that's what i thought after that tragic night in Brick Lane, after hours of queueing, and all the time thinking it was a dream, i could only see Ed, and he smile at me but probably he will never remind me at all, and anyway i want him to see him play! but it was so not meant to be, i was kick out, when security find out about the fake bracelets, just when they start to play in the other part of the 93 feet east, along with other girls and boys, when i was going out, Nigel Godrich was coming in, hahaahathe only picture i took, with my LCA :) i even behave myself! by not taking pictures at all! and that my friends is quite difficult to do, so unfair!but this year is the year, i'm just waiting for those tickets and dates in L.A. *_*ps. grammar sucks
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one time i woke up in a little room made out of the bottom of a tree. it had snowed a bit while i was asleep and you couldn't see nothing through the branches and you couldn't hear much either. the bed of needles was cozy though and there was plenty of warm air in there so i rolled over and rested with my eyes open. it was neat because the light outside was bright parking lot style light but inside the snow it was a nice orange glow. i put my feet up on the trunk and let the blood pool up by my brian. it felt good so i closed my eyes and topped it off."its peaceful in here aint it?" said the sweetest voice i ever heardi looked around but it was easy to see there wasn't anyone in there but me"its just me." said the tree"oh, how's it going?" says me"its a beautiful winter out here.""beautiful is the word for it ma-am"
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right ... lets say.. that.. well.. we'd actually start using this thingwhat would we do with it?and... what would it do with us?but there is no place likeHOMEcould you guys please get me ruby slippers?Read more…
La primera vez que supe de este sitio, mi primera reacción fue un rotundo: WTF??!No es común ver a un Radiohead tan cercano a sus fans, y considero ahora que esta era la mejor forma de lograrlo. Sin embargo, mis prejuicios llegaron inmediatamente al conocer la temática de este blog. Ahora veo a Jonny postear unas fotos de la segunda presentación de RH en la BBC (acontecida el 1 de Abril), y pienso "ok, hay que darle una oportunidad". Total, esta nueva idea de Thom Yorke y amigos puede resultar en algo bueno...... mientras dejen postear a Ed, jajaja.Saludos!
Read more… this is my favourite game and how I spend most of my time. its mostly in rusian, but feel free to check the galleries updates. uh, and my press-scans thread on atEase. now we're get acquainted a bit. cheerz!
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...неброскую надпись на das мелкими буковками заметили не многие, но уж когда инфа просочилась - за четыре тыщи фэнов моментально слетелись, аки мухи... на мёд :)))) но ведь и вправду, мёд!! очень кайфовые и уютные ощущения, лично у меня... еще бы на пару концертов добавить себя в группу, перезнакомитьься, встретиться, вписаться, сделать карточки, потом понтоваться...ииэх, чего уж там...
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....마감임박이다.시간으로 따지면 20시간도 채 안남았는데, 나 아직 중셉....(...)다른 사람들거 보니까 너무 잘만들어서 좍좍 발리고 있는 중이다.(거의 다 완성된 형태로 내더라. 난 콘티도 낙서도 아닌데...-_-;)내일 최종 수정을 해서 일단 내보기라도 해야지.PS.힘들지만 재미있다. 이래서 애니메이션을 만드는구나....
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So this is my first blog on this site. I recently became a HUGE fan of Radiohead. For years I listened to Radiohead, on and off. It wasn't until this school year that I really started to listen to the band. I'm obsessed! I cannot wait until they visit Cleveland. I can get some people to come with me, I want to go see them at Lollapalooza in August.... we'll see. That is all!
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I'm spending much much more time on here than I should lol.... this site is strangely addictive....At least I'm not alone in this insanity :P. Wow, two days and we're ten member short of 4000 right now... give it ten minutes.
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Brooke and I have just noticed that poor old Radiohead have 1 friend. Waste. Maybe it's because they are the types to have a profile somewhere and never look at it after the create it, or maybe they just don't know how to make friends. Maybe they are truly shy. I felt like adding a comment to Colin's page, but of course, anti-spamming measures prevented this.I'm considering inviting one of them to be my friend. I have, after all, gone to several of their concerts, and bought several of their albums and other merchandise. I don't often buy my friends. I might not have to.They might just be lonely.Read more…
All these competitions come at the wrong time. I'd have loved to have animated a music video for Radiohead, and remixed Nude, but I just don't have the time to give it right now - a year or two ago would have been perfect! Damn LP7 delays... anyway I thought I'd share my old videos and some rh related musicy things:Climbing Up The WallsNo SurprisesRandom video done with Arkaos and their default clips, done to an instrumental cover I did of Cymbal RushHad a go at videotape too before IR version...and most recently I did a random mashup of beastie boys and reckoner, that I think works really well actually :) :Just need a break and I want to turn this hobby into something a bit more real. Just gotta remember not to lose it at the back of my head and one day I'll be in a position where I can advance with this sort of stuff.MattRead more…
I dont know why i'm even writing this cause no one will ever read it but oh well i'm already this far. So since the nude remix came out i've been thinking about remixing other radiohead songs. right now i'm working on a remix of idioteque. hopefully in the next couple of days i will be able to finish it and post it up on here.
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Nice site! I usually don't keep up any profile sites, but hey this is Radiohead, right?Alright, so I'm a poor, stressed college student. Right now, I'm a poor, stressed, angry college student because despite the fact that I take on average 17-18 credit hours a semester, have about a 3.8 gpa (so i'm not failing classes!), I have to take two summer classes this year, and each of them in a different summer semester - so there goes most of my time off I've been looking foward to. My last day of finals is May 7th, so May 9th I get to celebrate my first year done with a Radiohead concert (my first!) :D. Then 3 days after that I start my Maymester :( ...Three more years of this....If only I could hit one Radiohead concert a year between semesters it might be a bit more bearable, lol, but oh well.
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