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001: The Deeper I Go, The Darker It Gets

I'm addicted to blogs.Reading them. Writing them. I'm always wondering what people are thinking.What are they not thinking?I have a few different blogs laying around. I'm pretty lazy. This is the first one in a long time.I was sick all week. I'm very restless. It's rainy here in Philadelphia. I want to ride my bike.I have been overwhelmed with tons of music lately. Making me panic a little.I'm always interested in what people are listening to. Please pass on any recommendations or favorites.Please share.Alright. Time for rest.Talk to you soon
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*Our Radiohead remix of Nude is coming VERY soon; you'll be able to vote for it from this page !*We have a new track, ’BFF’ on our player now. It’s a bit harder, louder but we really like it. May be a bit too hard for our next album, so we may leave it off and just release it as a single.*Our 2CD, 23 track, 2hr.+ debut album/remix album ’After Dark/Blueprints’ on sale from our website: for just $6!!!! Buy! Buy! Buy! It’s a steal.*Our cover of ’The Desperate Things You Made Me Do’ is free to download on ’21 Love Songs: a Tribute to the Magnetic Fields’, a free downloadable album of MF covers, available here:*We now have ’After Dark’, ’Blueprints’, ’Twilights’ and Matthew Mercer’s 2 solo EPs ’Meanwhile’ & ’Meantime’ available to purchase on MP3 stores, if you’re an Amazon junkie. The link to Microfilm is here: can get to Matthew Mercer’s EPs here:
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In Rainbows, after a break

Some RH fan I am. After listening to IR three or four times shortly after it was available for download, I've probably only listened to it maybe two times since. The last was probably in February!Just a few days ago, I put it in my CD player and listened to it again as I commuted to and from work. Wow, it's better than I remember!I thought before Weird Fishes was my favorite track; now, I'm thinking Jigsaw Falling Into Place.Faust Arp is still the weakest track...
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Toronto Show?

I'm praying I get to see Radiohead this year. Hopefully going to the Toronto show in August, if I get tickets that is :(
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Había una vez un niño que tenía todo el conocimiento del mundo. Un día estaba buscando la clave de la felicidad ya que él distaba de poseerla, tenía la teoría pero por más que quería aplicarla fallaba en el intento. Otro día conoció a una persona que nunca en su vida había abierto un libro, ni siquiera estaba seguro de si sabía leer, sin embargo reía y reía durante días enteros. Era alcohólico. Sin embargo reía. No le importaba lo que pasaba en el mundo. Solo quería seguir tomando y disfrutando de los placeres que la bebida y su buena suerte le ofrecían. Había heredado dinero por lo tanto no tenía nada de qué preocuparse. El niño con todo el conocimiento del mundo era una persona sana y responsable, veía los vicios como algo malo, muchos lo consideraban un genio sin embargo era pobre y tenía que vivir de lo que sus padres le daban semanalmente lo cual se lo gastaba en libros. Un día le pregunto a su amigo alcohólico cual era la clave de la felicidad a la cual este le contestó. Tomar como si no hubiera mañana. El niño con todo el conocimiento del mundo decidió intentar llevar a cabo aquel consejo que sonaría absurdo para muchas personas, y sobre todo para muchos padres. Se compró unas botellas de buen vino y se las llevo a su casa. Puso su mejor música y se sentó a beber como si no hubiera mañana. A la mañana siguiente sus padres lo encontraron muerto en la terraza. Se había olvidado que su estómago no estaba acostumbrado a ingerir sustancias dañinas. Estaba recostado en un mar de vomito y con una expresión de pánico. Su amigo alcohólico al estar borracho no le prestó atención a ésta anécdota y siguió tomando como de costumbre, celebrando como si no hubiera mañana. El niño con todo el conocimiento del mundo murió dejando en la mente de las personas tristeza ya que pensaban que se había suicidado.
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So, I just joined this website because a good friend told me about it.Well, anyway. I don't really have anything to say, but saying something is better than saying nothing. :)
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RADIOHEAD, te estamos esperando en este lado del mundo, donde también compramos los discos y hay mucha gente que disfruta enormemente de sus canciones!Esperamos verlos pronto, para demostrarles el calor Latino, en un show que no van a olvidar jamás!.----Radiohead, the people from this side of the planet, who buy your albums and enjoys your music profusely are still waiting for you to pay a visit!We hope we'll see you around soon, so that we can show you our heat and passion in a show you will never forget!
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I'm Scott. I study meteorology at Valparaiso University.I've been a fan of this band Radiohead for oh....four or five years? I saw them at Bonnaroo and I'm planning to see them again at Lollapalooza (if that rumor happens to be true) and also in Indianapolis if I can manage to grab tickets.I'm on Mortigi Tempo as "Then A Sheer Drop." I was formerly "Fishfry."
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the audacity of "getting on with it"

in a budapest bar, we were drinking chilled white wine and beer respectively. after my name and a leisurely pause, you told me that in fact, those were two decisions. whether a state of exception does exist, firstly and secondly, what it is that is to be done. i smiled, silently smoked a little more and felt thoroughly satisfied not just that we were sitting there, after all that had or had not happened, but that i had arrived at precisely that conclusion on my own.
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Just discovered this

Great initiative. Now all Radiohead fans can join up here and discuss Radiohead and other stuff. No more Greenplastic/MT vs. Atease wars! Peace at last in Radiohead land!
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