religion (4)

Something that is really irritating me lately is the debate, especially in the U.S., regarding who deserves what, and what has occurred to me is that with regard to human rights the idea of deserving is completely irrelevant. The second amendment in the U.S. Constitution grants freedom of speech, there is no clause on their stating that you can't say what you want if you are a bigot, or insane, or just an awful person etc... etc...

While his name escapes me at the moment, the fellow from Duck Dynasty has been the latest magnet for this topic, I really don't care about what he has to say anymore than anyone else I disagree with on such a fundamental level, but I'm glad he can freely speak his mind. That way I know that such foolishness, in my opinion, exists and don't have to wonder about what hateful things people believe. Frankly I think Christian conservatives are perverts, not that there is really anything wrong with that, but it is the hypocrisy of their perversion. Christian conservatives believe that it is okay to be concerned with the sexual interactions of others for the purpose of condemnation, but that to be interested in the sexual activities of other because what they are doing might be pleasurable, and something you might also want to join in on, is not acceptable. WTF????

There is also the right to healthcare, in the U.S. we have the obligation to pay for health insurance, but there is no guarantee of uniformity or quality of coverage. Most people are unaware of how few choices we have for healthcare in the U.S. because we are all too busy passing judgment about who should have access to healthcare. We in the U.S. have the obligation to pay private industry for insurance but few guarantees of the level benefits we will receive.

In general here in the U.S. we are all in support of other people rights as long as the rights of others don't cost anything monetarily or conflict with our own personal brand of superstition. Put simply if you are Christian and rich, life is just peachy, but if you are poor and or not prone to the Judea Christian brand of superstition then you are going to have problems. The right to espouse about your Christian beliefs and the right to make money at the expense of others is king in the United States, and you are a stupid socialist/communist if you believe anything else. I guess that is what makes me out-of-place.

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when i was in school, i used to study religion. it was a crappy class, because of the pointless hour we were spending. learning again and again about orthodoxy -cuz this is what it actually was, not something interesting <for example religion's history>.religion can be a very interesting subject if you know how to put it in the eyes of your audience. religious dogma is a philosophy, and, if you don't have any clue of other types of philosophies, is pointless to call others ignorant.

anyway, there was this time when the teacher managed to create a more vivid reaction from my fellow colleagues, as i am naturally half asleep and the other half somewhere in the cosmos of my own imagination, and i was pretty much the same at that time. she <the teacher> put the question:"what will you do if today, at 7pm jesus will come on Earth?". no reaction, of course. she told us to write the answer on paper. i can't recall my own answer, but, probably i was hungry at the moment and, as 7 pm was close, i said i'll eat some maccaroni and cheese, or whatever my mum was kind enough to provide. others, ze believers, said they go to greet him<with capital h on their papers>, others that they won't be at home at that time, because the bus will still be taking them home, so jesus better find another hour to pop on Earth. etc.

the teacher seemed unhappy with our answers. what? what's wrong with macaroni? than she takes a deep breath and say:"if jesus comes on Earth again, it means THE END OF THE WORLD, dummies!" oh. shit! we're such ignorants!the end is coming and we are still on the bus?

of course, that's not the way the things really happen. well, not literally. thinking at the fact that this planet is bursting into curses against us, in its own way, and we continuously ignore the signals, it's pretty low for the human being who claim they're smarter and more capable than the rest of the fauna and flora we share the world with, to keep stretching the borders of cheeky behavior against our own home.

and we are indeed more capable. no other specie sabotaged themselves like we did. and still do.

so when the glaciers are melting, polar bears start disappearing, it's the end of the world dummies!

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So anyone who knows me knows that I am basically Atheist, but unlike many christians i've met seem to believe, that doesn't mean that I have no beliefs. I have a personal philosophy; it is a working process that evolves from day to day, but generally I know what I believe. I continue to study other belief systems however in an attempt to a) give a more strict definition to my beliefs, and b) if I find a system that seems compatible, use to help guide my own philosophical/spiritual development. Spirituality is not necissarily theistic - I believe it can exist without a great supreme being lording over us with a host of angels however.Anyways, for a while actually I've looked into buddism, and lately I've become very strongly interested in it. It has also led to me explore similar religions. I recently started looking at the more panthestic/monistic form of the wiccan religions (so no, I am not the teen goth looking to ride broomsticks and cast love spells :P ), which acutally has many basic ideas similar to buddhism - with perhaps more focus on the spirituality of nature. The pantheistic interpretation, as I understand thus far, may still refer to a "god & goddess", but they are used more as symbols of earth - in essense, the Earth itself (nature, life, energy, etc) is a "god", if you will. This god & goddess, therefore, are creators insomuch as everything comes from the earth; but not in the sense of these outside dieties looking down and manipulating our world.And now that I've rambled on; my point is that I've decided to undertake a serious study of these two religions/philosophies (depends on how you define each, I suppose). Perhaps I'll settle against both once and for all, or perhaps I'll gain a specific definition of the belief system I hold now. I guess I'll find out.
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I JUST got to see There Will Be Blood finally. I was so ticked that I missed it in the theaters! Excellent movie. And god, I gotta say that the young Eli was just plain creepy. I always thought that children (yes, I know he's not a exactly a child, but he's still not much of an adult by that point) with that kind of religous fervor, even if it is for some strange fraudlent practice, is more frightening than any other fanatics. Something very unnatural and sick about but anyways, I have to say that the inflection of the last line was priceless. Odd man, but Daniel Day-Lewis is such a great actor. Ha ha, and should I be happy when I see Jonny Greenwood's name in the credits? Somehow I don't think so...
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