We were asked not to use phones during the shows not to interfere with the shooting but I managed to grab a shot before they started. Incidentally Ed sat exactly where I sat during Kim Gordon (ex Sonic Youth) show and granted me a beaming smile when recognizing me as I was right in front of him (about 2m) when he performed his set. Couldn't move as I much as I would have wanted because I had the cameraman often taking shots at my feet and didn't want to hinder him in his job. Everyone from the team to security were absolutely lovely and treated the audience as equal with the artists. Actually the artists (Ed included) just passed next to us to climb on and off stage. It was really an amazing experience. Thanks to Ed. I wouldn't be there had he not posted the link for being part of the audience right at the moment I checked my Twitter feed. I was very sick until roughly 4pm, thought I would collapse and his music acted like a miracle on me. So thanks you a million times Ed for being who you are.
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