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current update on my sister, goldielocks (imagine me in a long blonde wig, then mop up the spillage). i would normally feel bad about spouting off about a family member, but she's been to oz and nyc in the last six weeks and brought me back, respectively;a baseball cap (an aussie cricket one, that is green and gold, ie- stands out a mile and goes with nothing)and a simpson's t-shirt that she could've (in fact, probably did) bought from the shop round the corner from her flat.continuing the bus theme, last tuesday she was chatted up by an old jakey at the bus stop who was also talking into a bottle of lucozade. he apparently told the person on the other end of his bottle / phone / delusion that "he was running out of credit and that he would see them at the bookies".for those outside of scotland a "jakey" is an alcoholic, often a tramp (but not always); prefer the term "knights of the road", anyways. far more dignified.she was, the previous week, at the gym being chatted up by a west african man (remember, think me in a wig - sexy!) who then proceeded to sit down on what turned out to be the steps of a cross-trainer. he fell, and knocked himself unconscious. goldielocks then made her escape before he woke up, as she didn't want him to see that she lived in a flat across the street (clearly visible from the window of the gym). on the way back, she got chatted up by an old man in an electric wheelchair and laughed at by a wee boy with downs syndrome, because she was all sweaty.i think bad luck runs in families.went to see the mighty omniblob play a charity gig last night. the bastards made me get up and butcher some songs when i was ripped of my tits on hard liquor. they were supported by the modus, who were this sixties hammond organ, jazz mod band. they were fucking amazing and will probably sell a million records; them out and enrich your life, without any need to thank me.this is, of course because (despite the hurtful comments about bed breaking and all of you with awful germs) i love each and every one of you w-a-s-t-e-relst---h---i---s m---u---c---h !!!!steve x.
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I want to see Radiohead soon!But I haven't get the tickets...Can I get the tickets?From Japan
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Days of Nothing

. . . passaram-se alguns dias sem que eu escrevesse alguma coisa por aqui, ms nada digno de nota aconteceu comigo, ou no mundo. Não falarei do óbvio que circula na mídia brasileira.Dor de ouvidoDor de gargantaPressão em ombros cansadosCansei
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Quiero conocer

hola, yo soy karim alejandro, soy nuevo esn esto, asique quiero conocerlos un poco mas, quiero saber de ustedes, sus gustos musicales me interesan mucho, no conozco mucha gente que comparta mis gustos, por ejemplo radiohead que es una de mis bandas favoritas, me gustan todos sus temas y no me canso de escucharlos........ podria hablar horas de esta exelente banda pero primero quiero conocerlos...........saludos a todosKarim alejandro brizuelaCordoba capital, Argentina
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More playing arounds with the demo Reason 4 + Ableton, its a really neat work ethic because you're forced to focus on one part at a time since Reason shuts down after twenty minutes, and if you don't record it into Ableton by then its lost forever. I spose its like speed laps, the main difference is when you have a full version of Reason you're likely to focus on one sound for hours, this makes you move along faster. I started this track just after I had finished The Octopus Project's new album, "Hello Avalanche!", so I decided to kinda emulate it, I mean its not really a comparable track, cause theres no rocking guitars or theramins, but its pretty neat anyway. Their music is always so happy (see "Music is Happiness"), which is kind of a contrast I spose, meh.Gonna see Bladerunner this weekend at the local theater/bar, might see Big Man Japan too, hopefully, be back on Monday to make something new, unless I actually have work to do, that'd be insane.
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I've never come across that. Never.It seems that everything is against me. There are no lines parallel.Did I do anything wrong? I am not worth anything, is it?just destined... tired with it, that's enough.Beasts are going to fight, while I am trying to hide.Further failure may cause death. I really think that way.To escape from this world of fake truths and illogical principles, I chose to hide.I am not unfit, I just hate this mold and don't want to get stuck.My mind is totally blank, when I saw evils took over the world.
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Thank god I'm finished with this year! I think I've got a 4.0 too. I have three final exams left but I don't really have to do much work for them, so for all intensive purposes I'm finally done with my freshman year. And I love my last english professor - he let us opt out of the final exam if we were happy with our scores up to that point. I was really worried about his class too, he's a tough grader and it takes at least a 95 average to make an A in his class, but I pulled it off.
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WTF is up?!?

I dont know why, but for some reason my area is down. Nothing is working. I dont even know is this blog is going to work. All i get is white.... is everyone's like this???...
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YeS by SaLLy PoTTeR

I went to the Roger Ebert Overlooked Film Festival yesterday and saw the movie Yes.My gut reaction was to be in awe. After thinking about it more and more I absolutely love the film.The colors are stupendous, the music is fierce. The producer said that Sally Potter actually composed some of the music; I had no idea she was this amazing: a dancer, a director and now a composer!What felt fresh was the dialogue. It was in iambic pentameter, but nobody sounded the way Shakespeare sounds in your head when you read. Can you imagine? the whole dialogue was in poetry, but it didn't sound stiff at all.The funniest thing was the gaze of the maid that opens and closes the film. This creature says exquisite things about dustmite, fallen hair, dandruff, dirt...
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コンピュータ の 終

Last night signalled the end of a long relationship. Last night a close friend of mine left me for heaven (or, at least, a version of it).It all started with a strange noise, clank clank clank.Like something wasn't in place.And then, a ppffffttll.Even scarier than the previous one.There were signs of uneasiness a few days ago. As usual, I brushed them off (mainly with my foot) and kept going. Others things on my mind which I thought more important.And then, it happened. That BSOD that will haunt my nights more than that attacker will ever do.You never know what you have 'til it's gone, i guess. So, yeah, last night my computer signed out. Forevermore. Bad timing, I was supposed to get in touch with a friend living not so close to me. There's still phone, you'll tell me, but I've always thought that phone is a bit unpersonal, more than chat will ever be....or maybe not. Hopefully, there's still this glorious thing called WORK to get my hands on a keyboard and my eyes on a blinding screen. Yay !Anyway, after almost losing a digit to try and figure out if it could be saved (bloody fan !), I took maybe five seconds to feel a bit guilty. Can't say that I've been the best of SU for this poor excuse of a PC. Running almost all the time on that-useless-OS-that-nobody-likes-but-everyone-still-uses, even if I had an installed Debian (it was old, but it worked ! No excuse there !), kicking it when it wouldn't work, not gently (heeled shoes and computers do NOT get along),letting the dust in, blaming it for my ineptitude (hmmm, segfaults)... And then, the good times too, when I took care of it when it broke down, and I took it for a walk. Yeah, uncomfortable and everyone looks at you like you're insane (I am, people, I am !!). Countless hours spent mastering stupid Flash games, reading feminist websites, keeping in touch with people I met abroad, asking for help on developper websites... Checking for French spelling as well...Sure, it couldn't go on forever, it was pretty old and in bad shape. "I guess I knew your time would come...". So, after almost six years of good service (I told you, it's decrepit ! Didn't even have USB 2 !), maybe it's time we both go separate ways.But then, again, my mind wanders. What will happen to this poor heap of metal ? After a few minutes looking around (and another few minutes for translation ;), I found, first, what my dear friend was made of : plastic, gold, copper, nickel, and other hevay metals such as cadmium and palladium. Don't ask what these two are. I just know they have respectively the atomic numbers 48 and 46 (thx wikipedia). I'll have to make sure that the disposal facility can recycle it efficiently.Just in case, does anybody know how to write "I'm sorry, I never meant to put your health in danger with my Western consumerist habits." in hindi, so I can carve it on what's left of my PC ?That's quite a long text to recount my old PC's death. I wouldn't last as much on the controversy around the beatification of Padre Pio.Maybe indeed there IS something wrong with me.
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Victoria Park Tickets!!!!!!!

Hey Bloggers!!Just a small question from my friendand I.When should we be expecting tickets forthe shows to come through our door?If anyone affliated with the band knows,and lets face it they should, then any infowould be appreciated!!!lolcrystalman
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cheers conan

I feel exactly like my profile picture. Stayed awake to see radiohead at Conan O'Brien last night and it was worth it.Now, of course, I am paying for it by looking all tired and thinking of having a full day ahead.Loved how they played "House of Cards"; it was all mellow. Nice preview of the upcoming concerts.
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Where's the Back Door Please?

I found this in my mailbox this morning. Scary days ahead ? Free refill !!!Where's the Back Door Please?Is there another way out of this place? I see angry creatures with torches outside the front - yelling for blood - they wanna hang someone, and they don't care who - then they will set fire to the building just to make sure it doesn't happen again.As I have been saying for a couple years now, things will begin heating up significantly by 2008. And sure enough. Of course, there exists no incredible insight into the future on my part, no clairvoyance - it's simply keeping up with the news, doing lots of research and drawing the logical conclusions. Food prices, as predicted when oil and mineral and water supplies got tight, will first experience rapid increases. Those in the developing countries will be affected most because they are poorer. The G8 countries will suffer least in this scenario because let's face it, food represents only about 10-15% of our earnings (today). We can afford some pretty hefty price rises before we really start hurting. No, it's not prices we in the West have to worry about - it's the supply itself - real shortages. That's next. You might begin to see supermarkets limit the sales of basic commodities off the shelf like flour and rice. At some point the shelf will see periods of emptiness as shipments can't get through, or goods simply are no longer available from the producers. People will start hoarding. Governments will start limiting exports to protect their own people. People will hoard more.If all that weren't enough, you will begin to see (actually already seeing) oil prices continue to rise. A lot of things will be blamed for that - poor planning, insufficient investment in drilling and exploration, rising demand in the East, rising demand in the oil exporting countries themselves, distribution problems, refining problems, commodity futures speculation. Al those are true. But they are in fact true because the reason for them happening is clearly seen - we can't produce enough oil any more. Saudi Arabia has announced it hopes to increase production over the next five years by something like 5 million barrels per day. But read to the finish please - it will do so after it invests something like £160 billion to produce new wells, increase refinery capacity, etc. What they aren't telling you is that the increase, if it is indeed real, won't even compensate for the continuing decrease in production levels over that period of time and the continuing increases in demand. Oil producers will have to run just to stay in place. And they can't stay in place forever.I wish I could say that all we have to face is an increase in oil prices, but alas, like the food situation, the oil one will prove to be every bit as bad. First the prices, then shortages. It is now predicted that by the end of 2008 oil demand will reach 89 million barrels per day. But we won't be able to meet that as supply will only reach 87 million barrels per day. It's bad enough to arrive at the petrol station and empty your wallet for the attendant - it's even worse to arrive only to find that there isn't any petrol to purchase anyway. But that's not the worst of it either. Think of the further effect this will have upon food production and the distribution system - in the sky, on the land and on the seas. When lorry operators, air transport, and shipping lines have to pay too much or they can't get what they need, they go out of business. When they go out of business we go out of business.This is all happening now folks. This is not a temporary cycle. What you see happening today is permanent. The days of cheap and available food are gone forever. The days of cheap and available energy is gone forever. No time for alternative energy. No time for infrastructure changes to accommodate alternative energy. We should have been planning for this 30 years ago, but we didn't - consciously, we didn't - intentionally we didn't. It would hurt the economy. And politicians, as today, were too gutless to stand up and tell us what we needed to hear and drive us to where we needed to be driven as a society. And so here we are today, starting our slippery slide into hell, and still we as a society, as a civilisation, are not even recognising that it is happening.So what are we going to do about it? Quickly develop new land to grow food? No time. Change global protectionism? No time. Create a world government to solve all of mankind's problems? No time. Place into service thousands of wind turbines, solar power generators, nuclear facilities? No time. Implement new aggressive government initiatives? No time.There is no way out. There is no time left for this civilisation. The best we can hope for is to plan for survival. And even time for that is slipping away. We can just go on, I suppose, and ignore what is happening as we are today, or discuss unceasingly new ideas for holding on to the life we have - possible new ways of farming, new energy sources, new monetary structures, change our light bulbs, reduce our consumption, etc. We can go on believing that the Tesco store will always be there, or the water will always come out of the tap, or the lights will always come on, or the phone will always work, or the Internet will always be there. We can do that. That's easy. Foolish, but easy. Or we can get so frightened that we either panic, or freeze like deer in headlights, no longer able to function rationally. Or we can face reality and begin the very involved process of planning for the limited future we might be able to salvage from all this.No time, folks. We ran out of time years back. We just didn't see it. We refused to see it. Even today we refuse to see it. The free market would save us then, and will save us yet. Technology would save us then and will save us yet. Genetically modified seeds will save us. The government will at last wake up and drive us forward out of this mess. The Greens will win. The Democrats will win. The pendulum will swing. As Bush says - this is simply a slowdown. We'll be back. Not to worry. Maybe...So much better than spam...Just takes a little longer to read. To quote somebody else :The sun is shining, summer's on the way, the roads are full of busy people. These are the good old days.Of course, it couldn't end like that. As contents of mailboxes are being more and more scrutinised, I was kindly suggested to follow a so-called related link. Here follows what I read :Feel the freedom of total wealth.Simply sign up to receive the §§§§§, a free daily e-letter and we’ll immediately e-mail you this latest research report... Absolutely FREEHow to Profit from the Rice Shortage of 2008Most stocks have dealt a bitter return to investors...But ONE MARKET has been bucking the trend in a big way: rice.Today I'd like to show you a simple way to invest in the global rice boom.There's no need to tear up your back yard and plant crops - and no reason to take on risky "futures" or "options" plays.In fact, there's a much easier way to profit from ag-flation - a way that could reward forward-thinking investors with returns of 61% or more.Look - since late December, rice traders have watched the value of this "white gold" commodity rise by 75.8%...But this historic rally has only just begun!The truth is, this powerful commodity is still well below its inflation-adjusted highs.And it's not alone. Other soft commodities, like corn, soy beans and wheat are poised for a break-out year.That's why I'd like to send you a FREE report from our acclaimed Investment Director, Eric §§§. In his latest report, Eric reveals why soft commodities, including rice, are in the early stages of a massive rally - and how you can easily capitalize on this trend.This report has a retail value of $49. It will only be available for a limited time. To receive your copy, simply sign up for our FREE daily e-letter by entering your email address below.We value your privacy.You'll receive The §§§§§ via e-mail. Each day we’ll help you take advantage of the best investment opportunities throughout the world and help you protecting your assets and your privacy.All of this is yours free. Simply fill out you name and email address in the box below. It’s completely FREE and you may unsubscribe at any time. Your free gift is yours to keep.Irony, anyone ?
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i was walking home for work and stopped at a crossing, as there was a bus coming. as i stopped, the bus changed direction and continued round the nearby roundabout, making my stoppage unnecessary.rather worryingly, this cased much hilarity in the bus driver, who started laughing maniacally and swinging is head round in a figure of eight shape (much like my father in the early nineties, in his hilarious attempts to mock my liking of indie music).i laughed this off, which seemed to annoy the bus driver no end as, no word of a lie, he took the bus back round the same roundabout again and used the opportunity to stare me out. these two choices (laughter and roundabout repetition), combined with the worrying mental state of said driver, lead me to believe that he chooses his own individual bus routes (and to hang with the old dears in the back).if you read about a bus crash in the uk anytime soon, i'm pretty sure this nut-job will be responsible. i've developed such a phobia of public transport that my carbon footprint will resemble shaquille o'neal's reeboks (hey! joke for the sports fans!).got home to find my flatmate THE LEGEND (so important, THE LEGEND deserves capitals - and to be spoken of in the third person) had started on the modest selection of breakfast wines i was saving for tomorrow. if this wasn't bad enough, THE LEGEND appeared to be talking to the dvd player.apparently, when THE LEGEND switched it on, the display said "hello" to THE LEGEND. this small anecdote is only one of the million reasons that THE LEGEND is THE the archives at - for more details on THE LEGEND. all the stories are good, filthy and true.anyway, it's that monthly blip in the overdraft i love to call pay-day today! the mighty james play edinburgh tomorrow and the equally mighty omniblob friday. shame i have no money to take the proper steps to enjoy.why? you may well ask...i broke my bed (don't laugh, you'll make the baby jesus cry) and i need a new one. truth is, i've needed a new one for at least a year (hence the breaking of said bed). by the end, it was so squeaky i couldn't turn, let alone i'm currently sleeping on a single mattress, placed handily on the floor and, you know what? i like it. maybe it plays up to my tortured artist / "down and out in paris and london" fantasies, i don't know. and let's be honest, if i'm skimping on a new bed, i definitely can't afford the therapy required to get to the bottom of the bed thing, can i?look, i've told you! i didn't break the bed like that! don't be i could get anyone near my bedroom even when there was a proper bed in lonely hearts ad would read something like;"moody, existentialist shrek-alike requires woman of saint-like patience to not grow tired of his constant artistic prattle and sinus complaints. must like the smell of eucalyptus oil."anybody that thinks that any of this is funny is just hurting my feelings. on purpose.despite this, i love each and every one of you.steve x.
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