid and alive, with echos,,,,,Through twists and drops and hallucinations --Through dreams that mean more than either of usto the world, to our children and to timeto my spirit, to this chance, this time.hurried to find the place where the future is clear ,I pray to see you there, My dear
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