So maybe I'm supposed to be sucked into this Carbon Footprint thing. I keep being drawn to this information! Last night I watched Six Degrees Could Change the World on the National Geographic Channel. Six DegreesJesus - we only have ten years. I know..... they've been telling us about it forever (Thom and co.). Good thing I'm biking to the post office now!I definitely think that the world will change because we have to. I do think that those of us in the West need to overcompensate for the developing countries (like China) who are too busy growing to care. And also that the US has a lot of changing to do and a great responsibility to be a leader in this effort.As long as idiots like Rush Limbaugh and all the other right-wing talk-show hosts keep talking out their asses and the pick-up-truck-driving-rebel-flag-flying-hicks keep buying it.. we need guys like Pickens to get the concept across the TV -- which is the only thing they listen to.Sorry, can you tell I've seen a few of those? -- After my daughter's prom "grand march" this year... several of the students got into their pick-up trucks in a parade of sorts.. flying their HUGE rebel flags.. as they left the school to go to prom. Though it's their right to do what they wish, and I would not impose a restriction on that right.. it does reflect the mentality of those who live around here and it's sad that they've taught their children to glorify a tradition that is not even theirs (um.. we're in Rural New York not Texas or Georgia..) for the sake of expressing their hatred of diversity -- or their ignorance at what traditions they are glorifying. To me it says: "Look at me, I'm an ignorant hick!"Sorry off on a tangent there... Hopefully American's will look past the fear mongering going on with the coming election and we can move to a new future with a democratic white house.
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I think I'm some sort of mailing list.. but this one's from Al Gore's "We Can Solve It" campaign.More good information on what can be done about global warming.Knowledge is power!Check it out: wecansolveit.orgRead more…
Learned about this just today. I think it's a great start to getting Americans thinking about changing our economy and our dependency on fossil fuels. As consumers, we have an unbelievable power if we act in unison toward a common goal.I do think the answer is solar, but wind and natural gas are great ways to break our addiction to oil until solar technologies can be developed.So, check it out: Find more videos like this on PickensPlan Read more…
Radiohead performed a brand new song during the two Dublin shows!It is called Super Collider. Here you can find 2 vids and the lyrics of the songBesides the first video of a Johny Thom version of The Rip was uploaded here in Waste Central!Enjoy!!!
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The Radiohead Dublin setlist for a second night was great, though many great songs can't be part of it.. why do they play either Paranoid android or Jigsaw ? can't they play both of them?:pno down is the new up, no 2+2=5 .. anyway as it is said many times in the past, the only thing you shouldn't do after a radiohead show is to complain about the songs they didn't playbut it is still a really great setlist
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Prince covered Radiohead's hit Creep in Coachella Festival.. after that, some fans uploaded videos of this appearance in youtube but Prince removed them or blocked them. Radiohead didn't accept his move. Thom Yorke said to“Really? He blocked it?” “Surely we should block it. Hang on a moment. Well, tell him to unblock it. It’s our … song.”
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All these competitions come at the wrong time. I'd have loved to have animated a music video for Radiohead, and remixed Nude, but I just don't have the time to give it right now - a year or two ago would have been perfect! Damn LP7 delays... anyway I thought I'd share my old videos and some rh related musicy things:Climbing Up The WallsNo SurprisesRandom video done with Arkaos and their default clips, done to an instrumental cover I did of Cymbal RushHad a go at videotape too before IR version...and most recently I did a random mashup of beastie boys and reckoner, that I think works really well actually :) :Just need a break and I want to turn this hobby into something a bit more real. Just gotta remember not to lose it at the back of my head and one day I'll be in a position where I can advance with this sort of stuff.MattRead more…