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Money makes the world go round.

So i have been saving a secret £200 away to buy US tour tickets to Seattle and Vancouver, and then i went and won tickets to the London BBC gigs last week. spent most of my tour money on doing that at short notice and now they go and release the tickets!Time to get the credit card limit pushed even further into the black!
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no title

cannot tell water from champagne i am weasel now wash your hands stoatally different weaselly recognised i want the moon on a stick green-eyed girl hello Sailor millions of geoffrey the weasel cannot tell water from champagne² cannot tell nouns from adjectives cannot tell weasels from ferrets cannot tell water from champagne³ cannot tell the internet from reality carys the gerbil-slayer cannot tell sense from idiocy Jubal Harshaw muchos nachos fist of fun bring on the retards carys hummina hummina PANTS OF STEEL boiled cheese i am weevil many other usernames you're a long time dead hey FAQ you i did a pygmy guess who no need to be nervous dancing jigs is gay ctwfc no shit, sherlock i've noticed you're a crack-whore cannot tell work from slacking smells like bricks marmite the pink windmill a jam-loving badger with a gun confusion the waitress ¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡! here comes the night no-one likes a dumbass carys needs a new username scary scary blue canary weasel smoking crack i am scoundrel Hardington Mandeville goat porn couldn't carry a tune in a bucket BOOM! BOOM! i am weasel in a bad mood go away all you fools Bah, humbug FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! chip pan fire lobster karaoke Dr. Teeth Mustela nivalis sum cannot tell piss from gala champagne in it for the rainbows good god, you're crazy apparently, i have too many names carys is a girl, god damn it !¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡ King Rollo fuck the fuck off you fucking fuck you, sir, are a big crab cannot tell ken from chris de burgh badger meinhof swedish bisexual nympho gymnastic team with a big steam horn eNormouS cOCK in 1 wEEk i am not jim strangers at the door mwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmw depraved and corrupt just plain wrong looks like a mangy hound a big mouse sniffing your ass frog chief I AM THE LAW pseudofruit iron mary vane older women are the future David Watts a buttload of penguins a buttload of penis cruel fate, why do you mock me? a fish is not a vegetable Wile E Coyote i know why the minotaur cries jim the dwarf mute ant spoonhands
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I love my new guitar very muchIt's b e a u t i f u l!Anyway, bloggedy bloggedy bloo blahIf anyone reads this let me knowthere's a new track up on now i'm meant to be doing some work but i am procrastinating like a champion!'s weird cos i've got other blogs elsewhere amongst the internet undergrowth but i've lost the password to one of them and the ones i do on myspace are normally music yeh, maybe this'll give a relatively decent insight into how amazing my life really is...I'll post when something amazing happens from now onhow does that sound?Lots of loveThom Thumb
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From Someone who means nothing

Good evening everyone,There are just a few things I wanted to share with whoever decides to read this before I go to bed.Today was a crappy day. It started off well, then just kinda went downhill. For no good reason either. I just went from being chill, to kinda depressed, to downright angry. All unprovoked, and all making no sense to me. By the time I was in the car heading home, I hated the world, and everyone in it. It wasn't a pleasant feeling.So I dealt with it in the way any full-time-working-nineteen-year-old would. I took a nap.The nap resolved none of my problems, but I sure felt better.Here are just a few of the things that were floating around in my mind that got me mad.First off, sunday afternoon, I had quite a pleasant conversation with my ex. Whenever I have a nice conversation with her, it really sucks, because it makes me miss her more than I already do. It makes me wish things were different. Much different.I still worry about her, and I hope she's staying out of trouble. For the record, I don't hate her whatsoever, and I actually wish her the best. Sometimes I wish her best was me, but that's just selfish I suppose.Next in the list is how whinny some people can be. I just felt like today was whining day because a lot of people were doing it. That kind of irritated me. But whatever. That's not really all too important.Next is just people that I've lost contact with for no good reason, yet neither of us make any effort to try to catch up, or to mend a broken friendship, or even just say hi. I miss a lot of people that haven't gone anywhere. Chances are, if I haven't talked to you in a while, I miss you. And even if I have talked to you, I still probably miss you.Lastly is my newest growing relationship. It really sucks to like someone, and yet, not be able to commit or feel any particular attachment. It's probably one of the weirdest feeling I've felt in my life thus far. To be able to care about someone so much, but always holding them at arm's length so you don't get hurt....again. Man, I tell you. I've been hurt a lot, and it's really affecting the way I look at relationships. I can't even like someone the right way anymore. Anyway, I really hope that gets better.And last, (I know I already said last, but this just came to my mind) I'm so fucking lonely. I don't know why. I have no good reason to be, yet I am. I feel lost, and anxious, but most of all, just alone. I really hope that resolves soon, because it's really starting to wear on me.well, that's the ramblings of an insomniac.goodnight everyone,-trevor
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전공과목 시험 하나 끝. 2, 3주 뒤에 한 차례가 더 있다.내일은 과제. 하나는 한 달 뒤 제출이지만 당장 써두어야 하고, 다른 하나는 월요일에 냈어야 했는데 깜빡한 것이다. 어쨌든 내일은 과제를 해야 한다.목련은 이제 한풀 꺾이기 직전의 절정을 맞이했고 그새 벚꽃은 만개했더라....
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List of Demands

the Saul Williams song in the Nike commercial just might be the hottest song I've heard in ages - a sonic buzz saw, very cooldoes anyone have any details on Boston dates for the Radiohead tour? hopefully they'll play suffolk downs again - great location. outdoors, under the stars, planes taking off behind the stage - great show.
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wooo ya anunciaron las fechas para el sur de california, y el pre-sale tambien, viene una buena desvelada para conseguir tix, chula vista primero y luego si alcanza a uno de los angeles o tal vez los dos, a ver que dice la cartera *hace changuitos*
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el comeinzo????

tendre fuelle y vencere mi pereza , y tendre el tiempo ......y las ganas de escribir un blog como dios manda.........humm entereze en el prox. capitulo que derepente demora mucho en llegar.... tu sabes la huelga de guionistas afecta tambien al Perú y balnearios..
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El primer blog que hago aqui.Bueno si alguien quiere ver fotos feas y poesia pelotus entren aqui quieren añadirme en el mssenger: tengan una buena vida!!!!!AGUANTE NÁMASTEI!!!!!!
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a lot of words...

Once upon a time, there was this 12 and 10 years old girls (my sister and I), we were watching tv, we used to love the only channel where videos were programmed, and it was not mtv, some local channel named canal 6 well, "Stop Whispering" it was sometimes on air, and iwas always in shock when i was watching the video, it was kind of magical, i still don't know why but seeing Thom singing with all his soul, and that men in the bee catcher that for some reason i always thought it was filmed in space, and there were a collapse and suddenly everything looked destroyed, that was my first close encounter with the band, then a few months, i was in my aunt's house and my cousin who is older than me, he always had this music fanatism and he's dad always bought him the records he wanted! so one day i was just taking a look, and there it was PABLO HONEY (UK edition) i ask him if i could take it home and listening and he say yes! i never returned back! hehe but like 5 years ago he told well is yours! then! i in the same year RADIOHEAD playing in my city?! i couldn't believe it! but, were the concert was only for 18+ older because of the alcohol selling, so i didn't go, i wasn't allowed, my brother and cousin they didn't want to go so i cry like a little baby and since that everytime i have a chance to see you play live, something happens!!! ALWAYS!there was the time, 2 years ago, Gabi from Radiohead Latinoamerica asked me if i wanted to go to the May concerts in Europe but i couldn't i just started a job, my first one, and i couldn't go...but suddenly i was in París yeaah!!! and two weeks after Radiohead will be playing at Rock en Siene!, i was pick to work along Absolut and Lomography to do this lovely thing called ABSOLUT LOMO so i did my best i try to get tickets, and if i could get them i could stay longer and then come back to Mexico, but no! because it was a festival, there were not such a possibility so once again it was SOLD OUT! NO! RADIOHEADlast year i went to London, for the Lomography World Congress, but i decided to stay longer and then what happened OCTOBER 10th,IN RAINBOWS! i was so happy!!! the first thing i thought was THEY FOR SURE ARE GOING TO PLAY!! YEAAAAH! but no!!! until May was the first and official date gosh!!, is so frustrating! and then Radiohead appears in winter December in those lovely webcasts, then free presentantions 93 feet East tragedy as i mentioned earlier...BBC pfffff!!!!so here i am after 14 years a frustrated 26 years old woman, who cannot see live hers favourite band, in the whole world even if when she tries really hard, but hopefully i dont care if i wast thousands of tons of CO2 too see them, they are not coming back to México, well i have to go, August 24 & 25 will beAMEN!:D
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on the subject of "Bangers and mash" #2

The bangers and mash live session video appeared sometime "last night" and I saw it this morning. Bangers and mash was a real favorite of mine and many others from the moment it appeared.... partly due to the name which refers to a hot meal. It's kind of a jazz-music name.... like referring the feel of the song as its title. The recording of bangers n mash published on the In Rainbows disc and record set had a lot of mutations from the original whilst keeping most of the lyrics written for the initial live performances of bangers n mash. The original live versions had overdriven guitars which sounded like the studio and most live Bodysnatchers do today, or how the song "Feeling pulled apart" sounded in a live performance from 2001.Surely can't be beat.But this new one has more detail and more breathing room. It reminds me of Sonic Youth 's "dirty" from 1992. Moreso this live version than the studio one (which has more synth sounds than "dirty"). and thom doing the vocal "moans" during the slow part. A song called "Swimsuit issue" from "dirty" has this kind of feel. The second verse has a completely new guitar part, i just realized. the range of the bangers and mash riff for jonny seems to have been extended fivefold, but i feel that the new ideas are quite fitting; if you're playing one of five parts in a band and you come up with something that seems even better than before then go for it . : ) the cymbals work by phil s. is exemplary --- he makes it sound like there are three drummers instead of two : )
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Ólöf Arnalds

Hello Radiohead loving friend.Correct me if I'm wrong but I have a sneaking suspicion you like music and therefore I've uploaded this CD that was released last year here in Iceland.

It's called Við og Við and it's by an Icelandic singer called Ólöf Arnalds

This is her.Her music is folkish and has an ancient sound to it, but what makes her music really special is her voice.All her songs are in Icelandic.I'm sure you'll think she's wonderful. Her music can't be bought in many places so here's a download link to her album:, some videos,Klara, off the album:Some more songs from when she played in a record store during the Iceland Airwaves festival:
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Danny Boy

I like to try my hand at poetry, here is my latest effort:Danny BoyDanny boy met the man,Crash course for disaster,Fired up, snow white tan,Whacked up, faster and faster.Danny boy died a pauper’s death,Friends deserted, family unknown,Wasted life on crystal meth,Sufferings set the tone.Danny boy, oh Danny Boy,Lovers and fools rejoice,Come together, share the joy,One more lost, one less voice.Danny boy, I shed a tear,One more lost, one less voice,Death looms, for you I fearCrystal meth, your wicked choice.
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