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Inocente Inconciente

De las ramas mas oxidadas de la mentirase desprenden aromasse desprenden tus ropasvan cayendo descalzas de culpasintiendo la vida mas viva que nuncaEn remolinos y ruedos se muevendentro mío las redes de la lujuriano quiero pegarme a esa telarañaque me seduce con su seda escarlataPero ya estoy adentro y exalo con fuerzay empujo mi alma adentro de su cuerpoy raspan mis ganas de romperte los huesosy comerme tus penas bañadas en sexo.Y al darte la espalda mientras durmiendoanotas en mi espalda los acordesde lo que hemos aprendido en un nuevo encuentrofogozo, fugaz y delicioso....Sebastián Guitar.
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long time, no speak, all you lovely w-a-s-t-e-rels!you would think that the intervening period would've resulted in many, many happy stories to share with you. alas, i can't claim this to be the case. got my tickets for glesca green though. whoop!i'll be the bald bloke in the skeletor t-shirt, feel free to say hi...seriously, that's like record time for me. i usually muck about and end up buying them from some dodgy looking bloke outside the venue. like most people, i'm against touts but i seem to end up using them all the time.regular readers (yes, both of you!) will be pleased to know that the cat is still trying to kill me. last week, i was about to leave for work when i heard an ungodly weeping noise. needless to say, the cat had got stuck down the back of the walk-in wardrobe and couldn't get out. this happens at least twice a week.after much scratching and struggle (the little swine always scratches when i'm about to save it from distress or death), i got it out and, stopping only to disinfect my wounds, headed out of the door.upon closing the door (why do i check afterwards? why?), realised i didn't have my keys. normally this wouldn't be a problem, but my flatmate THE LEGEND was away all week with his baby momma, piglet and her other kid.they were due to got to some horrific disney thing in florida (in fact, because of the thirteen hour flight, THE LEGEND gave gave up smoking - which was another six weeks of misery for me). unfortunately, the woman in the local post office had been embezzling funds and throwing away the passport applications, so THE LEGEND was forced to go to the north of scotland instead. true story.another true story - i was once woken in the night by a thudding sound. THE LEGEND had applied too much baby oil to himself and slid straight off his partner, onto the floor. things that go bump in the night, indeed.this is all true. this is my life. my best friend is barney gumble from the simpsons, only with more, back to the topic in hand, i was locked out. this meant, until i could get a locksmith round (one hour or less, my arse...), i was forced to stay at my parents''ve probably guessed; from my rambling blogs and whiny emails, that i have the potential to be annoying. my father is worse, he's like me - but without the personality sense of humour. apparently, zero can be a number.the locksmith came the next day and between him, my family, the neighbours, my work colleagues and anyone who phoned or talked to my family, neighbours, or work colleagues, everyone had a good laugh at my expense. by this point i was beyond caring about anything other than (don't tell anyone) the welfare of the cat. little bastard.fortunately, i had stocked up its various bowls and the cat was in rude health. this was best demonstrated by the smell of the unchanged for thirty hours litter tray. if nothing else, it shut the locksmith, my essay is done (no more work until october!), my radiohead fix will be sated on the 27th and i've paid for the majority of my edinburgh festival tickets. life is good. THE LEGEND has had his legendary-ness revoked, after bringing scented candles back from his holiday, but doubtless he'll soon return to form in some sort of drunken sex shenanigans and the universe will right itself.yes, you probably guessed, my keys had fallen down the back of the walk-in cupboard. the fucking cat.anyway, remember - i love you all.every single one of you.steve x.
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A bit self centered?

i kind of feel that my blog lately has been all about me ,well it should be in my humble opinion but a close friend of mine reminded me the other day that i also should writte about "important" things happening in the world arround me sooo here i go.this will be my Ollie goes Green entry!!!speaking about radiohead related stuff ,since they are pro green as well , i have bought my water bottle and i must confess that im a bit frightend about the world lately.Over here , in mexico , we are currently under another tiresome ( and also surrealistic in the flavor flave reality show esque ) debate about our oil , mexican reserves of oil are going downhill and the current locations for extraction will be dry in 10 years , also , the United States recently anounced that they are going to explore their part of the golf for oil , a part that is shared with mexico wich , in the worst scenarios could lead in to a conflict if mexico do not explore thouse locations quick.At this point you might be thinking hey!! this was suppose to be a green entry , what the fuck are you talking about? you should be encouraging your goverment to find new green friendly ways of energy!!. Sadly it doesent work like that in mexico , a country with magnificent natural resources , with vast lands for farming , with hard working people , with loyal people , a place that could produce enough ethanol for the whole continent if the efforts where forcused on that!! nooo , here our fucking govermnets made us dependant on OIL , with no oil the whole country would go to hell , yes , OIL and inmgrants sending money back to mexico are the ONLY tow things supporting the economy of one of the most populated and big countrys in the world!! so if both go to hell wich is bound to happend thanks to the lack of planing and brains from our goverments the whole country will go on a civil war and a food crisis!!Wait.. Food Crisys? we are alredy there!! and , going back to the whole global vision its unbelivable that places like Germany where they are famous for farming and animal derivated products are having problems with the milk suply.. why? well if you want to read it yourself , you can go here there and check it yourself , but in short words , the current raise on fuel prices , wich , by the way , are also increasing in the US and other places in our goverments instead of finding not only better , but also green friendly energy forms go back to OIL WE NEED MORE OIL!! its outrageous and stupid , but hey!! again quoting BBC and triying to think that they got the best intentions when it comes to information i found this too: here where basicly bio fules might be responsable of the recen food crisys wich lead to the increase on rice and corn prices...i want to think that BBC is only informing us and is not behind an evil campainge to defend oil and the interest of the MANY rich guys behind the Oil companies like the end the more biofuel componets we produce the more food we could produce for the people that is in a huge need , we could yes raise the prices of the food if we continue to demand more and more biofuel , even tho when we can renew the resources it does take time to grow and what not.. BUT i still like it more because then we could resolve the problems that farmers are having to survive , we could get more people working on the fields , field owners could get a slice of the cake and it wouldnt be as outrageously stupid as it is at the moment with oil where not only a few see the profit , but also , we all se the damage..thats it for today , i do apriciate the comments to keep them comming!
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Young Yakuza, language, laziness

A few weeks ago I went to a small theatre playing experimental movies. It is located inside a part of the Lille university, quite far from where I live, but worth a visit from time to time. I've only been there twice in two years, which is a shame. Lazzzzyyy me...Last time was to watch a documentary showing similarities between life in suburbs (mostly Paris, Lyon and Marseille) and life in prison. This time, I watched another documentary, called Young Yakuza, by French realisator Jean-Pierre Limosin. It appeared in the Cannes festival (outside the official competition).Limosin managed to film the everyday life of a Yakuza clan. Not so easy when you know how secretive they are... Several things are to be noticed : firstly, it is filmed as a fiction, and not as a documentary (choice of camera angles, light, and other things I have read about but am unable to appreciate). Which is quite what Limosin told us about yakuzas themselves (he was there and chatted a little with the audience) : they all live in a world of their own, that they have built around themselves and in which they are actors.Never genuine, always acting, as if they wanted to re-create those old Japanese movies.Then, you can, if you know the Yakuza movies, find lots of little references, like the one to Kitano's movies with the scene near the sea (always recurrent in Kitano's work, as he's always been afraid of the sea (or is it water in general ?)).And well, it's a documentary, so you learn...stuff.




So, worth a few hours of my time. The trip back home wasn't as much fun, though.At least, I know I'll have to look for the little stickers mentioned in the documentary (some kind of 'My shop has nothing to do with Yakuza business' sticker, even if that's not necessarily true) when I am in Japan.It's getting closer and closer, I'm glad everything seems to be fine so far. Except language of course : my poor attempt to talk to a Japanese girl in the queue for the June 9th gig was a complete failure on my side. But hey, if I had known I'd meet Japanese people at a Radiohead gig, I would have brought my books with me. がんばります !!I don't like relying on people, but I'm glad the friend I'm going with speaks (and reads) Japanese better than I do. Might help.
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До и после

Недавно шли с Шухом и рассуждали, как бы сейчас жили, если бы не знали музыку RH. И что мы слушали до этого? Нет, неплохую музыку слушали, но RH стали, думаю, последней яркой музыкальной точкой. Для меня - уж точно."Редко, - сказал Шух, - услышанное может так резко разделить жизнь на ДО и ПОСЛЕ".А у меня такое уже было в 1986 году, когда впервые увидела АКВАРИУМ на ТВ. Шипящие и неразборчивые записи на бобинах не в счет, хотя, конечно, они тоже свою роль сыграли, но полноценный А и звук их, и слова - только на Музыкальном Ринге.Жаль, здесь нельзя рисовать - я бы нарисовала график жизни в зависимости от МУЗЫКИ.:)
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The Number 15

15 Blows - Climbing Up the Walls15 Steps - 15 Step15th Floor - JustWhy 15? And are those the only 3 songs with 15?Is All I Need the 16th step? The next step.Do I think about Radiohead too much?Jen
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Viaje al Fondo del Mar

Imposible me resulta no imaginarme bajando en lo profundo del océano al escuchar Weird Fishes/Arpeggi. Quizás sea por la atmósfera y los sonidos marinos que me hacen vagar entre espuma, burbuja y agua salada. Para algunos sea la canción más característica de la esencia del grupo, la onda depresiva. Para mi, al contrario, resulta ser liberadora.Un viaje interrumpido, pues Thom apreta el botón y escapa... ¿por qué arrepentirse? ¿por qué volver a la superficie? Tal como en There There, donde siempre hay una sirena esperando que choquemos, esos ojos penetrantes bajo el mar nos invitan a bajar como embobados. Pero hay escape, hay vuelta atrás. Si todos tienen la oportunidad ¿por qué nosotros no?En Bodysnatchers parecía no haber vuelta atrás. Nadie se daba cuenta de que estábamos vivos y nos creían cuerpos inertes. Acá parece existir chance.Pero ¿de qué nos podríamos salvar? ¿de quién podrían ser esos ojos? A pesar de que sea un disco más explícito en temas de amor o pareja, no creo que esta canción lo sea. Pareciera ser una cerradura por abrir, una clave por descifrar. En el fondo del océano.

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Me my Savior

Darkness Suppresses meImages lunge out of the ShadowsThis infernal darkness flows into my heartMaking me fearfulThere snickering smiles and evil laughter frighten meI reach out to touch one of there facesTo my surpriseThis isn't My imaginationIt is RealI'm trapped in this never ending voidNo escapeNo lightIn this darkness there are no FriendsOnly foesThese fiends have the faces of my supposed friendsIn the middle of this chaosI see a glowing faceIt is my LuciferLike a grain of sand in this ocean of darknessI focus on the FaceIt is me
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$614 later...

yes, I went all in and bought a pair of PIT TIX for Toronto - and that's what I paid. I've tried and failed doing it every other, more reasonable way - so there.
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Paul McCartney, 14 june, Kiev

video: also McCartney Announces Free Historic Concert‘Independence Concert’Kiev Independence Square, Ukraine – Saturday 14th June 2008On Saturday 14th June 2008, at the invitation of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, Paul McCartney will perform to hundreds of thousands of people in Independence Square, Kiev, Ukraine. This groundbreaking event has been named Independence Concert and was launched today in Kiev by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation. Paul’s special show will be free to attend and will be broadcasted live on Novy TV.This exciting event will be seen as symbolic for several generations of Ukrainians. It will allow people of different ethnicities and religions, political preferences and geopolitical orientations to come together around the ideas of peace, love and unity; the very ideas that Paul McCartney with The Beatles helped bring into the World. Independence Concert is an independent social initiative that aims to strengthen the confidence and understanding in the Ukrainian society.The ideology and spirit of The Beatles helped build the democratic aspirations for much of the soviet society and eventually led to the peaceful collapse of the USSR and independence of the former Soviet republics.Independence Concert appeals to the ideals that helped 30 years ago to melt down the ice of the ‘cold war’ in the hearts of millions and changed the world into a better place. Today the ideology that forms the core of Ukrainian independence is shared with Paul McCartney’s own ideology. Independence Concert serves to promote happiness, freedom, love and peace not only in the Ukraine but also to the entire World.It is planned that this historic concert will be broadcast live on screens in cities across the Ukraine for those who can’t make it to Kiev.Paul McCartney said:"I’m very excited because on the 14th of June I've been invited to play a concert in Independence Square, Kiev. Me and the band are going to be there and we’re going to have to a great evening and we hope to see you there. So come along, it’s going to be great evening hopefully for the Ukraine. Pull together, groove, rock and roll – all together"Victor Pinchuk, Ukrainian businessman and philanthropist and founder of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation said:“One could not imagine this 30 years ago. Nobody could even dare to hope for this 20 years ago. One could only dream about it 10 years ago. 5 years ago we could only envy our neighbours for whom this became a reality. And finally the day has come. For the first time we have the opportunity to hear the songs that changed the world and created a new culture. The songs that we grew up with and became who we are.These songs tell us about very simple but nevertheless important things: real love can’t be bought and that real friendship can’t be sold. There is much more to what unites people than what divides them, and in reality it’s not an impossible task to become a better person and to make the world a better place, especially if you do it all together.Recently, we had not so many reasons to unite. Not to group under some political flags but to really gather all together. There are not so many ways to bring together the East and the West, to make the young and the mature closer, to combine different convictions and aspirations into one common national idea of building a free, tolerant and prosperous country. And I believe that this initiative and the concert can help us"In addition to the concert the Victor Pinchuk Foundation will also be exhibiting 40 of Paul's paintings at the Pinchuk Art Centre, the largest in Eastern Europe. This will be Paul’s first exhibition in this part of the world. His first art exhibition was in Siegen, Germany in 1999. Paul will personally open the exhibition. McCartney performed in front of 350,000 people in Kiev tonight (June 14), the largest audience for a gig Ukraine has ever seen.The former Beatle and his band performed a mammoth 33-song set in the capital's Independence Square, playing songs including 'Drive My Car', 'Blackbird', 'Penny Lane' and 'Hey Jude'.McCartney also performed a number of songs from his solo career and his time with Wings, such as 'Jet', 'C Moon', 'Dance Tonight' and 'Mrs Vanderbilt', the latter of which fans had petitioned for.The gig was simultaneously broadcast on giant screens in six other Ukrainian cities and on television, with an estimated 10 million people watching.After performing a number of encores, McCartney finished the set with 'Yesterday' and 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'.Paul McCartney played:'Drive My Car''Jet''All My Loving''Only Mama Knows''Flaming Pie''Got To Get You Into My Life''Let Me Roll It''C Moon''My Love''Let 'Em In''The Long And Winding Road''Dance Tonight''Blackbird''Calico Skies''I'll Follow The Sun''Mrs Vanderbilt''Eleanor Rigby''Something''Good Day Sunshine''Penny Lane''Band On The Run''Birthday''Back In The USSR''I Got A Feeling''Live And Let Die''Let It Be''Hey Jude''A Day In The Life/Give Peace A Chance''Lady Madonna''Get Back''I Saw Her Standing There''Yesterday''Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'
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how do i get to where you are?

on a thin threadwith the beads falling toward the centerI twist the necklace around, spiralingwith your face a blur in the backgroundand your eyes mirrored,blinking without careyet it all seems intentionallike Haruki said, for the time beingI listen to the air whirand colors zoom in and out from the corners of my eyesblocks of fuzz stain my viewas gentle melodies crawl in tiny pockets with the windand life becomes slow motion,sunken in,enveloped between your lips.
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Quid Pro Quo?

There's a movie about devotees & wannabes coming out. Yes there is.Life's strange. I have a minor YouTube fanbase because I once tagged a video "amputee." Well I am.Also, hello everyone.
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