home. first uni year has finished and i'm back home. wind is so strong, as if autumn is starting.will someone please tell summer to wake up? want to go seaside to my grandma, want to sunbath.tingles tingles tingles. you know how you, after a while and after certain deaths occur, don't have a clue about the person that 'til yesterday seemed as your grandma or best friend since childhood? there are just basic physical symbols that point to the fact this is the person you know, hacked by sorrow or got lost and strangled by opposite views of her future in her family? and after all, you know how you're feeling guilty 'cus of all those things, and they make you feel guilty? well, that's a perfect moment to say goodbye to grandma you knew and to tell your best friend to f*** off.
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So maybe I'm supposed to be sucked into this Carbon Footprint thing. I keep being drawn to this information! Last night I watched Six Degrees Could Change the World on the National Geographic Channel. Six DegreesJesus - we only have ten years. I know..... they've been telling us about it forever (Thom and co.). Good thing I'm biking to the post office now!I definitely think that the world will change because we have to. I do think that those of us in the West need to overcompensate for the developing countries (like China) who are too busy growing to care. And also that the US has a lot of changing to do and a great responsibility to be a leader in this effort.As long as idiots like Rush Limbaugh and all the other right-wing talk-show hosts keep talking out their asses and the pick-up-truck-driving-rebel-flag-flying-hicks keep buying it.. we need guys like Pickens to get the concept across the TV -- which is the only thing they listen to.Sorry, can you tell I've seen a few of those? -- After my daughter's prom "grand march" this year... several of the students got into their pick-up trucks in a parade of sorts.. flying their HUGE rebel flags.. as they left the school to go to prom. Though it's their right to do what they wish, and I would not impose a restriction on that right.. it does reflect the mentality of those who live around here and it's sad that they've taught their children to glorify a tradition that is not even theirs (um.. we're in Rural New York not Texas or Georgia..) for the sake of expressing their hatred of diversity -- or their ignorance at what traditions they are glorifying. To me it says: "Look at me, I'm an ignorant hick!"Sorry off on a tangent there... Hopefully American's will look past the fear mongering going on with the coming election and we can move to a new future with a democratic white house.
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Though it is 14 days since berlin.. here is my experiance of the [URL="http://www.inradiobows.com/2008/07/22/radiohead-berlin-review/"]Radiohead live in berlin[/URL]can't wait till the next show in lollapalooza!
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This is some scary stuff I stumbled upon...In the last 15 years or so, as a society we have had access to more information than ever before in modern history because of the Internet. There are approximately 1 billion Internet users in the world and any one of these users can theoretically communicate in real time with any other on the planet.The Internet has been the greatest technological achievement of the 20th century by far, and has been recognized as such by the global community. The free transfer of information, uncensored, unlimited and untainted, still seems to be a dream when you think about it. Whatever field that is mentioned- education, commerce, government, news, entertainment, politics and countless other areas- have been radically affected by the introduction of the Internet.And mostly, it's good news, except when poor judgements are made and people are taken advantage of. Scrutiny and oversight are needed, especially where children are involved. However, when there are potential profits open to a corporation, the needs of society don't count.Take the recent case in Canada with the behemoths, Telus and Rogers rolling out a charge for text messaging without any warning to the public. It was an arrogant and risky move for the telecommunications giants because it backfired. People actually used Internet technology to deliver a loud and clear message to these companies and that was to scrap the extra charge. The people used the power of the Internet against the big boys and the little guys won.However, the issue of text messaging is just a tiny blip on the radar screens of Telus and another company, Bell Canada, the two largest Internet Service Providers (ISP'S) in Canada. Our country is being used as a test case to drastically change the delivery of Internet service forever. The change will be so radical that it has the potential to send us back to the horse and buggy days of information sharing and access.In the upcoming weeks watch for a report in Time Magazine that will attempt to smooth over the rough edges of a diabolical plot by Bell Canada and Telus, to begin charging per site fees on most Internet sites. The plan is to convert the Internet into a cable-like system, where customers sign up for specific web sites, and then pay to visit sites beyond a cutoff point.From my browsing (on the currently free Internet) I have discovered that the 'demise' of the free Internet is slated for 2010 in Canada, and two years later around the world. Canada is seen a good choice to implement such shameful and sinister changes, since Canadians are viewed as being laissez fair, politically uninformed and an easy target.The corporate marauders will iron out the wrinkles in Canada and then spring the new, castrated version of the Internet on the rest of the world, probably with little fanfare, except for some dire warnings about the 'evil' of the Internet (free) and the CEO's spouting about 'safety and security'. These buzzwords usually work pretty well.What will the Internet look like in Canada in 2010? I suspect that the ISP's will provide a "package" program as companies like Cogeco currently do. Customers will pay for a series of websites as they do now for their television stations. Television stations will be available on-line as part of these packages, which will make the networks happy since they have lost much of the younger market which are surfing and chatting on their computers in the evening. However, as is the case with cable television now, if you choose something that is not part of the package, you know what happens. You pay extra.And this is where the Internet (free) as we know it will suffer almost immediate, economic strangulation. Thousands and thousands of Internet sites will not be part of the package so users will have to pay extra to visit those sites! In just an hour or two it is possible to easily visit 20-30 sites or more while looking for information. Just imagine how high these costs will be.At present, the world condemns China because that country restricts certain websites. "They are undemocratic; they are removing people's freedom; they don't respect individual rights; they are censoring information,” are some of the comments we hear. But what Bell Canada and Telus have planned for Canadians is much worse than that. They are planning the death of the Internet (free) as we know it, and I expect they'll be hardly a whimper from Canadians.It's all part of the corporate plan for a New World Order and virtually a masterstroke that will lead to the creation of billions and billions of dollars of corporate profit at the expense of the working and middle classes. There are so many other implications as a result of these changes, far too many to elaborate on here.Be aware that we will all lose our privacy because all websites will be tracked as part of the billing procedure, and we will be literally cut off from 90% of the information that we can access today. The little guys on the Net will fall likes flies; Bloggers and small website operators will die a quick death because people will not pay to go to their sites and read their pages. Ironically, the only medium that can save us is the one we are trying to save- the Internet (free).This article will be posted on my Blog, www.realitycheck.typepad.com and I encourage people and groups to learn more about this issue. Canadians can keep the Internet free just as they kept text messaging free. Don't wait for the federal politicians. They will do nothing to help us.I would welcome a letter to the editor of the Standard Freeholder from a spokesperson from Bell Canada or Telus telling me that I am absolutely wrong in what I have written, and that no such changes to the Internet are being planned, and that access to Internet sites will remain FREE in the years to come. In the meantime, I encourage all of you to write to the media, ask questions, phone the radio station, phone a friend, or think of something else to prevent what appears to me to be inevitable.Maintaining Internet (free) access is the only way we have a chance at combatting the global corporate takeover, the North American Union, and a long list of other deadly deeds that the elite in society have planned for us. Yesterday was too late in trying to protect our rights and freedoms. We must now redouble our efforts in order to give our children and grandchildren a fighting chance in the future.This is from...http://realitycheck.typepad.com/commentary_news/2008/07/death-of-free-internet-is-imminent--canada-will-be-test-case.htmlWritten by Kevin ParkinsonJuly 20, 2008Read more…
Strong list this year with Radiohead, Elbow and British Sea Power among the nominees for Best Album. I know Radiohead don't seem to set much store by awards, but it's promising for music in general that music of this standard is recognized in some way don't you think?
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Hey there friends!So as you all know, I had been planning for months to go to the Mansfield show (while on a business trip which luckily coincided with the tour date), so I could spend my 1 year anniversary with my boyfriend and my favourite band. Sadly, work has last minute cancelled my trip, which leaves me with a pit ticket for Mansfield that I'm unable to use (and also leaves me and my boyfriend rather gutted!). If anyone has a comparable ticket for either of the Hollywood shows, or for Santa Barbara, please let me know! I'm happy either to trade, or I'm willing to buy a decent ticket for either of the LA shows or SB -- I'm especially looking for a pit ticket to Santa Barbara, if anyone has one I could buy.Thanks for your help!!
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I plan on keeping an updated blog as I travel to all the North American 2nd Leg tour dates of the In Rainbows tour starting with the All Points West Festival. Testing....z z zz
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Watch more TV :)Not the first time, not the last... But if normal people have to tell right from wrong not only from partial papers but also from so-called documentaries, we'll never see the end of it... I already hear those telling me "I saw it on TV, they said it's safe ! There's no global warming, you're paranoid..." Open a book, moron.Hopefully, this brightens my day. The deadlines are optimistic, but they're ambitious. If they plan stuff like this, why don't we ?Read more…
"(Fortsetzung:Flackernde, kurze Sätze,die eine Montage sind)(Fortsetzung:Kurze Montage,flackernd und Springend durch Wörter und Bilder)"Rolf Dieter Brinkmann
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hey its me travisthings are looking down man im too miserable to look people in the eye and instead stare at my boots and see pieces of sky between them because im falling down from a great height and if i open my mouth to complain i'll just vomit everywhere.i called daisy and she didnt want to talk. i asked her if she was sick, because we'd fought last time we met. she punched me in the head and bruised me and she said you were a jackass and you deserved it i really hope you get gangrene you fuck. i hung up and walked down the hallway.at table, he took a huge bite of vanilla icecream and then looked up at me. i was staring. he winked and slowly licked it off his lips and fingers, his eyes locked with mine. i couldnt help imagining.... i had to leave the table. he knows.
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Well I've made a decision. I've been studying for my BSN, but I had a big change of heart recently. Well, acutally I've wanted to do it since I was little, but I kind of let my practical side take over somewhere along the way and didn't think I could do it anymore. But now that it seems like a possibility again, I'm willing...I'm driven to do everything I can to made it happen.I'm going to get my BSN, but within a year to two after (probably two, so that i'll have more experience to show off and plenty of time to prepare for the test) - I'm going for med school. I think I can do it. MUSC has a good program and they're not wrapped up in having specific pre-reqs and pre-med majors. They're looking for a more rounded app (and not to mention, i'll have clinical experience by that point); though me taking some of the normal pre-reqs for other med schools will probably help. If it were just over the MCAT, I'd do self study (I was a homeschooler so that would work fine for me, I'm used to it), but for app purposes - the extra effort of taking classes will look good. Its a long shot. I know its extremely difficult, but its something I really want to do, and to be honest - something I need to do.The last few months, I've been sickened by these other students who are attending - I've been reading the work from my fellow classmates, and christ - people can't even write! I feel like I have to translate to figure out what they're saying, I mean some of these people sound like they never even got through grade school grammar! I've honestly heard six year olds who speak better, just without a few of the fancy words. And they're passing through college just fine! Probably with all c's, but they still get the degree! People are knocking off from classes all the time so they can go play with their friend's new dog.I, on the other hand, am busting my ass trying to get the top grades, perfect attendence so that I know what they hell I was supposed to learn that day, graduate quickly, be one of the youngest in my class, and get every honors I can! And sure, it'll give me a bit of an edge on nursing applications, but god, its not like there's a shortage of nursing jobs! In the long run it won't make that much of a difference over someone who graduated several years older, in five rather than four years time (as most nurses at my college do), missed every class they could, with c+, maybe b average, never did any extra work, or got into and completed any honors programs. I was just starting to wonder why the hell i'm putting myself through the hassle when i'm not really getting much for it. And more than that - there's some room for promotion and academic/professional growth in nursing, sure, but theirs still a point when you're going to hit the ceiling in that job whether or not you have more potential or desire for more. in the end, that c average, given enough time, will get just the same amount of achievement as you. why the hell try? Its overkill!But now that I'm going for med school, i have a reason to try. My efforts will actually further me along in my knowledge and what I can accomplish. I really need a career that's going to let me go as far as I can, and I don't mean financially. For christ sake, I think 35k+ is enough for a young single woman to live off of - if that was all there was to it I'd stay a nurse, I'm not a money-greedy person. I was poor for too long to be able to respect people who feel that they need such excessive amounts of money. I'd be dissapointed the rest of my life, I think, if I didn't do something, if I just threw away the opportunity. I was trying to find something like that in nursing, like the international nursing jobs where you get to travel from country to country every 3 to 6 months. But that was about the biggest thing I could do. I'm not the kind of person to just happily settle into the 9-5 job as long as it pays the bills. And I also know that if I can find something i like, I could easily be a workaholic - something valued in the medical profession. The bottom line is that I want a career in the health field, I've always stuck with that even after I gave up my aspirations of becoming a doctor years ago. But I need to know what I can do, and with an md, potentially a md/phd later down the line, i only get stopped when I've hit my limit.Now that I've decided I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel completely happy with what I am doing for the first time. I was almost there with nursing, but I always felt somewhat held back, missing something. I know I can do this, I have to do it.
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