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A smile--

what's behind it?

Teeth, menacing


curling lips housing a tongue--

which is really a sword,

if you know anything--

and trapping those words

which we are dying to say but


The eyebrow messages flying,

saying all those little things

which cannot be heard

but may be read from the face,

an open book.

Whispers too soft to be made out

floating in the air between us

between me

and your smile

say the unthinkable:

I love you.

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The Raven


the raven sings in its cage

for it does not know that it is in a cage.

The raven is ignorant


and nothing of the outside world

may permeate his bubble of unknowing.

If one were to ask the raven,

"Does not the morning sky

call you out to swoop and fly?"

he would cock his head and stare

in that questioning way when one

does not know the answer

but does not wish to make their ignorance known

for one does not miss what one has never seen.

One day one of these questioners

in a quest

a holy quest, a noble quest

to free the caged bird

opens the latch, the keeper of the raven,

and smiles, feeling satisfied.

The raven, the poor raven,

does not know what has happened,

and wishes at once for safety

from this dangerous unknown.

Yet there is no returning for 

the cage has been opened.

The bird flies away

into the wild

into fear

and is consumed by it.

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To know that one day

there will be an end to thoughts 

such as these

is either terrifying--

so much so that I would rather

not think at all--

or a relief,

a welcome rest from the turmoil

and the grief that I give to myself

by thinking of emptiness.

Or perhaps it is both.

Constantly at internal war,

simultaneously embattled

and at peace.

I then retreat to my thoughts,

the cause of my pain,

for nurturing care

and inspiration,

a reason to go on.

And once again

the battle rages on.

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A Day

A day

full of opportunity

full of laughing and friends

full of learning the new things

that are supposed to make you feel good

full of love.

Yet when I go home

alone, sitting in thought,

none of this matters

for my heart, behind walls of steel,

has not been touched

and it quickly grows cold again.

Nothing in this day

full of happiness and joy

matters anymore,

for the sadness waiting on the shoulder

to strike

has won until tomorrow.

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Our Bubble

The tingling sensation, so familiar,

overwhelms me again--

the feeling that if I say something,


I will pop this magnificent bubble

that we are in

and everything will spill out.

It is as though in this moment

I feel at peace with the world

and I can imagine that you,

standing in front of me,

when you are staring into my eyes,

are looking into my soul,

and understand.

But you open your mouth to tell me so--

and at once

it is gone.

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To Fly

Those who cannot fly

gaze wistfully above at the heavens,

seeing their dreams soar above them--

eternally out of reach.

They remember a time

when they could--

or is it but a dream?

No one knows anymore

and to fly

to soar

to fling oneself willingly and submit

is but a dream.

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A crush:

Every desire you have ever had

times twenty

shoved into a jar too small

with a lid too tight,


shaken vigorously,

and laid gingerly down--

a time-bomb of emotion

ticking, ticking, ticking

until the explosion of the soul.

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I am

a lie,

an empty shadow of unfulfilled promises

a legend

passed down from so many mouths

that the lips--

those crimson lips--

have so twisted the words that are me

that I am not me anymore.

I am

the closet in the corner

full of shadows,



You creep over, afraid of what lies within.

You fling open the door to find...


And your fears fly away,

dandelion seeds in the wind

to root somewhere else.

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I hope sometimes

for the forces of frivolity to take over

so that I can forget who I really am

and maybe then happiness will come--

ignorance, bliss.

For surely it may only be achieved

when one is not oneself--

then there is too much to worry about,

like life.

And maybe, if I just close my eyes,

life will go away?

And normality will settle in again.

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not sad, no--

sad is much more full than this.


permeating every pore of your being

every action is saturated in sadness.

But this, this is 


devoid of everything.

Wanting to be full I open myself



taking anything in--

anything to rid myself of this overpowering emptiness

leaving me hollow.

Would I float on water, I wonder?

If someone were to cut me open

would there be anything inside?

If I were to fly

I would merely float away

until I crashed into the sun and exploded

into a fiery boom of flesh

and nothing.

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Autobiography in Six Short Chapters


I am sitting--

a beautiful summer day

I enjoy it, the sun on my face


a prick; I watch the mosquito

fly away, laden

with my blood.


A welt rises on my skin

angry and pink

and it itches so--

I want to scratch it!

But I must resist.


I give in.


it hurts to scratch

while I am doing it

after I am done

but I can't stop.


I know I shouldn't.

I know I should stop.

I am only hurting myself.



trickling down

in a little stream of crimson fluid.

I wipe it away.


I stop scratching,

but the damage is done.

I want to heal.

I want to be whole.

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An Arboreal Observation

The tree--

a grasping hand

yearning for a touch of heaven.

Vines dangle, dead, from the branches--

nooses speak of death.

Littering the ground,

rotting leaves of years past.

Gossamer threads of silk

clinging desperately to peeling bark--

a spider has made its home here.

Weeds mock the tree with their abundance;

the young trees' limbs flirt

with these spindly ones,

flaunting their green life

with an air of naivete.


what is this?

Despite the lifeless look,

despite the surrounding death,

new shoots tell of a hopeful future.

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Beyond the portal

a world awaits--

wilderness, aesthetically planted,

protectively enclosed--

hold it all in.

Carefully manicured grass

betrays the natural setting

A facade, a futile attempt at mimicry

Lush boughs,

bending with the fruits of their fertility,

beckon--but their leaves

of so many needles

say otherwise.

Plaintive cries of birds rejoice

but mournfully--

their fragile hearts are heavy

with the passing of time.

This is the freshest air you're going to get.

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Thom Yorke and Me: A True Underdog Story

There were no pigs sailing through the skies, flaming balls of historical landmarks didn't come crashing down to the earth, the sun didn't melt and California didn't fall into the sea--in other words, the world did not end. It didn't even come close to an apocalyptic state, yet I somehow managed to meet the very person I have worshiped for 10 years. That's right, Thom Yorke himself shook my hand in the alleyway off Michigan Avenue after one of the two sold-out intimate Chicago gigs that have now changed my life. I have his autograph, which somehow didn't run due to my pails of happy tears. I can now officially die and not regret a single thing. My life is complete.It all started on a humid Monday evening. After a day spent meeting fellow Radiohead nerds---mingling and betting on possible setlists before enjoying a fantastic show from the tenth row at the Auditorium Theater, I came to the conclusion that this set of gigs would be the only chance to finally come face to face with my heroes. After all, Radiohead normally plays to 40,000. Now here they were, tangible and accessible to a modest 3,900 rabid crowd that pulled all-nighters, sold souls and bribed just to get a glimpse of the new material. I was a part of the lucky group that scored pit tickets for both days. I was a happy little clam.I grabbed food and made my way to that fateful alley in the wee hours, dried sweat and exhaustion clung to my skin. As it turned out, I wasn't the only one with this meet-and-greet fantasy. I walked towards the mob of 200 hovering around the unmarked vans and tinted cars, all grasping sharpies and memorabilia. Swarms of uniformed protection acted as a fence, clearing the way for the vehicles to speed past. "I just saw Colin!" Someone exclaimed."Oh that one was Jonny!" The man to my right proclaimed.Great, there goes my only shot, I thought. The police shouted that everyone in the band had exited the premises and suggested we go on our merry way. Now, if there is one thing I know, it's that you don't exactly believe what bodyguards tell you. Fortunately, many did and the crowd condensed immensely. Suckers.About an hour passed, and about 30 remained. The cops and security guards went home and all that was left was a long dark alley, a few stagehands and a van with an open door. Things were not looking good. Just as I was about to lose all hope, a bald British man greeted us with stern and sudden instructions."If any of you so much as touch your cameras, Thom is out of here."Did I hear this right? Did that man just use the name 'Thom' and 'here' in the same sentence? It was then that I realized what was about to occur. My heart began to pound and my mind wasn't made to comprehend such a scenario. We were led into the alley, single file, and were told to stand against the wall. It was then that everything I had worked for had finally come full circle. Thom Yorke opened the door, smiling and a bit amazed at our organization, and began to work his way down the line.It was at this point that I lost it. Tears started streaming down despite my many efforts to control them. This was really it. My idol, favorite singer, inspiration and the mastermind behind the most respected band in the world was only several handshakes away. He acted interested as people gushed at him, I vaguely recall two small Brazilian girls begging him to tour South America, it all became soft and fuzzy. When it came time for him to meet me, I extended my right hand, as if a handshake could do an entire decade of innovation any justice. All I could really muster was "You have changed the way I view the world". I'm not sure if that was commonplace, intriguing or incredibly lame---but it was the most heartfelt thing I have ever uttered.He pensively grinned and responded as he signed my poster, "Yeah? I have people that have done that for me too."I was escorted out of the gangway dazed and confused, and still choking back tears. Laugh if you will, but rest assured, any moment that shall follow will merely be an afterthought.
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The Evergreen

Leaning, drooping

weary from years of a facade

that it can never let fall

Never baring its skeleton,

the death that is inside.

But outside


frosted, glossy--impermeable, it is

The winter cannot pierce its heart of steel

and it is trapped.

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No clue what this is, maybe you can make sense of it?

Although Amy adventures alone alot, Annie always awaits Amy's arrival anxiously.

Betsy bullies boys by betting bills at billiards.

Cassie's cats can call Connie concerning coming catastrophe.

Dennis doesn't draw dinosaurs dining.

Erin evaded even extraordinarily excruciating evils, especially Esq. Evens' enigmatic eloping elephants.

Freddy foolishly faked five falsehoods for Franny, Freddy's fiancee.

Ghastly ghosts go ghoulishly, gouging gooey gunk greedily.

Harold has Helga's heart held hovering haphazardly horizontally.

I ignore ignorant idiots igniting ice in Iceland.

Jack joked Jill jestingly.

Knight knave Karl, knap-sacked killer.

Lenny lost Lilly's lighter laser.

Many moons make mice mightily mighty.

Ned's nose, not Nelly's, nights neon.

Oliver owl, obnoxious, ostentatiously operates olive oils.

Pray, please package peanuts precisely pertaining plenty planes' pilots.

Quentin quail quilts quickly.

Rachel rigorously righted Ricky's (w)rongs.

Silly squirrels stalk stupid swallows stealthily.

Tim tittered tenaciously to tickle Tom's turnable toe.

Under Ursula's underskirt, Uhuru ukeleles, unaware.

Vicky vigorously vodkas.

What Wendell wants, we won't wear.

Xavier xylophones.

You'll yodel yonder?

Zenny zebra zoomed.


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The Archeologist

He looks at the surface

and sees that which is not there.

He sees not what is,

but what can be.

He sees hope, and potential

so he looks beneath the surface.

He digs deep,

to reach what the earth is holding

so close to its heart.

He finds what the normal eye will not,

and recognizes its worth.

He does not scorn

or cast away,

but everything is examined.

He knows these treasures,

for that is what they are,

for their true worth.

I want to be an archaeologist. 

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Hello, Me

Hello, me! It's nice to see

that someone's taking care of me

for today I'm gone, and shant return,

I'm a step down from reality.

I can't feel pain, which isn't bad,

but neither can I tell when I'm glad.

And I have trouble discerning between

whether I'm sad or terribly mad.

I've lost my way to get back in

for I'm creating a terrible din.

They think that body there is me,

when there is nothing that's within!

My soul is taking a rest, you see.

It got tired of being only me.

It wanted to see the world alone,

without my worrying what to be.

But now it's got to come back down

for I'm attracting many a frown

I'm acting rather foolishly alone

and need a soul to steer me around.

Without my soul I walk as though dead,

and nothing can penetrate the ice in my head.

I'm not myself, as you can tell,

but now that I'm back, gone is my dread.

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Dear diary,

I've tried my hand at journaling in the past, with varying degrees of success/failure. But hopefully now it will be different! Because I've just recently realized something! A journal can be absolutely anything you want it to. Totally obvious, I know, but in the past, I've always tried to do a daily detailed account of my day, and I get about 3 days into that then abandon my journal for ... many days. But I can just write a sentence-- "My day really stunk."--and be done with it! So I shall try it. Because I can imagine it would be really fun to root through your old things one day, find a journal from middle school, and read it. That would be so cool, reading what you truly thought however long ago, exactly how you saw things. And so I shall start today. On the next page. Because if this were a book, this would be the introduction (hey, who knows!). Plus I like writing the date. And so... without further ado... my very first journal in which I actually grasp the concept of said journal!



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