Call me Rhye Wrust,
It’s a Wrustien thing baby.
It evolves like a lizard lapping milk.
The Self is on the shelf.
The thorns spread through the egg yolk and burn your palm. The scars are moon shaped and your mother’s raised the alarm. This is who you are. The gelding Orca. Ravenous and you open the shutters again honey; to enjoy the rapturous silence of mourning.
“I know white from wrong.” You claim.
Violence. Tender how crucial.
In this game of polka dot I carry intradependence in spades. I am yearning not to be relative. Your broken white trash teeth smile and you commit to the vanity and shame of dentistry. I defy explanation. I committed suicide to survive death.
“Invoke the raw and eliminate war within the self.”
I am Queen of the vampires.
Imp Inpassioned.
“God is the touch within the ripples.” He sighs for your choice, how he created you you do not know, but it was always your choice to fall in love. “The girl who cried rape and the sensual orgasms she inspires.” Love is infinite and blind, a narrow mind, an obsessive compassion.
Make Love Mine: Simple apologies. Thanks used. Body Jumpsuits. Lady’s Scarves. Empty platoons. Ship wrecks on the bottom of the ocean. Drug addicts. Incestuous families. Virgins. Arachnaphobia. Black ink. Soft porn. Lime green and candy glass orange. Crushed velvet red that deepens as you move your hand across it. Head doctors. Patients. Jackals. Sex. Sex. Sex. As if only to hold my hand.
Dynamice ill acquainted.
Narnian Nihilists.
This is your own apocalypse.
“Honesty is the veil gracing truth.”
I sin. I Act to will redemption for myself. I, the eyesore am mute. “It is far more productive to tread lightly in silence along a mountain than to wreath yourself in violence at the foot of an avalanche of callousness and regret.” Ready. Set. Go.
“Fray the ribbon.”
Free Will, free will I cry. You pull the threads to watch your tapestry weave dry. And I say Fuck the democratic liars and their unoriginal fiefdoms. Plutocrat! Wah ha ha. And all I got is too many pennies and a nut, from a machine that runs unstable.
One Day.
Neon outline skeleton dinosaur stood upon the frontlines of sand the lovers gripped each other tight humane embrace and pitted polka dot spiders hiss hiss until You are driven mad to suicide but you daren’t jump from the rock face itch itch you open my head to inhale the spider and twinkle into the bucket another plum and tack sitting in the lotus position until you become brave and walk away through the foliage jumping the metal fence you receive a hug from my man and it starts to pour magenta spotlight from the focus of mine eyes and you see spider webs in the shadows hide in the pools of light to save your pathetic self from terror while I become soaked and explore my foreign campus.
This is heaven.
Forgive me forgive me you cannot swear enough at the innocent amnesia and betrayal it is never enough for this shameless being to end so young and so old you seem only beginning against to see just past my notes.
In heaven the endless basketball courts seem to wait next to the chapel where everyone sings and worships in a Catholic manner. Makes me sick. The doorman offers me my black socks. You steal a child’s shoes and fall from the clouds to earth as another school bus arrives full of children. You wonder when the skies will turn blue and free this sad dreamer from her rotting tooth. You are Catholic blood you know. Yeah yeah but we can’t afford the attire baby.
You think like a clockwork orange.
You desecrate my Temple.
You are vulgar sweetheart.
And I have a Cock tail.
You Live Art You.
My grandmother tells me “Curiosity kills the cat but satisfaction always brings it back.”
I take the body, I take the blood.
I love you like a wilted rag doll bunny with a flower.
When you touch that beautiful doll and feel the tug of the heartbeat you stole does it remind you of me? Does the dull thud strike uneven in your unmade mistaken mistress? On this side of the fence the grass seems green with envy that all you are belongs to someone else’s playboy-cowboys who crucify me, lockjaw me, and hang me out with the dirty laundry I hung within my self-defense-self-demise-You are one I would want to know.
Will Power.
Never think of the devil, never speak his name, he’ll steal your tears and whitewash your sorrows until you have forgotten everything-a slave trader by day, mystic magician of bloodstain blackmail-twist and limit the body gutless fish swim through frost heartless beasts of red eyed pawns-fawns who bear fangs and claws-burden the children who dare to break all the laws of god.
“Free Willy.” You savant. You squirm all willy-nilly. You “American Beauty” you. The plastic bag is dancing before mine eyes.
My Soul.
My soul has burned and become a ghost, my mind ruins my best intentions yet you feel most alive in the freedom of lack of doubt. You channel the blood. You hunger for your own touch. When you listen to my ghost weep do you feel regret for the sinful creature I am becoming?
I, the feral doctor queen.
I, the sane.
I, the Purple Water Lily am stranger than the weather vane.
Down home cooking.
“To err is human.”
You are the ripple that summons me home.
I now understand that if I do not understand and trust in my true nature and desires with full acceptance that I will only become corrosive in my actions and associations. I will rust. I burden this Brainchild and awaken this mirror. You are watching it grow while I prune the unnecessary appendages like a dark minded surgeon.
Coal lab whore nation. This is an origination.
God I know I am a demon.