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Close your eyes

Hello everyone!!!!Finally i'm posting something here...i hope that you like it or at least that you don't get "too" bored with it.Thanks for reading it.....Love you!!!!Close your eyes, don't you ever dare to tell me somethingClose your eyes and imagine the place that you really want to be in'Cos i know that you (deeply maybe, in your heart) have never enjoy be with mehere.Close your eyes and let's imagine a song....a noise that makes you dream. Your perfect song.....sing by your lover, by your mother, by your that person that you always desire but you never got.Close your eyes and imagine the perfect picture. The one that you always wanted to be in. The photo where you were smiling, crying, blowing a kiss or just being there....trying to not be a ghost lost in the camera's flashClose your eyes, and imagine a scent, the one that you always wanted to smell but you didn't dare to taste because you were so cowardNow you look at me, breaking the promise and you speak.....and you tell me why i'm telling you all these things....i answerClose your eyes and imagine that we never met, that we're strangers and i'm seducing you for first timeClose your eyes and think about the first time that we looked at each other in that restaurant.Close your eyes and looked at me in your mind....imagine me with all the positive adjectives that you wanted in a woman, imagine me with all the negative adjectives that i needed for youClose your eyes and remember our first kiss....Remember that park near to her houseClose your eyes and keep in mind how much i loved youClose your eyes, while you hear my voice, because this is the last time that you'll hear itNow open your eyes and look at me, trying to keep all the details....Smell my wrists 'cos this will be the last time that you'll smell themDon't say a word, please"Nice to meet you" i said...please don't answer.Forget every thing that embarresed you...every thing that bothered you...Don't have regretsClose your eyes and promise that when you open them, you won't be as coward as you were before our episodePromise that you'll enjoy lifePromise that you'll love and live as the first time....Open them and live!
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I hope people support this. Many species of tuna are already endangered." Greenpeace has launched guidelines and an on-line pre-order petition at the European Tuna Conference in Brussels calling on retailers, restaurants and tuna traders to pre-order and shift their supplies to sustainable and equitable skipjack tuna.Many stocks of tuna species are dangerously in decline. Even fisheries not yet fully exploited are using fishing methods that negatively impact juvenile tuna and other vulnerable species such as sharks and turtles, leaving the marine environment in peril.Skipjack tuna is often harvested by purse seine fleets operated by companies from industrial fishing nations from the North, leaving very little of the social and economic benefits in the hands of coastal states (1). However, many coastal states, such as the Pacific Island countries, are in a prime position to develop a sustainable pole and line skipjack industry. Pole and line fishing is a method well-suited to local use, providing income and livelihoods to coastal communities and therefore providing a more equitable product (2)...."Read full article
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Сегодня в полдень телефон напомнил о каком-то событии. На экране было написано: "Ну что, едут хэды? Не подвела интуиция?". Еле вспомнила, что месяцев восемь назад завела эту дату, вдруг поверив в чудо.Ну, на пару тысяч километров не подвела)
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"Not Your Mother's Mother's Day"

"Disarm, Disarm!The sword of murder is not the balance of justice! Blood does not wipe out dishonor nor violence indicate possession.”Julia Ward Howe began Mother's day with the following proclamation. I am proud to say she is very likely an ancestor of mine.As you can see the powers that be do everything they can do to hide our true history from us. Another example is International Workers' Day or May Day that arose out of the struggle for the eight hour day in the US.AnywayA Happy Mother's day will finally truly be when her plea is heeded.Mother’s Day ProclamationJulia Ward HoweArise, then, women of this day!Arise all women who have hearts, whether your baptism be that of water or of fears!Say firmly: "We will not have great questions decided by irrelevant agencies,"Our husbands shall not come to us reeking with carnage, for caresses and applause."Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn all that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy, and patience."We women of one country will be too tender of those of another country to allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs."From the bosom of the devastated earth a voice goes up with our own. It says, "Disarm, Disarm!"The sword of murder is not the balance of justice! Blood does not wipe out dishonor nor violence indicate possession.As men have often forsaken the plow and the anvil at the summons of war, let women now leave all that may be left of home for a great and earnest day of counsel.Let them meet first, as women, to bewail and commemorate the dead.Let them then solemnly take counsel with each other as the means whereby the great human family can live in peace,And each bearing after her own time the sacred impress, not of Caesar, but of God.
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Daily rituals that fill our lives are born of a crazy world. If we control the little and useless, then the rest doesn't feel so lost. The toothpaste must be squeezed from the bottom of the tube. It is a tragedy to grab it in the middle. Why is that so? Is it that difficult of a task to squeeze from the bottom by yourself? Must everyone conform to your touch of OCD? Does it matter if they do it how they want to? Isn't the point that the teeth get brushed. In the grand scheme of things is toothpaste even important? Yet, the ridiculous argument ensues on a fairly regular basis. The fact that it's been argued repeatedly for years leads one to wonder if the tube gets grabbed in the middle just to start the argument. Then, if that is so, what does that say about the dynamic between those who are arguing. Weeks of useless self-analysis later, it is still being argued. Pointless, as are much of the things that linger in the mind. Take the toilet seat. There are couples who have dissolved over this particular dilemma. I've never been one of those people. After a couple of times of your butt being kissed by icy toilet water in the middle of the night. It becomes a habit to check before you sit. Now, it is the guy who falls in more than I. I chuckle every time. Like I said, pointless
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Un viento Celeste / Amanece

Tienes poco tiempo para explicarte todos los que enigmas que te rodeanllevas en tus manos la pielabre los ojos y toma el cieloSólo una vez más nacerásdentro de un viento celeste que vamientras danzas con tu sombraTienes poco tiempo para encontrarteen la inmensidad de la que venimoshazle la pregunta a la piedrasu respuesta esconde un cuerpo.Sólo una vez más naceráspero dentro de un viento celeste que vamientras danzas con tu sombra.---------------------------------------------------------------No veo donde esta el horizonteUn edificio obstruye el amanecerSe desarma el cieloLas estrellas ya no se ven masCada sombra que agreganCada vez mas se encierraY la sed de la tierraYa no ve su lugarTodos somos reciclables?Biodegradables?Y el sol no se escondeNosotros nos encargamos de eso
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