Thom (90)

Time's a wasting

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to blog about here, but not knowing who you are (that is aside from you being part of the Radiohead community) is kind of liberating. So if you're reading this, all I have to say is I'm lacking some serious motivation to write my MA thesis, and I'd rather really just spend my time converting m4a files into mp3's. Or perhaps send an angry letter to my city transportation board asking them why they keep increasing fares while declining in service. Or beg the PhD program I want to enter for funding from their 1.2 billion dollar a year endowment. Is this how you treat a sadist who is willing to spend the next 5 years of her life living in poverty to further research and education?

Or I can listen to some music and escape the melange of self-induced life dilemmas. On the bright side, I got to see Thom Yorke/Atoms for Peace the second night in Oakland, and I'm quite sure that this experience changed my life. Being in the midst of all that exciting energy between artists and fans felt like I was truly at peace and at home--if home were a state of mind, of course. Now back to writing about civil society.
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Upgrade special № 2 2010

За последние месяцы убедилась, что единственным изданием в российской прессе, где в каждом номере так или иначе упоминается Radiohead – о файлообменниках ли речь, о новых музыкальных альбомах, о способе распространения музыки – является журнал Upgrade special. Некто из редакции непременно проследит за тем, чтобы заветное словцо “radiohead” (или того пуще – “том йорк”) оказалось в печати.

Второй номер текущего года не стал исключением. Да как ещё не стал! Речь в очередной заметке о Йорке вообще посвящена саммиту в Копенгагене.

Борьба «зеленых»

Том Йорк на защите планеты

Не все считают глобальное потепление страшилками ученых. Например, вокалисть группы Radiohead Том Йорк уверен, что оно реально и убьет нас всех, если мы срочно что-нибудь не предпримем.
И действительно, он что-то предпринимает.

Недавно в Копенгагене проходил климатический саммит ООН, посвящённый проблемам изменения климата. Как известно, защитников окружающей среды на саммит не пускают.
Пррбравшись туда под видом журналиста, Том моментально привлек внимание камер и дал несколько поучительных интервью. В частности, выразил свое возмущение тем, что обсуждения проходят в закрытом режиме и «ни один нормальный человек не может понять, что происходит на самом деле» и к каким выводам приходят «эти чопорные мужи средних лет». Средствам массовой информации, по мнению Йорка, доверять тоже не стоит:
«Игнорируйте ВВС, это просто стая обезъян, которым компании платят за то, чтобы они отрицали очевидное».
Позже в блоге на сайте Radiohead Том подробно описал впечатления от поездки в Данию. «В переговорах явно сквозили интересы «большой восьмерки». Западные страны навязывают свои условия, притворяясь, будто наукой можно торговать». Досталось Обаме: «больше всего бесит подход Америки. Хиллари Клинтон пыталась свалить на кого-то ответственность за выбросы. Обама ничего не сказал. Я очень сочувствую всем американцам, которые возлагали на него надежды». Наконец, Том констатировал обреченность всего мероприятия: «Наши лидеры знают, что покрыли себя позором. Они знают, что не могут прийти к соглашению и навязать его нам без того, чтобы в нем немедленно не обнаружились дыры».
Впрочем, можно ли было ожидать чего-то более обнадеживающего от человека, написавшего «Karma Police»?

Ну и на немаленькой фотографии Том Йорк со своим другом, активистом английской партии зелёных Тони Юнипером (тот самый симпатичный седовласый дядечка) на копенгагенском саммите. Юнипер тоже прикинулся журналистом, чтобы его туда пропустили, хаха.

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Via - DeadAirSpace...

hey everyone

ok so in April the other band.. that i got together to do the eraser and other stuff u know .. Mauro, Flea, Me, Joey and Nigel is going back out to do some shows in the US.. ending with playing with Coachella. we had too much fun to just leave it there...

it has been decided that we call ourselves Atoms For Peace. hope you like the name.. it seemed bleedin' obvious.

these are the shows & Flying Lotus is opening for us -
New York Roseland Ballroom 5th & 6th
Boston Citi Wang Theatre 8th
Chicago Aragon Ballroom 10th & 11th
Oakland Fox Theatre 14th & 15th
Santa Barbara Bowl 17th

for further details follow this link:

all warmth


Good times.
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Сегодня на работе полезла на свой любимый гигз, зашла в тему "Фото". В это время на монитор посмотрела начальник и воскликнула: "Алина Фаритовна, это же Ваш знакомый!" И слышалась в голосе радость от узнавания:)Вот такие у меня знакомые. С утра встречают после пробуждения. Не успеешь добраться до работы - он уже там. Провожает с работы, а вернёшься домой - он успел раньше:).
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HOLLA !! SHOW AUDIO thnks ricardohead !!! MY FAVORITE SONG - ABSOLUTELY AMAZING - BATUCADA !!!! SEXYTHOM PICS BY DAMITA La banda formada por Thom que se compone de Nigel Godrich, Mauro Refosco, Flea y Joey Waronker dara esta noche un show informal en el Echoplex de Los Angeles. El show fue anunciado menos de 24 horas antes a través de Dead Air Space – aunque los rumores del mismo ya trascendieron el miercoles 30 de Septiembre. Las entradas se agotaron en cuestión de minutos en la web, y en la reventa los precios llegaban hasta los 1.500 dolares THM DEDICATED ATOMS FOR PEACE TO RACHEL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THM LOVES RHCP Thom: Really? Reminds me of early rave 1992. It’s just the drumbeat thing, I guess. Uh… um… early rave isn’t 1992. Get your facts right, boy! Anyway, the funny thing was that to be honest the guitar on it was really influenced by… I went to see the Chili Peppers a few times and I really like the way John Frusciante plays. And uh… it was sort of a homage to that, in my sort of clunky ‘can’t–really-pick kind of way Thom's response with playing an imaginary guitar look at htm ¡!! Jjaja hha ¡!! he is a big fan RHCP htp:// john frusciante is a big fan RHCP NOW THM HAVE TWO BANDS - WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT IT ? AHORA THM TIENE DOS BANDAS - QUE PIENSAS AL RESPECTO? show review LA Times Thom Yorke is a great dancer. This talent doesn't come up too often in his day job fronting the transcendently dispirited quintet Radiohead, where long, simmering songs tend to cover topics like wolves at one's door, impending ice ages and God being unamused by a videotape of your life. But at Friday night's debut of his still-unnamed solo-project/ensemble at the Echoplex, he moved like Busby Berkeley at the end of days -- jerky robot twitches, stoned head-rolls, teenage sock-hop bouncing. For a man who leads what's likely to be the last rock band considered the best and best-selling at the same time, there was a sense of a previously untapped emotion in the onstage performance: Joy. For the few hundred vigilant souls at the Echoplex who managed to sneak onto Ticketweb before it exploded Friday, the feeling was absolutely mutual. Yorke formed the new project -- with Flea, Nigel Godrich, Joey Waronker and Mauro Refosco -- to play out material from Yorke's 2006 glitchy laptop-pop solo debut "The Eraser" and a few new and rare tunes. Yorke billed it as a "rehearsal" onstage, but the set was a flawless performance. Though it will break the heart of everyone in the line that stretched to Echo Park Lake outside, there was standing room aplenty next to Zack de la Rocha, Kim Gordon and, we hear, Daft Punk and Rick Rubin in there. First, it must be said that casting Flea on bass was a devilish and particularly brilliant move for this ensemble. There might not be another rock musician with a better sense of syncopation, and his drill-bit-precise computer-funk bass lines made the songs swing in a way that Radiohead rarely gets at on record. Opening with the title track from "The Eraser," it was instantly apparent the group was up to something entirely different. Phil Selway is a fine drummer in Radiohead, but this material veered much closer to the kind of drum-and-bass and old-rave percussion that's percolated into Radiohead's arrangements but never really stood up front. Maybe I just have this sound on the brain lately, but a lot of it moved like dubstep and what you'd find at Low End Theory. "The Clock" and "Skip Divided" were revelatory this way -- the edge-of-your-seat beats with Yorke's ever-reaching falsetto and a melodica turn by Flea added up to something uncannily pretty yet completely swaggering and kinetic. There were more handmade and intimate takes on "Eraser" tracks like "Atoms For Peace," with its particularly fiendish off-time bass runs, and the piano-centric "Black Swan," but the band seemed to know they worked best when playing as a kind of post-apocalyptic version of the Time. The menacing punk-funk murder ballad of "Harrowdown Hill" practically dripped blood, and when Yorke sang lines like "Did I fall or was I pushed? / Don't ask me, ask the Ministry," it felt less mournful and more like a promise to haunt the heck out of whoever did the deed. Though the set was very much about the interplay within the new group, Radiohead obsessives had plenty to mull over. During an encore/interlude at the piano, Yorke played unreleased songs (known to the encyclopedic fansite At Ease Web as "Skirting on the Surface," "Lotus Flower," "Judge, Jury and Executioner" and "Open The Floodgates"), some of which have reportedly been in the Radiohead orbit for a few years. It's unclear if Yorke has now claimed them as solo material or was using them to fill the set out. But Yorke's self-deprecating wisecracks about how little material the band had was totally unfounded. By the time they veered from a sprawling 7/8 workout jam into the splintery new cut "FeelingPulledApartByHorses," Yorke and his band were on their toes again, flailing like teenage garage-band savants who just discovered the physical pleasures of playing together. If you have Orpheum tickets, these shows will both confirm and upend a lot of what you think about Radiohead and Yorke as a writer-arranger. He's still nudging the outer limits of what a rock band is capable of today, but by turning to some basic, downright sexy beat-making and gleeful witch-doctor arrangements. The lines around the Orpheum this weekend will be intimidating. Make sure you're in one. -- August Brown THE SUPERBAND ON TWITTER AMAZING VIDEOS MANY THANKS : EXITMUSIC - RADIOHEADCHILE -ATEASE- CITIZENINSANE-MYQUEENBEAR-RICARDOHEAD-DAMITA BYE LADY FROM EGIPT - FUCKING PYRAMID SONG !!!
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"Лучшие компьютерные игры" 12' 2009:" ... если в голосовом чате какой-нибудь высоколобый эстет нагоняет тоску нетленками Radiohead... " (Team Fortress 2)Зануда, но хороший парень - вот характеристика, данная ТЙ БГ в пресс-конференции последнего в Уфе.
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The Present Tense Thom new song live at latitude festival mp3 watch the best videos in my profile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BBC NEWS / ENTERTAINMENT Graphics VersionBBC Sport Home -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13:10 GMT, Sunday, 19 July 2009 14:10 UK Yorke plays solo gig at Latitude By Mark Savage Entertainment reporter, BBC News, Latitude Festival Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke has played a rare acoustic set to kick off the last day of the Latitude Festival in Suffolk. Crowds began to gather at the main stage with their breakfast rolls during the singer's soundcheck at 10am BST. By the time Yorke got on stage at noon, the audience equalled that of Saturday night's headliner, Grace Jones. Seated behind a grand piano, the 41-year-old opened with the title track from his 2006 album The Eraser. Good spirits But the shaggy-haired star defied expectations by playing Radiohead material, too. Set highlights included Weird Fishes, a track from the band's 2007 album In Rainbows, and elegiac version of Everything In Its Right Place, from Kid A. A stripped-back version of Harrowdown Hill, in which the musician looped a bass line and layered keyboard and guitar over the top, also proved popular with the crowd. In good spirits throughout the early morning set, Yorke's first words to the crowd were: "Shhh... There's people sleeping". "Radiohead are an amazing band, but to see him on his own, approaching the songs in a different way, was really exciting" Ian Hannent, Thom Yorke fan Later, in response to a cry of "I love you Thom", he replied drily; "Yes dear, I'll be home later." Switching between piano, keyboard and guitars, he played several rare and new songs, including Follow Me Around, a track hich had been "sitting on the shelf and never really come off the shelf". "Anyway, you can get it on Youtube now," the star joked. Radiohead's long-time producer Nigel Godrich was seen singing along at the side of the stage. Called back on to the stage for an encore, he rounded off the hour-long set with Radiohead tracks There, There and True Love Waits - from the band's live EP I Might Be Wrong. Fan Ian Hannent from London was bowled over by the show. "It's a great opportunity to see somebody that good, so close up," he told the BBC News website. "Radiohead are an amazing band, but to see him on his own, approaching the songs in a different way, was really exciting." Elliot Hulland-Camp from Canterbury agreed the set had been "astonishing". "I wasn't sure the time of day would suit this type of gig but it was the right mix of Radiohead songs and solo stuff. "Because he's the only act on at the moment, as well, everyone came for this one event. It was pretty special." Yorke himself said he had had a "lovely time: The star will be back at his day job when Radiohead headline the Reading and Leeds festival on August Bank Holiday weekend. Thom Yorke's full set can be heard on Tom Robinson's 6Music show from 2000 BST on Sunday.
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"Sadness falls upon the land..."

In a lengthy interview in the latest issue of The Believer magazine, Thom Yorke has revealed that we'll probably be waiting quite a long time for the next proper Radiohead album. We're more likely to get some EPs or singles or one-off musical releases (perhaps like "Harry Patch [In Memory Of]"?) in the near future."None of us want to go into that creative hoo-ha of a long-play record again. Not straight off," Yorke said. "I mean, it's just become a real drag. It worked with In Rainbows because we had a real fixed idea about where we were going. But we've all said that we can't possibly dive into that again. It'll kill us."He clarified that Radiohead doesn't inherently hate the concept of the full-length. He said, "I mean, obviously, there's still something great about the album. It's just, for us, right now, we need to get away from it a bit." Later, he added, "In Rainbows was a particular aesthetic and I can't bear the idea of doing that again. Not that it's not good, I just can't... bear... that."One kind of Radiohead-related music that might materialize? Orchestral works. As Yorke told The Believer, "Jonny [Greenwood] and I have talked about sitting down and writing songs for orchestra and orchestrating it fully and just doing it like that and then doing a live take of it and that's it - finished. We've always wanted to do it, but we've never done it because, I think the reason is, we're always taking songs that haven't been written for that, and then trying to adapt them. That's one possible EP because, with things like that, you think, Do you want to do a whole record like that? Or do you just want to get stuck into it for a bit and see how it feels?"The entire interview is well worth reading, with Yorke celebrating the death of the CD and the downfall of the music industry as we know it, reflecting on the difficulty of environmentally-friendly touring and music releasing, and musing on the state of Radiohead in general. There's also this wonderful exchange:The Believer: Do you feel like there's any definitive sound that you've been solidifying over your career?Thom Yorke: I fucking hope not.Here is part of the interview:THE BELIEVER: In some ways, the way Internet singles work is close to the way things used to be with the music industry in the ’50s, before full-lengths were the thing, and radio singles were what defined artists.THOM YORKE: Right, and if you forget about the money issue for just a minute, if it’s possible to do that—because these are people’s livelihoods we’re talking about—and you look at it in terms of the most amazing broadcasting network ever built, then it’s completely different. In some ways, that’s the best way of looking at it. I mean, I don’t spend my fucking life downloading free MP3s, because I hate the websites. No one seems to know what they’re talking about. I’d much rather go to sites like Boomkat, where people know what they’re talking about.BLVR: Boomkat is great.TY: It’s brilliant. To me, that’s a business model. It’s like when I used to go to music shops in Oxford. You’re looking at this and you’re looking at that and there’s a whole line of other things going down the side saying, “You’ll probably like this,” and “You might like this.”BLVR: I love those stores where everything’s hand-selected and the clerks write little descriptions about the music.TY: Yeah, and you can listen to it all. I mean, Boomkat is very specific with the type of stuff they flog there, but I can’t see why that wouldn’t work for all music.Source: The Believer MagazineHere's a bit more of that same interview:[Believer]: Do you think [the In Rainbows pay-as-you-will method] worked?[Yorke]: Oh, yeah. It worked on two or three different levels. The first level is just sort of getting a point across that we wanted to get across about music being valuable. It also worked as a way of using the Internet to promote your record, without having to use iTunes or Google or whatever. You rely on the fact that you know a lot of people want to hear it. You don’t want to have to go to the radio first and go through all that bullshit about what’s the first single. You don’t want to have to go to the press. That was my thing, like, I am NOT giving it to the press two months early so they can tear it to shreds and destroy it for people before they’ve even heard it. And it worked on that level. And it also worked financially.[Believer]: Do you think this method would work for other bands who aren’t as known as Radiohead?[Yorke]: With the press, we’re in a lucky position where we don’t really have to rely on a reviewer’s opinion, so why would we let that get in the way? If people want to play it for themselves, why don’t we just give it to them to listen to? I just don’t want to have to read about it first.[Believer]: And that style of release definitely promotes the album as a work of art, rather than a bunch of singles floating around the Internet.[Yorke]: Oh, that’s interesting. I appreciate that. Unfortunately, a lot of people got the album in the wrong order.[Believer]: What about the idea of an album as a musical form? You think that the format is still worthwhile amid iPod shuffling?[Yorke]: I’m not very interested in the album at the moment.[Believer]: I’ve heard you talk a lot about singles and EPs. Is that what you’ve been moving toward?[Yorke]: I’ve got this running joke: Mr. Tanaka runs this magazine in Japan. He always says to me, “EPs next time?” And I say yes and go off on one, and he says, “Bullshit.” [Laughs] But I think really, this time, it could work. It’s part of the physical-release plan I was talking about earlier. None of us want to go into that creative hoo-ha of a long-play record again. Not straight off. I mean, it’s just become a real drag. It worked with In Rainbows because we had a real fixed idea about where we were going. But we’ve all said that we can’t possibly dive into that again. It’ll kill us.
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thom pokemon sneaker

thom crazy danced at grammy performance because he wore pokemon sneaker !! check out amazing picture on attach !!! thom bailo como loco durante la actuacion en grammy porque llevaba puestas las zapatillas de pokemon miralas en el adjunto !!! thom look by rick owen, the trendy fashion designer !!! thom se lookea en rick owen, un diseñador de vanguardia the cost of pokeman sneaker is $ 1100 jaja !!! very cheap !!! las pokemon zapatillas cuestan $ 1100 baratito !!! thanks liza for amazing picture and links !!! / ttp:// rick owen links owen men style watch owens video
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a friendly schoolmate let me borrow his comic book collection. everything was fine until under extreme mental distress, i began noticing reflections of my life in the comics. it was amusing until my death was foreshadowed and then came true according to book nine, i realized that in fact it was my life that was based on the comics. shortly after my death i was driven to suicide again, anguished by the lack of control i held over my fate. a few days later a girl from school dragged me down to her height by my tie and asked me to kiss her. i realized that this, too, was from the comic and, seeing an opportunity to break away from the book, i refused. when i had escaped to my home, i recieved a text message from her declaring she was making me lunch. i accepted hungrily but then broke into tears remembering book three, when the girl from school made lunch for the boy she likes. after finishing some math problems i began hasty construction of a hangman's noose in the flickering light of a fire on my bed fueled by the comics i had collected. during my work i was tormented by a feeling of forgetting something important. at seven i recieved another text message asking if i preferred rice or pasta. 'rice' i responded, measuring the strength of the noose against my foot. halfway through hanging myself i suddenly remembered that the boy died of choking on rice the day after failing to kill himself for the second time. dissapointed, i cut myself down and went to bed.
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