On a Friday first gig poster added by Colin

Colin Greenwood Q&A On Radiohead's First Gig, Independent Venues & What The Band's Up To Now NME: What do you remember about Radiohead's first gig at the Jericho Tavern? Colin Greenwood: Our first gig at the Jericho Tavern was in 1987 at Club Avocado (see the poster). The 'Mystery Group' and 'The Yellowy Blue Roof Men' also on the bill were, in fact, the same band. We were called ‘On A Friday' at that time. You'll see on the poster it says "Oxford NEEDS live music" It wasn't just Oxford! In terms of the setlist there was nothing on it we play now (hear an On A Friday song below). It was planned for a while and we'd rehearsed in the village halls of Southern Oxfordshire. They were as important to our success as the gigs at independent venues we went on to play. Before the show I'd been drinking a six-pack of beer in Wellington Park with Raz (Peterson), the sax player at that point, and probably finished said six pack afterwards. The beer went down very well. The gig did too. Read more at http://www.nme.com/blogs/nme-blogs/colin-greenwood-qa-on-radioheads-first-gig-independent-venues-what-the-bands-up-to-now?recache=1&t=1231318#TEAgkaJCX3CFcXr6.99 Read more at http://www.nme.com/blogs/nme-blogs/colin-greenwood-qa-on-radioheads-first-gig-independent-venues-what-the-bands-up-to-now?recache=1&t=1231318#TEAgkaJCX3CFcXr6.99
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