so many choices, so many things to do that i choose nothing and daydream about what could have been while my spiritual duplicate gamboles in the wabe, and it is not until too late that i remember to effect my strength wanes as the week stretches like a tendon. i always fear returning. i nibble my lips away.
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My favorite thing in the whole world is women's boobies, so nothing is more horrifying to me than breast cancer. I empathize with anyone that has gone through that, I really do. I cannot imagine how terrible of a thing that must be. I also believe that it is good that there are corporations trying their hardest to help out the cause of fighting breast cancer. But Yoplait is really going about it in a strange way.Lick Breast Cancer.I've often thought that their whole campaign motto has sexual overtones. Lick Breast... Ok I get it. Whatever it takes. But then today I see on the receptionist's desk this large glass jar with "Lick Breast Cancer" written on the front of it. It is half full of Yoplait Yogurt lids. Does anyone know how disgusting this is? I remember high school where they would have you lick the petri dish and then you would watch it grow like some chia pet from hell. This is worse though. First you've got remnants of dairy product fermenting in there, along with all the germs from the persons saliva. Then you mix that with 50 other samples from other people into one big petri dish and sit it on the receptionist's desk.Where did you go wrong in your choices in High School or in life in general that has lead you to the point where you earn your living counting moldy yogurt lids for Yoplait. I'm thinking you should be in full bio-hazard gear, but I'm willing to bet that poor bastard isn't. Do you think she gets satisfaction out of her job? How much do you reckon she gets paid? Are her family proud of her?And what about other cancers? Why doesn't Yoplait help out with them? Lick Testicular Cancer. Lick Prostate Cancer. Lick Colon Cancer (this one could also be co-sponsored locally by Rusty's Trombone Repair shop). How come Yoplait doesn't care about them?And what about other companies wanting to get in and help the cause to fight cancer? Crest might be interested. We could discard our used dental floss and they could donate a certain amount for each foot you deposit in their bins. Charmin could have a huge campaign called "Wipe Out Colon Cancer" and for every empty Charmin toilet paper roll you drop off they would donate a certain amount. Tampax could have "Applicate Against Cervical Cancer" and every used tampon applicator you drop off they would send money towards that cause.Seriously though, this is a good cause and if you have some extra cash a small donation from you would go a long way. Go here to keep the boobies of the world safe from cancer, because a world without boobies, is a terrible place to live. then, I gotta go
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OBAMA gets my nod before anyone can try to change my mind (as if...) But if you're one of the unfortunates in other states who are forced to brave long lines and hostile robots -some dressed as voting machines, some dressed as humans, both quite annoying and sinister... consider the scary alternatives of four more years of Bush Jr. McCain and the not-so-silly-beauty-pagent-walker Sarah Paiin...Sometimes change is expensive, consider taking a personal day off from work to insure your vote isn't lost to the above scenarios.(Voting Holiday day-off... a long overdue American institution just waiting for YOU to make it happen! Tell your Congressman this is important enough to you want a bill proposed and a law enacted to make it so!!!) Change is GOOD! Change that gives the added benefit of HOPE is BETTER!World Peace... Not World Talk (KRS-One)
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Good Luck U.S.A.Let democracy win through......for a change. Many of us in the UK are holding our breath, crossing our fingers and hoping...
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Since I was a little girl I loved the rain. I would look for every excuse to be outside splashing in the rain, spinning around as my wet cloths clung to my body. Not much has changed since I have grown up.I still love the rain. The last time I played in the rain was a while back. I stood on a hill with my eyes closed, arms stretched open and tears running down my face. I didn’t spin around, but I did sit on the ground with my back against my tire and my head in my face.Its raining today, and I am antsy to be outside. But instead I am wrapped up in my blanket with a cup of coffee carefully cupped by both of my hands. And my mind is racing in every which direction.Today I can talk to you about anything…I am even willing to admit to having weaknesses. I will outline all of my fears and trepidations. I can sit here and confess to everything that I have held close to my heart and soul and lost them all.But it’s no longer worth keeping it all inside of me. Because I know that I am not alone. Whether you admit it or not, you have the same issues as I do. I just happen to be better at keeping them suppressed and hidden from public scrutiny. That’s all. It’s just that I am done acting strong and perfect.My biggest fear in life has been judgment and failure. I hate people’s views and thoughts. On occasion I have caved in and put on a mask and entertained the crowds avoiding all things that would trigger someone’s personal viewpoint. That’s just how much I hate being judged. Enough to avoid it at all cost.Now, I don’t entirely care. As a matter of a fact I don’t care about anything. You want to fuck on the first date. Sure go ahead, I’ll supply the condoms. You want to quit your job and live under a bridge, I say you go for it. I will bring you warm soup and my blanket on a rainy day. You want to get married, go for it! You live this life once. I will be the witness at your wedding and the shoulder for you to cry on when you file for a divorce.I don’t care…..I am done fighting for things to fall in the right place under synchronized order. It’s such a stressful fight. And the longer I fight for it, the harder I fall and bruise my ego. Maybe its time for me to live my life the unorthodox way. Careless….. free….and without the concern of being judged.For now I want to live dangerously. I want to play with fire. I want to have a tea party on the train tracks. I want to run wild in the rain with my eyes open. And if I fall down…bruise myself, break a bone, burn off my hand, then I know where to come and I hope you will have the right things to say to me, and not just “I told you so.”My writings have been my savor for the last few years. I have seriously watched myself grow. I have been goofy….stupid….rude….cruel…..heartless….broken…..hurt….and a hard ass. And I am going to continue being all of that; I just want to do it carelessly.All my life I have measured everything and calculated the risks I take with meticulous caution. I think I am done doing thatThis is all about me…..and I plan on keeping it that way. You could say that I am done being meticulous. I just want to live life on edge….because I can only do it once.
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The links that follow are mostly California-specific, so if you are in another state, check with your Secretary of State for addresses of offices and specific policies or forms.Hours of operation: The polls are open from 7am to 8pm. If you're in line when the polls close, you can still vote.Time off to vote: Employers are legally obligated to allow you time off from work to vote and in fact, to inform you of that right. If you do not have the time outside of working hours to make it to the polls, or if your shift covers the entire time the polls are open, the time off can be paid. If this is the case, you have 2 hours max of paid time to vote.Vote-by-mail: This is what was known as Absentee voting prior to 2007. If you haven't received your absentee/vote-by-mail ballot yet, go to the polls or an early voting location in your county and vote by provisional ballot (see below). You should not need ID to vote provisionally if you've voted before. If your entire city is vote-by-mail, try another area in the same county. You should be able to vote at any polling place within the county you're registered in. The League of Women Voters is a nonprofit nonparisan organization that has information about voting in person and by mail.If you haven't mailed your vote-by-mail ballot by now (the guaranteed date was Oct. 28th), drop it off in person or priority mail it to be on the safe side. The deadline is 8p on Nov. 4th, and it is not a postmark deadline! If it arrives after 8p on Tuesday, it will not count no matter when you dropped it in the mail. Drop it off instead at your local polling place on election day, or your local county election official's office anytime beforehand. Remember to sign the inside flap (not the spoiled ballot form on the outside flap!) of your ballot envelope or your vote will not count!Provisional ballots: The Voter Bill of Rights gives you the right to cast a provisional ballot if your name is mistakenly not on the rolls or if you have moved within your county and did not re-register. You can also vote provisionally in person if you mailed a vote-by-mail ballot but are unsure it will arrive on time. If it does, your provisional ballot will not count, if it does not, your provisional ballot will count. Do not turn away if you're registered but they can't find you! For more details, read about provisional voting.Mistakes, assistance: You can ask for help in filling out your ballot, and if you mess up, you can ask for a new ballot. If you've messed up your vote-by-mail ballot, do not send it or turn it in - you can exchange it for a new one at your polling place or county election office. Initialing changes on the ballot invalidates your vote.First time voters: Bring your ID! You need it the first time you vote.No campaign paraphernalia: You can't vote with campaign stickers or t-shirts on since campaign materials are prohibited within 100 feet of the polls. Someone will stop you, so cover up or take it off!Fraud, intimidation: If you think you've witnessed election fraud or voter intimidation, there's an official complaint form you can file. The Sec. of State also has a voter fraud pamphlet (PDF) to give you some idea of what practices are kosher and what aren't.
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I was doing my prep research for the election and thought I'd post a couple of links that might be useful to some people.Your polling place2008 US Election Info - Google has put up a neat little online app that will help you find your polling place. You can see where exactly the location is on a map instead of copying an address to map it on another website. You can map your driving or public transit route on the same map. Google is awesome.Voting RecordsEver since W. said he intended to address climate change in the 2000 campaign, and then proceeded not only to shun the issue on the world stage but to appoint people who attempted to change the wording of scientific memos (CBS video with images of the actual marked up draft), I've been unable to really believe what candidates say they intend to do. These sources are good for state rep. elections too, of course.Project Vote Smart, a non-profit, nonpartisan organization where you can check Congressional voting records by issue.Congress votes database - run by the Washington Post, it shows percentage of votes missed, how each rep. voted on key issues and how often they vote along party lines.The Money TrailIndustry contributions - Open Secrets is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that collects data on campaign finance contributions. You can take a look at which industries contributed most to which candidate/party, and if you look around the site, there's also information on lobbying and political connections between industries and politicians. You can also look at the net worth of all the members of Congress. It's more of a general campaign finance watchdog tool than specifically useful for this election.Debunking accusationsFact Check is always the place to go to check the truth behind all those accusations and negative ads. They now even have a feature called Ask Fact Check, where they answer reader questions.Fact-checking the debates - the NY Times has video of each presidential and vice-presidential debate side by side with a text transcript as well as an extremely useful "Check Point" feature that points out which claims are true and which are false. I find this extremely useful since otherwise the debates are just a long boring session of he says/she says. The video plays along a timeline divided into the red and blue blocks, red indicating when McCain speaks and blue indicating when Obama speaks, so if you choose, you can easily forward to all the sections where the candidate you're interested in speaks.
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Get thee behind me Walmart. That's what I wanted to call this post and would have but in searching for the sorriest sack of sh*t for this week I realized none are as sorry as the entire Walmart Corporation.I spent the day before Halloween (Thursday) at work discussing the election and what a country ran by Barack Obama might be like. So with that fresh in my mind I stopped by one of the many Walmarts I pass on the way home to stock up on 12-Gauge shotgun shells and 30.06 bullets, because who knows if I'll be able to buy that sort of thing 6 months from now.I was completely disgusted by what I found at Walmart. The day before Halloween and they have Christmas Trees, up and lit and on display out in front of their store. It doesn't end there. I walk in and there are 20 foot high styrofoam trees throughout the store, and Christmas lights, ornaments, wrapping paper, the whole nine yards all out and ready.All the Halloween stuff they had left had been condensed from the 6 shelves full they had last week to two shelves full. The lawn and garden area was bursting at the seems with Christmas stuff just waiting till Friday night at midnight so it could all be pushed out to the main part of the store.You have got to be freak'n kidding me? Can they really be serious? Is this really what it has come to?I'm sure I don't know.What I do know is the f*cking pilgrims are getting screwed. Hello...Thanksgiving comes between Halloween and Christmas. I guess it's not in Walmart's best interest to have people actually think about what they are thankful for though. If you found yourself contemplating all the things you are thankful for, all the things you're blessed with, then you wouldn't be so miserable. You would actually think there was a void in your life. A void in your heart that only shopping at Walmart could possibly fill.Walmart, take your pre-Halloween Christmas sh*t and your low, everyday prices, and the morbidly-obese, retarded, geriatric greeter at your front door and go f*ck yourself. I hereby declare you this Saturday's "Sorry Sack of Sh*t". I'm shopping at Target this year douche-bags!!!!!!!!!!!!
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lately, i've been listening to a lot of simple, country-esque or to be hipster about it, americana (yea hehe) music. there is a certain coming home vibe to it. makes me feel very much at ease--hold on, keep on reading, i'm not about to try and preach and all. listening to that kind of music makes everything seem simple and good and here is your bed, why don't you curl up and let momma sing you a lullabye.i thought this music is it. all's good, yea? no need to showcase technicality. no need for volume. everything's nice and pleasing. everything is all heart.but in japan, as i was watching radiohead, the only thing going inside my head is: no, no, no This is It. This is where it's at. To be completely juvenile: This is who i am.sure country-esque music, all that strumming and humming and all, pats my back. but radiohead, they make me want to be a better person. radiohead, i hope you're reading this. you're like who's-the-girl-opposite-jack nicholson-in-As Good as It Gets? you're like her and i'm saying: "You make me want to be a better man" only, change man to woman because i am a girl.i had wanted to write about the experience but i wasn't going to rush myself. you wanna know why? i want to give justice to the band and the music and the performance and the experience. yikes, there isn't a better way of saying it than in my native language: masukilan ko man lang i sounding like an annoyingly earnest fuckface? sorry. it's just that the oct 2 was my first radiohead show. that was my first time in japan. and i met a man and and it wasn't casual or cheap or gross because that was a part of the whole radiohead experience . sorry, am i tmi-ing? apologies.there were a few times during the show when i had wanted, so badly, to close my eyes and allow music to take the lead. but fuck it, i needed to know, i needed to be sure that yes i was there. at the radiohead concert. oh, lookie, that's the band on stage. luckily, at the hostel i'm staying at, i met a french woman who had an extra oct 5 ticket. yes, i bought it for a double whammy extravagance.the music was more than enough. the band's presence was beyond my meter. at twice the love, now that's amazing. simply amazing.i'm sorry. it's just that i think all my friends have heard everything they needed to hear about the experience and here i am still a brimful, a month after. le effing, yes, radiohead thank you. you don't just cradle me after a horrible day. your music makes me want to do things better, become a better person. it's where i thrive the most. so thank you.
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