hi w.a.s.t.e.,re: the ordering of member pages.i very much like the waste central site -- it is wonderful! congratulations for your hard work being so successful.i'm an accountant. i like things to be orderly.so here's my two pence: i think the members’ pages would be preferable to my numerical sensibilities if they were ordered so that You, Thom and the gang, miss rutabaga, were all on page one (1). that way, a member would always be on the same page from the time they sign up.Additionally it would add a home-room kinship between all the people on page 47 (for example) -- and present new opportunities for folks to have something in common, and perhaps find the true loves of their lives.it would make searching for members easier because a member would know what pages they have viewed, and which members they have seen on which page. the way it is now, all members will change which member page they are on as more people sign up. such chaos confuses me and gives me a sense of minor discomfiture.with good cheer,~SJPS(still considering my friend request?)
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www.wecansolveit.orghttp://www.wecansolveit.org/content/pages/145/--------Those of us concerned or freaked out about the climate change:check out the websites above; there's a fair amnt of info there. And not all of it is strictly US-specific. THANKS
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Here at last! I guess I'll be hanging out at Manifest for a while tomorrow - which is bad! I'm poor, I can't afford to go spending a bunch of money, but they're going to have such good sales! I think they're going to be getting in some R.E.M. 7" vinyls too. I might watch a show or two there, maybe finally check out that band Villanova. Haven't heard them at all, but I keep hearing that funk-rock fans usually like them so I guess I'll see. Its free, so may as well.God I love Manifest lol. I really think I NEED to get a job there next summer lol. Course I'd never bring home a paycheck...
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. . . continuo sem ter assunto para escrever nesse BloG, mas ainda assim me atrevo a escrever. Eu poderia falar sobre muitos assuntos, mas o q mais me chamou a atenção foi:Alvaro Alves de Faria não quer mais ser chamado de poeta, o que significa q perdemos o único q prestava.Isso me deixa chateado.continuo na minha tentativa de entender melhor esse mundo, mas as vezes não consigo.se serve de consolo, assistam ao filme The Fountain ( A Fonte da Vida )este filme tem me ajudado bastante."estou falando com as paredes virtuais"
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Posted by Méô Mespotine on April 18, 2008 at 11:38pm
....and I'm quite impressed how good it sounded.....if no one mentions my singing wasn't hearable at all (technical reasons, as usual ;) ), but hey...that's what we are here for.....we people who no one hears....right ? ;)
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I can't stop. not ready for the classes, I haven't read today a single page from "Farewell to Arms", I need 25.I still have time till the morning=))
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so, I'm here. and I'm happy.I hated Radiohead a year ago. such a fool.I couldn't understand how can he sing the song "Creep" like that? this marvellous song with such a heartfelt lyrics?! such a fool.now I feel I can fly when I listen to their music. don't know anything better and don't want to know=)how does it happen? I don't know either. there came a moment I just felt the need to listen to them, even without any knowledge about what are they.there are no such words in any language to describe how I feel about it. so, let me continue my life in this new world which is sometimes much better than another one I'm living everyday.happy-happy-happy! errr, not at all, upset about this:I wish I had been 18 in 1994, not 5=)
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Nagoya is rainy today.On the rainy day, I somewhat feel heavyBut I do not dislike rainy days.Because I know the song which rain matches.The song is this.くるり -Quruli-ばらの花 -The rose-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlmcOhOd2kY
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No more of the horrible craptop spat out of the 90's into my desk. After a lot of begging my brother, he finally caved and brought me a new beautiful machine from this year. This is a big thing for me as I've never had a computer that wasn't built out of scrap parts in my brothers garage. Sweet new lap top... yeah...thats it...
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Sometimes it is OK to wear the same pair of underwear for two to three days without changing. No. Wait. That is incorrect. But drycleaning is just getting out of hand these days. Some elderly women stole my lucky socks and now I'm pissed.
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interspersed with the daylight came moments of real darkness. day seemed to lose its meaning entirely as darkness at 1pm did not really signify 'night' nor did daylight at 2am signify 'day.' what made night? the hour? the conditions in the sky? what? and it was all random anyway. if it was by whim, whose whim or what whim? soon we would know. we would know two things:1. that the earth had stopped turning.2. and there really was a god.(though i can't say we really understand either of these concepts any better than we did before. but at least now we really comprehend how far off we are.)
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It is the first time after [url="http://www.inradiobows.com/2008/04/17/radiohead-ticketmaster-ticketsnow/"]Ticketsnow[/url] acquisition that [url="http://www.inradiobows.com/2008/04/17/radiohead-ticketmaster-ticketsnow/"]Ticketmaster[/url] after solding out the Radiohead tickets directs visitors to TicketsNow which is now considered as a Ticketmaster partner. The acquisition took place on February!
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EStos tres discos que baje me estan rompiendo el craneo QU BANDAS POR DIOS!!! QUE DISCOS!!!!!!!The National-The NationalMuse-Black Holes and revelationsMuse-Absolution
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I JUST got to see There Will Be Blood finally. I was so ticked that I missed it in the theaters! Excellent movie. And god, I gotta say that the young Eli was just plain creepy. I always thought that children (yes, I know he's not a exactly a child, but he's still not much of an adult by that point) with that kind of religous fervor, even if it is for some strange fraudlent practice, is more frightening than any other fanatics. Something very unnatural and sick about it.lol but anyways, I have to say that the inflection of the last line was priceless. Odd man, but Daniel Day-Lewis is such a great actor. Ha ha, and should I be happy when I see Jonny Greenwood's name in the credits? Somehow I don't think so...
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i think tim burton is work amazing.The only thing i can criticize is that he repeats ambients, but anyway its part od his style.Wich is awesome.Mars attacks is just so funnyanyway as a writter his only book make me cry everytime i read it, so beautifulcheck sweeney todd, i recomemdedif you want blood, you've got ithehe
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Went to see 'Happy-Go-Lucky'. I love Mike Leigh films; always full of intense, deep, flawed characters who could be the people living just next door to you.In 'Happy-Go-Lucky' a primary school teacher, known as Poppy (played by Sally Hawkins) seems to have a smile tattooed to her face and has a permanently positive attitude to go with it. She enjoys life to the full and tries to help those dealt a less fortunate hand, though her attentions are not always welcome.It is a very sweet and charming film and although it may sound saccharine sweet, it certainly wasn't. Mike Leigh has introduced Scott, the driving instructor from hell (Eddie Marsan) to balance the film and remind anyone watching what a master of the study of human nature he is.Positively enjoyable - and you can't in all honesty say that about many of Leigh's films, brilliant though they are.
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