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Walkability score

In the vein of what Radiohead's trying to promote, I found this website today:Walk ScoreYou can type in an address to calculate a 'walkability' score for your neighborhood, or a potential neighborhood you're thinking of moving into. It's based on how many amenities like groceries and banks and whatnot are nearby. Right now it doesn't factor in public transit, since it's based on info found on Google Maps, and it only works for US, Canada and UK addresses (though the non-US data is not as accurate), but what a cool way to promote a less car-dependent way of thinking!
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Aloha !

some blabla : musical Silences, Dissonances, Bass lines, cello, oboe, harpsichord, electro sounds, HTTT, etc,etc...sylvie(-aka-zévi dissonanced)
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APB July 2008 pt. 1

WHOA IT'S OFFICIAL!(Cos of I have plane tickets!)ALL POINTS BOARDIES!Jul 4-6 New York CityHere's the list so far, and more will certainly be added:JennboobAnniezBradleyboxJoshie (is doodz cos of no wasteface, but we love him anyway)MikeyCathJack!Jason! is going to try to attend, but he's at least going to send Dena with some kind of note for us.Dillon says he can't, even though we have already bought a dress for him!I am going to get Eric to come somehow. Maybe I can play the lottery and win some money to buy his plane ticket. Maybe the cookies I sent him are working...Stebe thinks Josh is gonna buy his ticket to APB, cos of Josh makes A good money. Problem with that is that Stebe isn't on the list and the tickets are free!!Johanna just added!!! YAY!Eti said maybe maybe :DHarri is gonna work something out! I have faith in him.Andy wants to come, so we gotta find him some cheap plane tickets. Wait, I think we gotta find a lot of people cheap plane tickets...who knows a travel agent??DJ said he might come - awesome!Nat is also coming, but she's a doodz - just warning ya.If you are coming and you're not on this list, then tell me! And sorry if I forgot anyone, I'm a doodz sometimes.The only thing planned so far is the biergarten on Saturday. When we have more plans, I will update this, but I have a feeling there won't be many more plans, cos of we're doodz.More plans - BBQ is prolly on Friday. Vote for what you want to eat on the BBQ Poll. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then ask Jenn cos of she's always around. We're gonna have watermelon!!!*Update* Tickets to APB are not available on StubHub, so don't even try!
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'Ignore and think' Part 1 and 2

Push and try your hardest..........Emotion has left. I don't care anymore. Do as you will. Live out your dreams. Beautiful. Looking from a distance. Too scared to do anything. Pathetic. Worthless. Undeterminable. Lost. You stare through the walls, hoping for your saviour, the answer. A Joke? How can. This. Have an answer. Because of this realisation, you're angry. You walk around, destroying, killing, being, God. It makes you feel like you're in control. When your fate has been decided. They know what you're going to do. You don't solve anything. You're part of the problem. You're part of the system. Cry. No-one cares. Feelings disjointed and broken off.Untie me from this repeat. Continuous drone. Overwhelming boredom. Overwhelming pain. Overwhelming dissapointment. No fun whatsoever. Somehow, this has helped me to realise. But should I realise? Pain overcomes me. Welcomed with glee. A product of an exchange of energy. A product of thought. A product of movement.It helps to understand more clearly how I can replace my own being with the vacant stupidity I adore in you.
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greetings, w-a-s-t-e-rels!i hope this message finds you well. i'm trying to flesh out the start of a novel at the moment and it's going about as well as such things usually go. in other words, like giving birth through your nostrils.don't write, if you can possibly avoid it. it's a path towards frustration, no matter how good (if you get anywhere near good) you may become. that's some free advice. my work colleague, who is far, far cooler than me, gives out advice like;"the new five pence piece makes an excellent, impromptu coke-spoon."but i'm wa-aaay too uncool to even know what that means. besides, my socially aware, vegan, ethical principles would be rendered moot if i supported that particular industry.another good piece of advice is to never eat peanuts when sitting on the toilet. it'll end horribly.writing is a constant process of looking for an excuse to reward oneself with coffee and toast, hey! i've written a paragraph! time for a cuppa, i can always get back to writing later....i'm talking about my "real" writing here, the torturous process of over-thinking everything to the point of ruining it, trying to control the impossible - the reaction and interpretation by an unknown third party. the reader. another good piece of advice is not to tie your psyche and self-esteem to a mast entirely made of external factors, like the subjective opinions of others, or commercial "success". there's nothing but trouble along that road. be happy in yourselves, dearest friends and w-a-s-t-e-rs!then buy all of my books...that's why i like these blogs, dear friends, i just type nonsense as it comes into my head. no need for grammar (or even capital letters!) whatsoever, never mind plot or theme. this is probably the reason why these are often better than my "real" writing. there's a horrible thought. oh, the imagined problems of the put-upon artist!i'm so tortured, blues singers come to my flat when they have writer's block.whoops! there i go again. i swear, i need liposuction for my big, fat mouth...regular readers (yes, you madam) will be delighted to know that the lovers in my work are well. the bloke has started speaking to me and trying to be terribly nice. perhaps he's worried i will whisk away his girlfriend (see previous blogs for details) who, fortunately, has gone back to doing her best rain-man impression in my company. those of you who have inspected my profile in detail will be aware that i'm never going to be mistaken for johnny depp but, tragically, these bizarre romantic incidents always blow up in my face.some random married woman tried to pull me at the bus stop last week, seriously. my best friend and associate, THE LEGEND, perhaps put it best when he said;"you used to be a fanny-magnet, now you're just a fanny."THE LEGEND is currently upset because i laughed at his request for assistance in buying a blueberry. he meant a certain brand of personal electronic organiser. maybe i'm the only one who thinks that's funny?i'm off to the deli tomorrow, to buy a blackberry muffin...back to work it is, then. remember, i love you all. and, at the end of the day, love and hope are all we truly have.even that sounds like a bon jovi lyric.i love you,steve x.
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airport time

I don't enjoy watching you wait in line with strangers. As fluorescent lights replace my sight and become particles of your face, I can't realize that you'll be gone, up in a ship, floating over countries and seas. There are non-descript noises from the speakers, electronic signs flashing and suitcases rolling along the tile. Such high ceilings, but I need more air to breathe it all in. What can I do in these last moments except act blindly through the dark? Already, the scene is fading away in my memory. Inching bit by bit, we are cars stuck in traffic and my head's caving inward. When I drive back, the headlights of massive cars will blind me home, where I'll fall asleep to crappy mix cds.
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Strike Action

Well, sorry to have inconvenienced anyone, but it is a little inconvenient to have a 2.45% pay award. This is in effect a pay cut when inflation is running at around double that amount. How many years do we have to endure this? And remember that 2.45% of a low wage packet is laughable. Thanks to all those who have given support and understanding.
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there is no turning back

Last night in my dreamthe air full of basspeachful sunlightA Japanese womanthick-thighed & yellowish palefloated along red maple busheslurking between land and skyElongated whispers growing in silenceformed into pastel colorsrusted rainbows fusing togetherBut a stern man, outlined with greylured her fingers to twist around himand she willingly placed her pocketed body in the trunk of his carIn her eyes a wall of resistance cracked itselffear oozed between the gaps of her footstepsthe zenith of her sobbing gasptiptoeing in the darkno repetitioncemented overpunctured heart
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good evening

I am twitching to the Idiotegue and drinking an ice teaaaand i'm going to watch "The Science of Sleep"(aka La Science des rêves)aw, so sweetаф, я устала уже писать по-английски. приветики!
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Descarado es poco...

Ayer por poco y me vomito encima del peridico " La nación" despues de leer que el imbecil de Bush avolió la ley que prohibe explotar las costas de gringolandia para la busqueda de petroleo. Osea, como alguien puede se tan carebarro y fimar un acuerdo con la G-8 para eliminar el 50% de contaminación mundial a causa de la quema de combustibles ( cuando ya no existamos y nos haya llevado puta) para el 2050 y justamente el lunes elimina las leyes que regulan y protegen la diversidad marítima??? y por otro lado se toma fotos sembrando árboles??? Me indigna este hombre! yo que los gringos haría algo pa' mandar este carepicha a la mierda y que se vaya a sembrar remolachas a su amado texas... Maldición con este hombre!! que Dios me perdone, pero maldición!!!!!!Que pasen buen día!N x
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Йорк замечен в связях...

Вчера ночью волосы встали дыбом, ей-богу, от посещения Я увидела, что Йорк связан..... с "фабриканткой" Викторией Дайнеко! Смотрите сами:Если нажать на ПОДРОБНЕЕ, можно узнать каким образом он с ней связан:"За кулисами стоит огромный монитор, на котором показывают выступления всех участников. И когда Йорк видит Дайнеко на экране, он аж трясется от восторга. И кто знает: может, и переживает, какие оценки поставят его "мамочке"?"Я понимаю, что ресурс в стадии бета-тестирования, но не до такой же степени, чтобы так "связывать" людей и собак воедино!:((
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This blog is a necessity. Somewhere I can write semi-anonymously, as my other blogs have been devoured by friends and relations and it has no longer become a place where I can be completely honest or vent frustrations or dare to be anything unexpected or new. Initially I had intended for blog-keeping to be like journal-keeping, personal musings and the like. I don't feel as if I can grow and flourish as a writer or human being under the thumbing watch of my otherwise allies.So a mini-introduction to me, or the new me, would go something like this:I like music, especially new music. Music that makes me move but more than that, feel. I love books but I rarely read them, which is both embarassing and a pity. The thing is, I love to hear stories, I love people telling me stories and I love reading the backs of books and feeling that initial pull of a good story. This, I believe, is why I love films so much. (I am currently reading film and english at university) Their ability to introduce, keep and maintain a good story in a short period of time.I also am a keen traveller. No matter the distance, I love to be away. My favourite trip so far was my biggest trip, last spring I backpacked with a friend all over the UK and Netherlands. It was such a great experience and I look forward to returning.I'm an avid writer but my ambitions are ambivalent. I often float between what I'd like to take up, journalism, fiction, screenwriting. Who knows where life will take me.There's more to me than that but I think I'll leave off with my love of the City. I'm from a small city/large town in Southern Ontario (there's lots of these in S.ON) And its not quite a mecca, but I absolutely adore urban life. I've been to many major cities (TO, NYC, LA, LDN) and I believe that's where my heart truly lies. They say if you're raised in the country you'll always be a country gal, and if you're raised in the city you'll always be a city gal. Well in my case its true.
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