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Fête du cinéma

That's the new thing these days : every once in a while, so-called journalists claim on television that the Internet is killing the music / film industry && / || all kinds of values & counterfeits and such idiocies. Especially when the government wants to give the police's rights to sniff the network to private companies. It's getting fucked up in France (country's infrastructures getting old, corruption, control of media, reinforcement of police, nationalism, racism, personnality cult for the head of state...) but IT businness is really on the top of the pile. Maybe because i'm interested. Hum.Well, obviously, the Internet didn't chain me to my chair and stop me from going to a few theatres these past days. For those who don't know, the Fête du cinéma lasts three days (four this year in Lille) and allows you to watch movies for 2€ once you've bought a ticket with a regular price. So the more movies, the cheaper the average price. I managed to watch movies for 3€50 each, which is an honest price I think.I did not watch that many movies - still got work to go to, but hopefully I'm only 97 days from my first holidays since mid March 2007 - but that's more than I did since the beginning of the year. Not because I download, but because the movies I have heard about don't seem to be worth my time.Anyway, let's try and review what I watched :- In Bruges : didn't want to watch this one, beacuse I'm not really fond of the movies Farell plays in. But, hey, it was cheap, so I went. And got a pleasent surprise, the movie is actually good ! Good story, humorous moments, alcôves...And it's about Brugges ! I went there a few times when I was younger ; indeed there's not much to do...a Flamish thing ? Oh, and, yeah, had been a long time since I had last heard an Irish accent... Lovely.- Waltz with Bachir : I went to see this one knowing that I didn't know enough (does that make sense ?). It's about Lebanon and I know next to nothing about the country (except very very few anecdotes about the destruction of this or that village a few summers ago where people I knew at uni had been living). I had heard about the Sabra and Shatila massacre, especially in that IAM song (J'aurais pu croire), but nothing really precise. I was determined though. Ouch. Ignorance hurts. Beautiful moment. Impressive animation work, good choice of colours as well. Seems that animation movies are better and better, and more diversified as well (not that I complain about Miyazaki, I love his movies, but since not that long ago he was the only one who had his movies in French theatres). And, yeah, the narration is great. So I'm gonna look for information about Lebanese wars, and massacres... hmmm, interesting stuff.- 21 : Well.... Don't pay for this one. Don't watch it if you have better stuff to do. Not really good. Didn't match my maths standards. Hardly worth the price I paid. They don't really talk about the theories ! I was interested !! I wanted to feel back at uni, when teachers were talking about all these big stuff with Greek letters I still don't know how to pronounce and cost of functions and ...All that O n² 2^n stuff. So...Pfff. Disappointed. I'll stick to π.- Diary of the Dead : Good laugh on that one. Quite the opposite feeling that I got with Waltz with Bachir, because, this time, I got all the touchstones ! All these links to other movies, to videogames (especially the first Resident Evil with the manor)... But the movie itself was a bit disappointing. We are all blazé of horror movies, aren't we ? There was some cool stuff, sure, but a bit predictable.But maybe that was Romero's point ? We all know horror movies, all has been done already, so, by doing predictable things he might want us to see how indifferent to others' suffering we've become ? Maybe the theatre wasn't the best place to watch the movie, but on a laptop ? And then again, we get the Youtube-like format to access "information" - for the movie is supposed to be reflecting the truth and informing people - to fit in what he condemns in the movie. If so, this is great. But, anyway, made me laugh, so that's good (I needed it).So, the fête du Cinéma was a good vintage as I say... Apart from going out to watch movies instead of watching the Euro football crap with my flatmate, I had a nice time socialising (doesn't happen often). Spoke Spanish with tourists, struggled to find a bar that wasn't closed at 1.00 AM, had a very, very, very nice & refreshing draft Tripel Karmeliet (my favourite beer these days, yum ! ), all of this in pleasant company and under a wonderful summer sky that is gone today. A shame. Tonight will be dedicated to sleep, then.
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음악 c+나왔다...성적이 이따위로 나오면 어쩌자는 건가.대출 이자면제 받는 것 까지는 성공했는데...아직 일자리는 못구했다.하지만 꼭 가야지. 기다려라 사이타마.
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Ok, I'm not sure what to write actually, and it feels weird because I'm using Elkie's computer with a different keyboard (some of the symbols are completely misplaced). But I still feel like I HAVE to write something...Wow, where to begin? Yesterday was THE BEST DAY of my entire life! But oh, now I'm scared if I start writing it'll end up like a novel or something! Wouldn't want that. And I can feel it all just queuing up inside me ready to explode any minute. My head is really crowded right now, and at the same time it sort of feels empty, because it's all crammed up. Know what i mean?Anyway, i arrived in Amsterdam late at night the day before the show, Elkie was at the airport and picked me up. When I got to her place I was sort of amazed because she has this really cool flat filled with nice stuff. And Eek, her cat, was lovely. Ok, gotta keep it short now Mimmi. Hm, but that's impossible!!!So the next day I met Gabi, Clay and Prav. They were all really nice and sweet and introduced me to the beautiful world of RADIOHEAD concerts. And I felt so stupid because I had to ask all these questions. And still, I made lots of mistakes (some of them were even really rude of me, but that wasn't my intention at all, I'm sorry Mr S...) The show was extreeeemmmmly, like really really really really, like high up in the just fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!! FABULOUS.And Clay did the nicest thing, he asked me if I wanted to stand where he was standing, extremely front row, almost right in the middle! I just hope I wasn't blocking his view... Because he had to stand right behind me. The coolest thing was watching Elkie dancing and digging to the sound of JUST, she was really into it and the energy spread like fire!Just so I don't forget: I want to thank ELKIE, GABI, CLAY and PRAV, you all took really good care of me and made my day perfect! THANK YOU!Hehe, this is getting sort of long, and it feels like I've only just started... What to do? What to do?There is just no end to it... not to forget: I got to help Elkie out a little at her business too, that was fun and exciting. And if Elkie is reading this, please tell Alfredo that I had a really nice time and that he taught me a lot of interesting stuff that made me want to learn more...But now I will just stop here and continue some other day, ah, I need to take a shower. And my flight back is tomorrow! Doei!Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!best regards / Mimmi
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Loneliness Marion Webb-De SistoNobody has me,Nobody shares me,I am complete within myself.Nobody heals me,Nobody hurts me,I am immune within myself.Nobody sees me,Nobody hears me,Yet I exist within myself.Nobody shuns me,Nobody seeks me,So here I hide within myself.Nobody thinks me,Nobody feels me,I am unique within myself.Nobody gives me,Nobody takes me,I am untouched within myself.Nobody knows me,Nobody greets me,Unrecognized within myself.Nobody hates me,Nobody loves me,Therefore, I grieve within myself.Nobody lives me,Nobody is me,I am alone within myself.
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Слово властно над всеми. Ощущение удовольствия от похвалы в свой адрес, чувство досады и вины от критиканства, все эти ощущения- следствие нашей речи. Слова вершат наши судьбы: возносят на вершину успеха или сбрасывают вниз. Но мы часто поступаем со словами рассеяно и бездумно.Мудрецы говорили, что произнося ненужные слова, мы попусту расходуем энергию, которую могли бы направить в нужное русло- на совершение благих поступков, например.Польза критики неоспорима. В мире слухов и хорошо проплаченного PR слова, казалось бы утрачивают своё значение, и люди с недоверием относятся ко многим заявлениям. Как быть молодому сценаристу, если он не способен адекватно отразить нападки акул и просто толпы недовольных, хотя здоровая критика и необходима ему как воздух?Я не знаю ответ на этот вопрос . Зато я знаю одну замечательную мантру.Но прежде чем я открою её, не могли бы вы ответить, на сколько нам необходимы все эти комментарии, предположения, жёлтые новости, и дибловатая реклама? Это море информации. Которое способно поглотить любого, лавина слов, из которой выбраться, отыскав единственно нужную и полезную тебе мысль способен не каждый? А ещё : насколько нам необходимы футбольные комментаторы?Как бы там ни было, вот та волшебная мантра, открытая мне Учителем Слова Устного и Письменного в одной из последних трансовых сессий. Учитель заметил, что прежде, чем высказаться, нелишне задать себе три вопроса: Правда ли это? Хорошо ли это? Необходимо ли это? И назвал эти вопросы тремя вратами речи.Не очень похоже на мантру? Но не стоит забывать, что даже обычные слова содержат в себе вибрирующую силу. Любая речь, особенно та, что преисполнена сильного чувства, создаёт волны энергии, которые, пронизывая наше тело, устремляются наружу. Сливаясь с вибрацией мира, они создают атмосферу, парящую вокруг нас.Слова, произносимые или возникающие в уме, постоянно меняют реальность, приводя в движение вибрацию мира. Именно поэтому выбор того, что произнести, а о чём умолчать не должен быть случаен. По мере того, как энергии будут становиться чище, мы обретём способность тщательнее подбирать слова, не жертвуя при этом спонтанностью и выразительностью своей речи.Но ближе к делу, у меня есть вполне конкретное предложение. Давайте включим в образовательную программу школы футбольных комментаторов(или как там называется то место , где их учат этому ремеслу), мою замечательную мантру.Пусть ребята перед каждым матчем расстелют резиновый коврик, сядут на него в любую удобную позу и сложат руки в намасте и зададут себе эти три вопроса.И пусть Виктора Гусева не пускают комментировать футбол, пока он не пройдёт этот ритуал трижды. В конце концов, почему всегда когда он комментирует, мы сливаем?!!
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Strange business, strange place.

I never wanted to learn to be a writer\ critic\ journalist \ .Moreover it always seem to me that this people never became good writers. Nevertheless Chuck Palahniuk still study in a evening school for writers and Irvine Welsh when he was a guest of one Moscow philological faculty noted: “Go to the street and find the characters there. You never learn writing in this stuffy lecture hall!”
All of us learn in practice. Sooner or later become a moment when we have something to tell, to tell a story. at long last how many times I would wake up at night and would find in darkness, kicking my cat, paper to write dreams.
Today I have seen very strange dream, it was wonderful. There was a place witch I can describe only using film by Tarkovsky “Stalker”. Place looked like The Zone. It was warm and smells like putrefaction. An idea was appeared: people come here to die. Can you imagine, they go down the long road in search of death?
There was life too. People whose way of life was like “not fixed address” :burnt houses and clothes, crushed plates and dishes, outcast…The most strange thing was that there was nicely and calmly at heart though I do not like such places. Thought was appear: here great film can be created.
By the way if this place exists in real, I would create film.
I will study film director. It will be another profession witch I do not want to start studying. As well as musician, sound producing…
There is one film school invited me, but problem…they want me to write for them some reviews for a films.
What can I write? Who can I attack or to whom sing an ode song? The first can be counted by a million, second becomes progressively smaller. If this were so…I can write critical essay like Hunter Thompson…
In general, if someone of you some day wrote a critical essay I would like to take some lessons…only I you have enough cynicism.
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Я никогда не хотела учиться быть писателем\ журналистом \

критиком. Более того, мне всегда казалось , что хороших

писателей из таких вот не получиться. Всё-таки Чак палланик

до сих пор ходит в вечернюю школу для писателей, а Ирвин

Уэлш, будучигостем столичного фил-фака, заментил: " Идите на

улицу и ищите образы там. Вы никогда не научитесь писать в

душных аудиториях."

Все мы учимся на практике, и , рано или поздно у каждого

наступает момент, когда есть что рассказать.В конце концов,

сколько можно просыпаться по ночам, и, наступая в темноте на

кошку, искать блокнот, что бы записать свои сны.?

А мне сегодня снился очень странный сон, замечательный.Эо

было место, описать которое возможно только при помощи

кинообразов "Сталкера" Тарковского, место, похожее на Зону.

Туда я спускалась очень долго.Было жарко и попахивало

гнильцой. Мысль, которая возникла: сюда приходят, что бы

здесь умереть. Подумать только! Они сами просто спускаются

сюда, по той же дороге в поисках смерти.

Были там и живые. Их образ жизни и быт были похожи на быт

бездомных людей. Обгоревшие дома и одежда, разбитая посуда,

голодные бродячие псы вокруг.Самое странное, там было приятно

и спокойно на душе, хотя я и не люблю такие места. Ещё

подумалось: здесь можно снять хороший фильм.

Кстати, если это место и существует в реале, возможно, я

так и поступлю.

Я буду учиться быть режиссёром. Это ещё одна профессия,

которую совсем не хочется осваивать. Равно как и музыканта,

звукорежиссёра...Одна киношкола приглашала меня. Проблема

только в том, что нужно будет написать для них пару рецензий

на кинокартины.

Ну что я им могу написать? Кого обхаять, кому спеть

хвалебную оду? Первых миллион, вторых уже меньше!

Если бы я могла писать критические статьи как Хантер

Вобщем, если кто-то из вас когда-либо писал критические

статьи, отзовитесь! За разумную плату я возьму у вас пару

уроков. Только если в вас достаточно цинизма.
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My Little Music Folder!

I just added the song "Sailing to Byzantium" by the Liars to my listening section, its a fantastic version of the song that's not on the album, instead its from a special "Radio Sessions" EP that came with about 300 copies of their Self - Titled 2007 release. I hope all my friends give it a go, because I can't recommend it enough. Cheers!The stuff that's already there is all classy, so check it out as well.
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I have my moments

“Did you just try to throw the helium-filled balloon on the floor?”Unfortunately, there were only two people present when this question was asked and I was not the questioner.
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learnin' learnin' learnin' learnin'

Yup, after all these years, it's now time to be a big girl and to become a pharmacist. Mmm! I knew that it would be very hard and time-consuming... but I didn't think that I wouldn't have time for music anymore. Well, with the exception 30 minutes in my car everyday... Maybe I'll end up being completely lost in new music, not knowing what to listen to? Anyway. Time will tell! Maybe after my internship, it will get better? Improbable! At least there is Radiohead on August 6th... and last week, I saw Karkwa for the 3rd time. Great night, as usual... Thanks God for the spare day!
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ah, my lovely little w-a-s-t-e-rels!the glesca green gig, for those of you who weren't there was fantastic, on a par with the oxford south park and meadowbank gigs in scale and excellence. the new songs took on a life of their own and i think the band has finally evolved beyond the comfort blanket of the bends and ok computer, albums most bands would tour to death for decades if they had the chance. it isn't a great surprise, i suppose. i'm old and ugly enough to remember the fanzines bitching about creep being an albatross around their neck that they'd never get away from. 2+2-=5 also sounded better live than i ever remember it.don't get me wrong, the oldies still bring a tear to the eye, or maybe it was the rain. it was glasgow, after minor complaint - for all their bluster about fans using public transport to travel to the show, i'm pretty sure the band's environmental considerations would have been equally well-served by a few energy-saving light bulbs in the stage show. sanctimoniousness never sits wells with rock bands, look at associate FACTS (FOR IT IS HE!) popped his radiohead cherry at the gig and, despite being a long time fan, was blown away. much amazement and nostalgia which lead to many conversations like;"how many years ago did we first hear this one?""dunno, but i could see my willy without breathing in!""fuck that, i could still breathe in!"FACTS (FOR IT IS HE!) is the slightly tamer brother of known associate THE LEGEND.THE LEGEND, by the way, recently had his offer of commitment knocked back by his own stalker. seriously.anyway, the gang all gathered at the domicile of mr and mrs FACTS (FOR IT IS THEY!) for a lovely bbq (with many meat-free options) the next day. friendships, family and absentees were toasted with much vigour. i made short work of a bottle of tuscan chianti, a lovely rioja and a wine to be confirmed at a later date. no gelatin in them, either...due to the length of the gathering, and my desire to not make a drunken fool of myself, much care was taken to pace said boozing. i made a pretty good job of it, all told, if the hostess MRS FACTS (FOR IT IS SHE!) is to be believed.i even declined to do my party piece of tiffany - i think we're alone now. restraint, thy name is steve...another reason, dear friends, for the restraint was the looming, dreaded sunday shift at the death star. bad enough in itself, hungover it is impossible. making matters worse was the return of the lovers (see previous blogs for details) and the offer of danger-sex in the disabled toilets held hazard enough, without the handicap of a hangover.fortunately, the lovers seemed not to have fallen out on hoilday, and only had eyes for each other. a boring shift ensued so i decided to peruse a well-known internet auction site. i wasn't ready for what happened next.dear readers, i swear i went home and straight to bed the previous night. surely, the wine hadn't caused me to bid for items i can ill-afford and wipe the memory from my brain?the evidence to the contrary was plain. i had bid for a rather nice pair adidas gazelles, a lovely harrington jacket and......a roman centurion's helmet.i suppose it would've completed the look. ah well, i didn't win. the finances remain the right side of pitiful.thanks for listening to my drivel, i love you all.i do. i love you.steve x.
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Theory: The universe has taken my brain hostage and is declining its return until I — (what is something I could never do?) — stop thinking about and referring to myself in a pejorative manner.Alternate theory: My brain is suffering severe atrophy and what currently seems like a mere hiatus in relative normalcy is actually a permanent and therefore everlasting calamity.Moderately realistic and highly metaphorical theory: Recent events have caused my brain to go on a sympathy strike due to my figurative heart’s recent cease in [more] figurative operation.Extra-terrestrial theory: My brain is currently being borrowed without consent by experimenting aliens and has been replaced with a makeshift brain.Word to the mothership: If this is the case, I’ve noticed. Unimpressive.Existentialist theory: I am having a quarter-life crisis.Paris Hilton theory: I am stuck in a blonde moment.Data: My behavior.Tests: Subject is an unwilling participant.Observations: Disconcerting.Conclusions: None.Serenity: Later.Despair: Certain.
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Add this to the list

Here’s another pet peeve of mine:When you see someone and go, “How are you?” and they say, “Hello,” or worse, “Hey.”That’s how you are?I’m asking you for a summarized mental status report here. Answering isn’t optional.Allow me to share some conversations from the past week which may or may not have directly inspired my sudden irritation:Me: Hi! How are you?Someone more socially retarded than myself: Hey.Me: …Me: How are we doing today?Someone more socially retarded than myself: Hello.Me [patience wearing thin]: …Me: How. [pause] Are. [pause] You?Someone more socially retarded than myself: I’m outside right now, actually.Me [done with the world]: …I’ve overdosed on human interaction lately. I hope no one ever talks to me again.
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Manchester LUCC

とうとう最終日。楽しいことは、あっという間に終わっちゃうんだよね。Manchester は、実に怪しい天候だった。昼間、街中で買い物してお茶してたら、いつの間にか雨が降り出してた。今日もか・・。ちょっとブルーな気分になった。今日の会場は、Manchester 郊外の Old Trafford という場所。Metro に乗ってかなきゃいけない。そしてまた、Box Office で Ticket 受け取りが必要。雨なら、ギリギリに行きたいとこだけど、Ticket 受け取りがあるので3時に着くように出発する。Old Trafford の駅を出てすぐ会場の LUCC があって、もうかなり長い行列ができている。よく見ると、それは Ticket 受け取りの人の列で、開場待ちの人たちはまた違う集団らしい。とりあえず、Ticket の列には私が並んで、友達は開場待ちらしい方へ。日曜ってこともあるだろうけど、けっこう皆、気合い入ってるなあ。この Ticket の列も微妙で、WASTE の窓口と、チケットマスターの窓口とあるらしいのに、誰も気にせず、長い列を見ると、皆その続きで並んでしまう。Ticket 持ってる人も、何の疑問も無く並んでるらしい。なんでそんなことがわかるかというと、私の前にいるアメリカ人のお兄さんがとてもおしゃべりで、親切(おせっかいともいう)な人で、絶えずいろんな人に話しかけては、間違いを正してあげてるから。もちろん、私もチェックされました(笑)。お兄さんは、最初違う列に並んで、結局 WASTE Ticket なので並び直したのだとか。それはともかく、Old Trafford に着いてから、嘘のように晴れ上がって、(もちろん雲はあるけど)雨の心配がなくなったのが、何より嬉しい。写真は、今回の UK Tour で唯一 Manchester だけの前座 MGMT 。このバンドと、Bat For Lashes の間、ふと横のクラブハウスのような建物を見上げたら、Colin と Jonny が仲良く窓から外を覗いていた。どうやら、そこが楽屋代わりらしい。Jonny は一瞬で引っ込んでしまったが、Colin の方は観客に応えて手を振ったり、果てはカメラを持ち出してステージ前の観客の群れを撮影してみたり、すっかりくつろいでいるようだった。お茶目な人だ。(ライブ終わったあとも、同じ窓から一人で顔出して、タバコ吸ってた。)今日も当然、 Jonny 側。Jonny は今日も、サービス満点。今日は晴れてるから、たっぷりJonny 撮影しました。ただし、携帯デジカメで、フラッシュも無いし、ズームも甘いので、目で見た姿より、小さくしか写らないのが、何とも歯がゆい。でも、何枚も撮ってるうちに、なんか楽しくなってやたら撮りまくった。もちろん、thom 中心にね。で、あとで数えてみたら、一番撮った曲が Myxomatosis で14枚!thom でパラパラ漫画ができそう(笑)。私は写真撮るの下手で、何が撮りたかったのかあとで見てわからないものがあるのだが、今回も何枚もある。思い切りぶれて、見切れてたり。これは、すべてColin を写そうとして、失敗したやつ。定位置だと奥すぎて、私のカメラじゃ写せないので、前に出てくる瞬間を狙ったもの。でも、無理があり過ぎ。Colin を狙ったはず、と思って見ても、どれが Colin かもわからない(笑)。今日は、ちょっと面白いものを見てしまった。Ed が観客に向けて、投げキッス。さすが Ed 。r の中で、投げキスとか一番似合うかも・・が、その後、何を思ったか、Ed は盛んに照れて、頭ポリポリしたりしてた。こちらから見ていると、その方が不思議。Ed が気障なことして、その後、照れるなんて(笑)。thom や Jonny の真似?それとも、照れた仕草が流行ってるのかな。Jonny もよく頭ポリポリやってるよね。今日も、 Fake Plastic Trees 聴けた。thom 今日は、歌詞ばっちり。Glasgow で復習したもんね。前座が2つだったのに、いつもより早いよな、と思ってたら、最後におまけがあった。2度目のアンコールが終わっても、スタッフが片付けに出てこないから、もしや、と思ったら、やっぱり。最後の曲は、Lucky だった。今日は1曲多く聴けて、君たち Lucky だったね、ってことかな。それとも、2回続けて雨降られなくて Lucky 、かな。・・私は、UK でライブ見れて Lucky だったな。今日は、すごく楽しいライブだった。帰りの Metro 何故か一駅で降ろされて、仕方なく乗り換えたバスの中は市バスなのに、r ファンだらけ。Manchester へ向かう道中、自然に大合唱が始まった。Karma Police ???そもそも radiohead の曲か?と思ったら、Creep だった。下手過ぎだって・・(笑)。でも、皆楽しそう。また来たいな。うん、きっと来る。
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Glasgow Green

Glasogow は London と比べて、明らかに気温が低かった。晴れとも曇りとも言えない、微妙な空だった。このまま保ってほしい、と願うが、予報は雨。そして、London 最後の曲は、雨降りの歌・・。Paranoid Android(笑)。予報を知ってて、わざと選んだんじゃないだろか、と思ってしまう。〜 rain down, rain down, come on rain down on me 〜ライブ当日昼間、曇りではあったが、時々陽が差した。なんとか大丈夫かも。この日の Ticket だけは、事前に手元に届いていたので、余裕を持って、いろいろ見て歩いた。午後4時近く。徒歩で Glasgow Green に向かう途中、いきなり降り出した。けっこう土砂降り。歩きながら、持ってきたレインコートを着込む。結局このあと、雨は強弱はあったものの、最後まで止むことは無かった。恐るべし,Paranoid Android 。・・違うか(笑)。今日も Jonny 側。大体同じ位置。しかし、寒い。吐く息が白いよ。雨、止まないし。ステージ上も寒いようで、皆さんしっかり着込んでた。あんなに派手なライトなのに、LEDだから、ちっとも熱がこもらないんだって。ふ〜ん、だから今日は thom もお腹出さなかったんだね。今日の Jonny はサービス満点だった。ステージ前ぎりぎり端っこで、ギターを弾きまくってJonny 側の観客は、それだけで大盛り上がり、キャーキャー騒ぎまくってた。・・写真撮りたい。雨さえ止めば。Glasgow の観客は、ほんと歌が好き。知ってる曲は、ほぼ大合唱。だから、Fake Plastic Trees で、thom の歌詞怪しくなった時も皆がちゃんと歌ってたので、そのまま続行(笑)。Fake Plastic Trees 大好きな曲なので、Glasgow で聴けて嬉しかったな。当然 Karma Police も歌う歌う。もう曲が終わってるのに、続けてずっと歌ってる。thom もそれにあわせて、また歌ってるし。私は、この曲、別に好きでもなんでもないので、何故、皆が熱狂するのか、いまだにわからない。友達は、合唱ソングだからじゃない? と言うけど、他の曲だって、ずっと合唱してるじゃん。差がわからん。今日は何故か、Jonny の後方に Colin がよく見えた。Colin が、いつも Jonny を気にかけてるのが、よくわかる。Jonny の背中に向けて、一所懸命カウント取ってあげてる。でも、Jonny には見えてないから、意味無いんじゃないかな。それとも、あの兄弟、テレパシー通じてるのか?そして私たちはあることに気付いていた。・・まだ一度も Phil の姿見てない。私は、モニターに映る Phil の顔を、一瞬見た。友達は、今日最後に手を振る Phil が、ちらっと見えたらしい。ドラムの音は、ちゃんと聴こえてるから、きっと元気なんだろう。果たして、最終日、Phil の姿をちゃんと見ることはできるのだろうか?
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Victoria Park 2日目。今日も快晴。今日もまず Box Office で Ticket を受け取らなければいけない。そして、この日の Ticket のうち1枚は日本の友人の Scottish の友人(私も顔見知りだけど)に渡さなければ。Dublin でとりあえず会って待ち合わせとか決めておこう、と一応計画はあったのに、いい加減な私は、そういえば Dublin で会えなかったね、で結局、当日を迎えてしまったのだ。携帯メールのやりとりで、3時に Box Office 前で会う約束になったのだけど、会えなかったらどうしよう、という不安が拭えない。何しろ、Box Office 受け取りの人が、かなり大勢いるのだ。私から見ると、そのほとんどすべてが外国人なので、紛れて見つけられない可能性は、大いにあり得る。でも,相手は私の顔がわかるというし、きっと私が見つけられなくても向こうが見つけてくれるだろう・・。しかし、最大の難関は別にあった。前日の夜、暑さと煙とでかなり参っていた私は、帰りのバスで酔って完全にノックアウトされてしまっていた。吐いて吐いて、胃液しか吐くものが無いのに、まだ吐き気は収まらない。喉の奥に煙が詰まっている感じがして、気持ちが悪いのだ。次の日になっても、まったく治らず、食欲は0。動くと息が切れるし・・。でも、約束だからなんとか3時までには Victoria Park に行かないと。昨日より1時間ほど早めに出発した。・・ちょうどランチタイムぐらい。それがいけなかったのか、バスは途中で大渋滞にはまる。動いたり止まったりの繰り返しで、私は完全に酔ってしまい、Mile End に着いたとき、もう一歩も動けなかった。それでも、Ticket 受け取って渡さないと、という一心で休み休みなんとか Victoria Park までたどり着いた。Box Office まで行くと、すぐに待ち合わせの相手と会うことができて無事に Ticket も渡すことができ、なにかすごく大変なことを成し遂げたような気分になった(笑)。開場して中へ。今日は、気分を変えて Jonny 側。昨日とほぼ正反対の位置の最前。Jonny がさぞかし良く見えるだろう、と思ったら、彼は、結構奥に引っ込んでしまうので、逆に見えない。と同時に、 Ed が常に、ステージ前方にいる事実に気付かされて(なにしろ Ed 側でどんなに端から見てても、thom が見えなくなることはあっても Ed が見えなくなることは無いから・・)普段、まったく意識してないことだったので、可笑しかった。そして、この日のライブは、凄かった・・。Jonny 側で見たことも、一因だろう。この日の Jonny は、神懸かり的にすごかった。以降、必ず Jonny 側で見るようになってしまった。どちらかというと、Ed 側でまったり、のんびり見るのが好みだったのに。1曲目が Reckoner 。最近のライブで一番好きな曲。この曲で始めたのは、この日だけ。頑張れって励まされた気がした・・(妄想だ)。でも、ほんとは、この曲、後半で日が暮れてからの方がいい。ライティングと音が一体となって、音が降ってくるような感覚ですごく綺麗なんだよね。アンコールで演奏した The Bends 。今日の The Bends は、高速 Bends。一時期、止まっちゃうくらいのテンポで演奏してたけど、やっぱり、速い方がかっこいい。鳥肌立つくらいの迫力だった。Jonny のギターは、とにかくすごくかっこ良かった。thom がいるのを、忘れちゃうくらい(笑)。いや、thom は、いつもかっこいいよ。・・たぶん、ね。そういえば、今日の thom の衣装は、赤ピタパンツ。お気に入りらしい。ライブ中、何度も、お腹とはみパン、見させていただきました(笑)。今日は、今日のライブは、全員かっこ良かった。ライブ見ている間中、凄いな〜って感動してた。音と迫力に圧倒されてた。radiohead 好きで良かったって、素直にそう思った。こういうライブ見たくて、海外まで見に行ってるんだよ、きっと。
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