Well another week another few hundred quid of the credit card paid off.Off to see Portishead tomorrow evening in Edinburgh which i am really looking forward to. Unfortunatly it is my Dads birthday party in the morning/early afternoon. He has a breakfast bbq and everyone gets manky-pished. So i am not sure what state i am going to be in by the time i get the train from Ayr to Glasgow - Glasgow to Edinburgh and then watch a gig.It aint going to be pretty, thats for sure....
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SO as i sit here with The Cure , "Disintigration" playing on my I Pod, I ponder how I am going to do the whole ticket thing on Sat morn. I used to be all into it; but after years of waiting inline for 9 hrs with no let down besides one, I am just gonna call on my way to work in hope that I catch The Super seat section (HW Bowl) or below. I have one other phone/internet going as well at home, thank god to my BF.I have to say that I am very impressed with the price of tickets, Max 75 dollars. That is very good for the Bowl. For Morrissey I paid 65.00 for crappy seats. I think it has to do with the band being sensitive to our pocket books. I have seen way too many shows at the bowl. 75 for the most exspensive seats is sooooo worth it!I wish all you fans the best of luck with your tickets!Peace out~P
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Hi,New to all of this. It's pretty good, though. Unlike MySpace and the like, it's a fair bet that most members on here have pretty spiffing tastes in music and the like.If I've sent you an add request, it's because I think you get "it", whatever "it" is.Cultural references; music, films, literature.If I've added a disproportionate number of people from Russia, it's probably Dostoevsky's fault. If you've mentioned Orwell or Vonnegut on your profile, that's the reason.If you've mentioned "Apocalypse Now", I can't help it. I probably love you already.Otherwise, I may just like the cut of your jib, or think your home town has a funny name.If you're French, it's probably because of student riots or "La Haine".If this sounds like an invitation to join a religious cult; don't worry, it isn't. At least not yet...I'm also on MySpace and Bebo;www.myspace.com/omniblobwww.bebo.com/THEBEAGRIEI also have a blog;www.stevebeagrie.comMainly geared towards my musical and literary interests. My book;http://www.amazon.co.uk/Every-Now-Then-Stephen-Beagrie/dp/1403395780/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1207860097&sr=8-3If you don't want to add me, it's OK. If you do, strap yourself in for a bunch of pretentious horse-shit and bad poetry.Oh, and tell your friends. Tell all your friends...Much Love,Steve.
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So the thing is, I moved to Bay Area a month ago. Working with a L1 Visa for a whole year... Then it happenedhttp://www.sfoutsidelands.com/I don't usually consider myself a lucky guy, so this comes really as a big surprise.Where else is Radiohead playing in the States this year?
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THERE IS A FIVE SECOND WINDOW WHEREIN YOUR BREAD GOES FROM "TOASTED" TO "CHARRED BEYOND RECOGNITION."It’s like, do I blame the bread or the toaster? I think I’m going to go with the toaster, because what the hell does "7″ mean? Seven what? Why are my options in numbers? There should only be one option and it should be EDIBLE. I’ll even take "golden," "crunchy," and "haha." Regardless, I shouldn’t be able to leave a mark on the wall with my bread.No matter, it’s not like I don’t have a back-up plan...This is unconfirmed intelligence, but I think my family got wind of some sort of bread ration that is going to be implemented in the very near future, and thus decided to buy all the bread in the world.Honestly, if I don’t even know the logic behind what’s happening on a counter top in my own kitchen, how am I supposed to figure out the logic behind life?
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Well to start this off I'm going to steal the idea my friend used in her first vlog she made for me. I'll get the ball rolling by writing out ten things you probably don't know about me.1.I spend way too much time doing my hair and make up, its almost sick.2. I can't cook worth shit unless its a recipe from a certain talk show. (I've set fire to water, seriously)3. I watch Rachel Ray every chance I get. And I watch the odd Dr. Phil epp.4. My favourite part of going to the movies is being an ass and laughing and yelling vulgar comments at the screen to the point that I've been booed out of 6 movies in the last year, I've gone probably ten times in the last year.5. I get really paranoid when I smoke weed.6. I've come accustomed to paranoia and as result smoke more than most people I know.7. Unintentionally I have a tendancy to get people to start smoking again without even realizing it.8. I'm addicted to buying DVD's.9. I love my best friends dog more than I love my own.10. I'm a bitch and I love it! (Telling me so only betters my mood, I love having faults thrown in my face.)
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Spending the day getting the store ready to open. Yuk.. cold, wet, dusty. Not for long though.And I've prepared a playlist for the kids to listen to as we work.When you're the boss, you get to play Radiohead at work!lolMy summer world:
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Posted by Sleep Eater on April 10, 2008 at 10:38am
Elbow were amazing last night!'nuff said.i was like 'woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah' and yeh.just glad i get to see them again at glastonbury!!Cecile got some awesome photos as well *thumbs up*but yes, anywaycurrently i'm listening to Spiritualized for the first time in about a year :Pwoo!Thmx
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I might be looking for some SB seats if I fail at the ticketmaster sale - if you have a pair you want to trade for another SoCal show - look me up.
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Holy shit what a great EP.I would describe it as a throwback to Feels and Spirit. Very good.Man... I already can't wait for the next album. I'm hoping they will record "Brother Sport," "Am I Real/Little Girl," and "Walk Around With You" for it.
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We Sit And Stare But Never Realize There Is More To Life Than The Objects And People We Pass Everyday. We Are Gods Among Creatures Here But insignificant Insects In Life. Once We Reach A Euphoric Sense Of All The Universe Around Us We Can Finally Be Set Free From Our Chains Of IgnoranceCurrent Music: Feeling Good - Muse
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So I went travelling back to the hillside where my gold was stolen but after a day of travelling through woods I stopped behind the mcdonalds and found what you call the shamrock shake.It was very tasty and green. It was a good time to do my travels now while human leprechaun day had yet to be. I could move more freely among you kind and not be questioned. Often leprechauns will come out and get free ale at bars.That night I turned on the devil box and it allowed me to be on the internets.I typed in radiohead musics and found they had their very own page and a board of talking. I signed up as "ask a leprechaun".I thought that the people there would be curious of the leprechaun ways and in return would tell me more of radioheads whereabouts.One among them named cs did tell me that Thom Yorkie be in Oxfordshire and showed me the sage known as Wikipedia.He be a trickster though and told me that one among you known as Steve be Thom Yorkie. Steve told me it was not true.cs had said it wasnt true as well but I had already posted Steve. Steve was nice that time to me.I found then that not many were brave to speak to one such as I but perhaps they think I was a crazy one.I have seen crazy ones there since.I think over time the people saw that I be not mean and angry like some and even if I be a crazy that I be a nice crazy and not a mean type.Next time perhaps i shall tell you of the nice ladies at the talkboard who kept me company talking late at night while I be on my quest.
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Last week i listened to the Radiohead BBC concert in North Carolina at a desk looking out a window with somewhat clear and bright skies. Although a connection between "In rainbows" and the sky seems somewhat cursory, those songs in particular can really keep up with the changing face of a fast-moving cloud.One day i noticed listening to "Weird fishes" and seeing some clouds move overhead, driving I think, that looking at a cloud while you're listening to a song......possibly by any musician but certainly Radiohead, the song and the speed of the cloud are often in agreement and you might "feel" the song more than normal. "House of cards" was my favorite during the BBC concert...there was a group of very tiny clouds clustered together that sailed on by during that song and also a somewhat big clumpy one which was being moved around in a bit of a curl by the wind.Really an intriguing phenomenon between music and water. And, I suppose everyone playing the songs and even who forged the guitars and drumset were made of more than half water themselves. What a peculiar planet, this....
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