rh (12)

Street Spirit (Fade Out)

A quote of one comment on YouTube (the video was "Street Spirit (Fade Out) live @ Glastonbery 2003" and I lost the link). Honestly, I'm crying my heart out listening to this song (figuratively, yeah)

Actually, according to him, this is what he feels while playing THIS SONG, in front of "a crowd" :

"It drains me, and it shakes me, and hurts like hell everytime I play it, looking out at thousands of people cheering and smiling, oblivious to the tragedy of it's meaning, like when you're going to have your dog put down and it's wagging it's tail on the way there. That's what they all look like, and it breaks my heart."

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Lost in Translation

listening to The Doors' Alabama Song I was looking through the Net's dictionaries (the most popular from Russian Internet-resourses is Lingvo.Yandex.ru) when I found this:

Translations of words Johnny, Green, Wood

ooh! It made my day! :D

Well, according to these lists of translations

Johnny means:

  • 1) больничная сорочка с завязкой на спине - a long white shirt that is worn in the hospitals. Has anyone seen "Dr. House" or "Scrubs"? :D or smth like this. It also has strings on the back. (and I imagine that it made from polka-dot fabric, blue on white.)
  • 2) брит. разг. презерватив - in informal British it means condom 
  • 3) = john - having gone through link I learned that it has the meaning toilet except detective or Chinese

Green means not only the color, but inexperienced, immature, fresh, new, naive, youthful. Well, it's not so comical and funny as the previous one.

Wood is used for describing something made from wood (thx, Captain Ovbiously!) but

one item in the list made me cry: шар для кегельбана - a ball to play Kegelbahn, German game almost the same as bowling, howewer balls have no holes to pick it up.

or it means кафедра проповедника, a cathedra (pulpit) of preacher in a chirch
The word Greenwood means just green_wood, deciduous forest, if you want. Nothing special.

After that I began to joke like Petrosyan and to draw pics in Photoshop (just changing original photos of Johny)

(if someone doesn't know who it is - it's famous Russian stand-up comic, famous for his unhumorous stupid jokes in the way of Captain)

So! Into Russian you can translate Johnny Greenwood as (I'll write in Rus and the sense of it in Eng) :

  • Мистер Презерватив Зеленое Дерево - Mr. Condom Green Tree (or Презерватив Зеленый Лес, almost the same in English)
  • Мистер Презерватив Зеленый Шар Для Кегельбана - Mr. Condom Green Ball for playing Kegelbahn :D
  • and the longest I think: Мистер Больничая Рубашка С Завязками На Спине Неопытный Шар Для Кегельбана - Mr. Long White Shirt With Strings On The Back Worn In The Hospitals Inexperienced Ball To Play Kegelbahn. oh fuck!

and other combinations. I painted the photo of Greenwood playing guitar in one concert illustrating the last sentence but changed inexperienced just to green (color) 'cause I don't know how to show this word in the picture :D see it: link. I decided not to draw a condom because it is not politically correct, yep. :D

I also checked meaning of Thom but found only Tom - an ordinary man or a male of an animal. Nothing out of the way. because we cannot name our dear Thom - An Ordinary Man From Yorke :D because he isn't ordinary, really.

oh, fuck. :D You bastards, you see how we learn English in the classes :D




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current music in this fuckin' head

please forget the words that I just blurted out
it wasn't me it was my strange and creeping doubt

it keeps rattling my cage
and there's nothing in this world
will keep it down

even though I might
even thought I try
I can't

so many things that keep
that keep me underground
so many words that I
that I can never find

if you give up on me now
I'll be gutted like I've never been before

even though I might
even thought I try
I can't

if you give up on me now
I'll be gutted like I've never been before.

even though I might
even thought I try
I can't

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Апгрейд спешал № 1/ 2010

Да-да, тут снова есть упоминание о РХ. В обзоре лучших альбомов года. Хотя альбома они и не выпускали. В небольшой рецензии на диcк ONLY REVOLUTIONS британской группы Biffy Clyro:"Назвав Biffy Clyro "возможно, лучшей группой Великобритании", журнал NME, конечно, погорячился - Radiohead-то пока живы и никуда не переехали".Ещё не дочитала весь номер. Возможно, откопаю что-то ещё.
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Наглотавшись музыки, больше её не хочешь. Никакой. Ничего. Не слушать. Тишина. Только если разве голос БГ. Просто голос, без пения.Это может продолжаться неделю, вторую, месяц, второй, третий. Про РХ и слышать не хочешь, не то, что смотреть на них.И обязательно приходит момент, когда снова тянешься только к ним. А больше ничего не нужно. Снова понимаешь, что только они.Так было неоднократно. И так снова.
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"Лучшие компьютерные игры" 12' 2009:" ... если в голосовом чате какой-нибудь высоколобый эстет нагоняет тоску нетленками Radiohead... " (Team Fortress 2)Зануда, но хороший парень - вот характеристика, данная ТЙ БГ в пресс-конференции последнего в Уфе.
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