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Climate Change Will Be Irreversible

The world is facing an increasing risk of "irreversible" climate shifts because worst-case scenarios warned of two years ago are being realized, an international panel of scientists has warned.Drought, flooding, storms and mass extinction in the future will have a heavy social cost as well.Temperatures, sea levels, acid levels in oceans and ice sheets were already moving "beyond the patterns of natural variability within which our society and economy have developed and thrived," scientists said in a report released Thursday.The findings came at the end of a three-day conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, where nearly 2,000 researchers gathered to discuss climate change.The group called on policy-makers to use all tools available to reduce dangerous emissions of greenhouse gases.The current climate situation on the planet may be as severe as the worst-case scenarios predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which issued warnings in 2007 of a future beset by flooding, drought, storms and mass extinction of species.In its report, the researchers also warned of potential social costs across the planet because of climate change.Temperature rises above 2 degrees Celsius would lead to climate disruption for the rest of the century and disproportionately affect poor nations, the researchers warned."Recent observations show that societies are highly vulnerable to even modest levels of climate change, with poor nations and communities particularly at risk," the report said.The conclusions of the conference will be presented to politicians when they meet in Copenhagen in December. It is then that leaders will discuss a new global agreement on greenhouse gas emission levels to replace the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012.
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v1b2pg748 while watching showboat

hence, for being the talent [following other people incessently] she was its own unlikely servant. Her grandmother said she took endless troubles to be independent. This anger occupied nothing wonderful in her comfortable consideration of humans, which position it enjoyed, whose households, meanwhile, would have been domiciled as a charity. So, meekly taming his boyhood without discovering, not delight so much, perhaps which she had established without possibility of error and extravagent love, but succeeded precisely in eating somebody easily led.
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Jon Stewart Vs Jim Cramer - MUST SEE!! !

In case you missed this incredible interview from last night's The Daily Show between Jon Stewart and Jim Cramer. It was refreshing to finally see television digging deep into what's really going on with the economy and what we are being fed by the media. Enjoy...Part 1Part 2Part 3Saludos!-SSA
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What's on my mind.

Okay, so after minor surgery 2wks ago, a crazy weekend and quite a hectic week of just plain weirdness, I'm feeling a bit disconnected. To what, I'm not sure. It's like I reconnected to who I was a lifetime ago by some freakish twist of fate, and now I find myself looking at who I've become and only bits and pieces are seeming at all familiar. I worry about useless and unimportant details that always seem to work themselves out. I lose focus on the big picture, and in the process I overlook the fun in things. Never planned to suck the joy of things, but nonetheless, sometimes that is exactly what happens (followed by the inevitable guilt and self-reflection of course).The kids, are the oddest little people, all quirky and cute. The things I used to just accept as part of who they are have unintentionally become the focus of my current analysis. Don't really want to go down that road. Kids do things because they want to, too young to understand the intricacies governing politeness and good judgment. Happy just to be. Every other emotion is fleeting. I find myself a bit envious of that quality and seem to be searching for ways not to stifle that in them. Happy dances and squeals of delight at inopportune moments can be frustrating, but you can't help but smile at their freedom. A few days ago we stopped at this fast food joint. Healthy, I know. It was just the five of us when we got there. After the two littles were done eating (for the most part) they got the toy that we had kept hidden from them until they ate. People began filing in and the kids were bouncing in their seats screeching their excitement at the top of their lungs, which echoed in the mostly glass structure. We got strange looks from everyone. I busted out laughing. I couldn't stop, which only proved to fuel the kids boisterous laughter as well. When hubby asked me about my little fit of hysteria, I told him that I just realized that all the guys who walked in here seemed to be telling their partners that our kids are the reason they never want children. Yes, for that afternoon, we were those people and I didn't care. Usually I stress myself out trying to teach them decorum, but it's overrated. Who really cares about all these people that we will never know? They were just happy and sometimes happy is loud.I guess as much as it's my job to teach my kids how the world works and how to grow up to be the best they can be, they are teaching me (slowly but surely) how to unfurl all that is twisted and just let things be as they are. That is a very difficult lesson to relearn, especially for someone who somehow inadvertently grew up to be an extremely worried and slightly paranoid freak. I remember swinging as high as I could. So high that gravity almost took over at the apex just before the arc of the swing could catch up. And right at that moment of highest exhiliration, jumping off and landing as far away as possible, on my feet no less. I could do that all afternoon. Now, of course, if I ever got the nerve to swing higher than the bar and jump, it would end in certain death. Okay, at least certain hospitalization. And I could have a coronary just watching one of my kids jumping off a swing, at any height. I'm amazed at how things can change so much and you never even notice it happen.Anyway, like I said, I hardly recognize myself. I really have got to relax.
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Estimados, por fuerza de trabajo, cambio entrada del concierto de radiohead en chile, del día 26 por el día 27 en galería, es decir, la entrada de $27.000, favor, responder los interesados o interesadas al correo o al de la página de radiohead latinoamérica. Mi telefono es 5691617035 y me llamo Gianni Grondona. Saludos y adiós.
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Amigos de la tierra en mexico

La organización ambientalista Amigos de la Tierra difundirá este fin de semana su campaña contra el cambio climático, en el marco de los conciertos que ofrecerá Radiohead en la Ciudad de México, los próximos 15 y 16 de marzo.Dentro de la gira mundial de Radiohead, que incluye a la capital mexicana, y como en otros países, Amigos de la Tierra acudirá al Foro Sol para difundir su campaña “No te quemes. Bájale al calentamiento global”.El vocalista de Radiohead, Thom Yorke ha expresado, en repetidas ocasiones, que “las soluciones al cambio climático ya existen, sólo necesitamos que los políticos lleven a cabo las decisiones correctas porque ellos escriben las leyes que los ciudadanos deben de seguir”.“Apoyen firmando a favor de las campañas de Amigos de la Tierra en nuestros conciertos o en sus respectivos sitios de Internet, y muestren a sus gobiernos que los quieren ver hacer más contra el cambio climático”, añadió Yorke….El músico inicio su colaboración con la campaña en el Reino Unido, donde Amigos de la Tierra ha logrado convencer al gobierno para que presente una ley pionera de cambio climático.Amigos de la Tierra México tendrá un punto de información los dos días de concierto de Radiohead, con actividades para que cada persona aporte su granito de arena a esta campaña y actúe frente al cambio climático.La federación de organizaciones Amigos de la Tierra coincide con estas palabras y en su campaña animará al público asistente a los conciertos a que reclame al gobierno mexicano sobre políticas ambientales acordes con lo firmado en instancias internacionales.En el caso de México, la deforestación y pérdida de biodiversidad provocados por los monocultivos forestales, el aumento de la explotación minera y de la construcción de grandes represas, entre otros proyectos.México produce actualmente 623 millones de toneladas de emisiones de CO2 al año y ocupa el número 15 de la lista de países más contaminantes en ese rubro a nivel mundial.

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Why YouTube is absolutely necessary

Hours and hours of endless fun with Tommy Seebach's Apache mashup-videos

I really hope these kind of treasures won't get pulled from the YouTube -- this is why the whole service was invented, isn't it. contemplative.gif

The Prodigy: Voodoo People

Air: Kelly Watch The Stars (Moog Cookbook remix)

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Еще один подарок

Впрочем, был еще один подарочек. Вот такой:Угадайте, кто будет красоваться в прозрачном кармашке? Правильно! Потому как дисконтной карты такой у меня нет, а фотографии близких я в таких местах не держу после того, как у меня, раззявы, сперли кошелек и больше денег мне было жаль карточки моих родных, которые там были.А РХ не будет жалко, еще сделаем))
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limited character word salad

This blog entry will be a running series of limited character random word salads. I will update the title number when there is a new entry. I hope to fuel future artistic projects with the proceeds of this experiment in verbalization.03/07/09#01Daylight shavings cut lunatic silhouettes & long shadows from drywall.Bent knee on Russian deconstructivist angles rotate stares at a precipice.3/10#2Wincing at distant giant fingertips, crushing my skull betwixt filthy digits. Freight train shakes blues, broken tracks through grey mist, no matter Pete... pierced ears dog whistle frequency repeat. Adolescent giggles revisited by sighing pedestrian terrapin porn.poor shoe show3/13#3Natl. Pi Day - as in ratio-of-a-circle's-circumference-to-diameter - is tomorrow... because there's always room for pi & circumnavigating triscadekaphobics.3/16#4Contemplating the tender, ephemeral perfection that is Charlie Kaufman's Synecdoche, NY. We should ALL be so ordinarily beautiful, and in this film, we are.

Happy birthday to you, my two favorite fish, your love was always my greatest wish.3/17#5Agrees w/ Jon Stewart when he says to populist-symbolists - "I don't think 'tea-bags for the WH' is really saying what you think it means...3/20#6My stepmother Barbara just passed away of liver failure. In memory, check that box on your driver's license for post-mortem organ donation, and thank you.3/25#7Snowflakes mock restless cherry blossoms and shivering bumblebees.4/1#8I'm considering the lost marketing potential for red-hot cinnamon-flavored chicken lips kissing potion. Poultry pouts partial to sizzling spices. MWAH! April fuels!4/16#9Pink gutter petals, Spring snow sakura drift concrete, Tires smell distance.4/17#10Rotting winter/spring, Aching sweats, frozen air tears. Heavy clouds sigh "Enough"4/24#11wield golden lassoforcing liars to come cleanWonder Woman wins4/28#12Grey matter migraine is the flattened head-cheese meat in a symbol-crash sandwich.

9/28#13lonely is a distance measured in infinite proportions,desperate black hole gravitating the worst possibilities,hope whispers a siren song from the abyss,with tempting empty lover's kiss.
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